Monday, May 10, 2010

Strive to see the divine spark in everyone :)

There is so much cruelty, suffering, and negativity in the world today it sometimes seems impossible to believe we are all “one” ~ but we must remember that these “lower energies” are those of the third dimension and when we focus on these lower energies we lower our own energies and add to the suffering (because we are feeling it so keenly). Blessings, love and light,

In the fifth dimension you envision the divine perfection of all beings… the animals, the plants and the humans… This raises your energy, as well as the energies of all the beings on the planet. It brings about change and raises the consciousness of everyone. So always strive to see everyone’s divine spark!

When you see or hear of someone doing something cruel/hurtful/violent... instead of reacting with pain for the victim in the situation ~ see both the victim and the aggressor in the highest possible light (remember we all choose experiences in order to grow) ~ in the beginning this may require some extra special imaginative capabilities ~ but give it a bash... bless all of the people / animals / plants involved... see or imagine their divine spark as best you can... and finally pray that the heart of the antagonist be opened fully to allow unconditional love to enter.


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