Monday, May 10, 2010

~ Tread gently on the Earth ~

So much of our ‘way of life’ is tied up doing things that least affect those living things around
you… treading lightly on the Earth means using products that do not in any way harm anything

around you… more and more people are adopting lifestyles that embrace this concept… and new

ways to live in our world are emerging… people are moving back to the land and reassessing their

lives and the impact they are making on this Earth. It is truly a wonderful time to be living… to see

all these changes taking place… all these new ideas coming to the fore… all these little groups

gathering together to do great things.

But treading gently on the Earth is not just about “doing”… for me it is more about BE-ing. We all

get that our thoughts create things… that we have the power to manifest anything that we want…

but the reality of trying to control our thoughts… to morph them into a positive fountain of joy

and bliss is sometimes really hard… particularly when faced with difficult experiences. The great

thing though is that it is possible… and it becomes more and more a way of life the longer you

practice… like forming any habit it should be practiced often.

For me it all started in the car… I had just read The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

and decided to send out the energy of ‘love and gratitude’ to the rainy world outside of my car…

every puddle I saw I projected outwards an energy wave of love and gratitude… I simply focussed

on the energy of love and thankfulness and imagined it flowing out of my heart and into the pool of

water I saw… I did this with the rain drops too… seeing them in my minds eye fall to the Earth

with their molecules loaded with love and gratitude ~ this in turn spread to the plants that drank

the water… to the people and animals that splashed through puddles and of course into to the

Earth. I did this for all bodies of water I passed… dams, rivers and oceans… no body of water was

too big because I knew that just one molecule of water loaded with love would spread this

heightened state of being to its neighbouring molecules of water… kind of like setting loose a virus

of love and gratitude that infects the whole world through its water systems… and even in the

driest places there is water.

It is about finding this “well of love” within you and then radiating this energy outward… so you are

in a constant state of love… it is like experiencing a waking meditation of sorts… the focus being

on your heart centre… on your connection with Source or God… and with the God in all things…

I find it easiest to do while I am driving my car because I am in a protected bubble of sorts and

am able to observe the world around me as it constantly changes… being the impartial observer

allows you to step back from the mind (judging, assessing, etc) into the stillness of the heart.

What started as a small little ritual has now spread to other things… I do this when I cook my

food (hence the name ‘dinners with love’)… when I walk in shopping centres (smiling is my way of

sending it outwards so that it is tangible to the people around me)… when I tend my garden… and

when I play with my cat… it is all an expression of love at its purest.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t experience the occasional bout of road rage but once the emotion has

passed through me like a storm (once it has been expressed… usually by some rather bad language

and hand shaking)… I smile to myself (in forgiveness)… I take a deep breath… I let it go… and then

I start over… sending out love and gratitude to the world around me.

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