Monday, May 10, 2010

~ New Moon Friday, May 14 2010 ~

In this next moon cycle of change we are urged to look at what keeps us locked into the very real mental behavioural patterns. You might be noticing such patterns in your life particularly in the relationships closest to you (because the people who know us best… know our triggers and how to set them off). These patterns are coming up now to be released ~ not to be judged and criticized by us but to be looked at with love and acceptance. 

These so called patterns have served their purpose (they are gifts that come with lessons and as soon as you learn the lesson the patterns can dissolve) and now it is time to let them go so that you can step into your higher-self energies. This is an on-going process... kind of like peeling back the layers... until you get to the place where you simply shine with radiant light... where you are the very highest possible version of yourself... where you and your divine spark are merged into one.

At New Moon it is the perfect time to make the intention to release these outdated and stuck patterns. Know that these intentions come from your innermost space of love and are for the highest good of all life concerned.

Move into the space of your Infinite Being (higher-self ~ your heart center)… try to imagine your energetic body as a light holograph image before you in your minds eye… see the inner struggles and mental patterns as dark areas located within this holograph… reach forward and gently pick out these areas of darkness and at the same time feel the changes taking place in your own body ~ really use your imagination with this (as you know... energy follows thought ~ so you are actually imagining yourself free of anything that is holding you back from being the best you can be... and so it is) ~ really have fun with this… perhaps see it as a game where you blast the dark areas away with a love blaster… perhaps use the violet flame of transmutation to burn them away… maybe ask the angelic beings to help you… do whatever feels right for you. Once you have cleared the holograph of all dark areas… see in front of you a clear and brilliant light body… feel yourself physically lightened by the whole experience.

Now see an angelic being coming towards you holding out new codes of light ~ you know instinctively that these codes of light hold the higher being (new Earth race) genetics which can now be activated and actualised. See the codes of power as a light suit or cloak… put it on over your body and see all the lines of light begin to activate and “power up” all over the suit ~ see it however you imagine... it may follow and flow through your energy centers... it may feel like a light grid-pattern that covers your whole body... you  may see it follow your meridian system... go with whatever feels right for you. The light is a beautiful golden light much like the sun ~ warming, uplifting, loving... simply bask in this light for a while and feel the love and light energy powering up all the cells of your body... feel this energy powering up dorment DNA... feel your whole brain expand... like the universe is now inside you... that it is a part of your awareness now like you are linked in some way... connected to everything that is... feel the immense power of love and light radiating directly from the Source in the center of the universe within ~ it is like a giant radiant sun shining golden, healing, loving light on you.

Start to feel the new powers and new connections that have been activated... use your intuition and play with the energies so that you can learn how to use them. Remember to always have the highest intentions when using this energy... always use it for the best and highest good of all... that way no harm can be done. 

Enjoy playing and working with these new and stronger energies. Remember that you are an integril part of the ascension path... that you hold the most sacred energies in place for every being on this path... that you hold the highest intention and the greatest good inside you... and know that you are transforming into the divine being that you already are.

Blessings, love and light,

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