“.” ~ Osho
Hello and welcome to another ‘Consciousness of One’ post,
Having just returned from a splendid weekend in Tulbach feeling recharged and once again filled with light. Tulbach is just over an hour from Cape Town and I think one of its best kept secrets!
How often do you get to dine with 5 owls… 3 babies plus mom and dad live in the oak trees that surround the garden of Man ‘Lee’s Country Kitchen (which incidentally is also delightful and located at Manley’s Wine Farm) and if you are as lucky as we were the little babies will pop their heads up and gawk at you with their big yellow eyes if you whistle sweetly enough. Don’t get too close though as Dad’s piercing stare can literally stop you in your tracks… this guy demands respect and it a power to behold… he is perched just above the nest in the wonderful old Oak that is their home. Until last week he apparently dive bombed anyone who stepped foot near the garden but he seems to have calmed down a bit now that the chicks are a little bigger. Mommy owl sits across the garden in another beautiful old oak and although she doesn’t have that same presence she is a beauty to behold. Do yourself a favour and go and see them… it was such a treat and their energies were amazing!
Get out there and discover nature’s blessings for yourself! Have a beautiful week!
In oneness, love and light,
“Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.” ~ Pablo Casals
~ Powering up the Generations of Light ~
The current wave of teachers (who are old enough to teach) are the Indigo’s… they are very conscious and aware light beings. They have come to help us through this transition… as moving into the next phase / dimension is somewhat challenging… Indigos are here to serve humanity… as each one strives to find their inner light… to walk their path of truth… and to own their vibrations… they inspire others simply by their example.
We all have a part to play in this transformation whether we believe it or not… it is a part of our divine blueprint ~ that is why we are here right now at this pivotal moment.
We are all receiving inspiration in the form of ideas right now… the ones to follow are the ones that feel right… that come from the heart. These ideas need to be voiced… so that new paradigms and systems can be found to replace the old stale and stagnant ways (TED is a great platform for this but I think but perhaps there should be others… or more accessible channels in each country).
We are the trail blazers… bringing new ways to life… ways that are completely harmonious with all that is.
Because we are becoming more sensitive ~ and this is magnified even further when you consider the current generations (labeled: Indigo’s, Crystals and Rainbows) being born who have not incarnated in physical form before ~ we are easily influenced by external energies… things that are not completely pure and of the highest light will push their own energies out of balance… just as those of light and love will help to balance and align our energies.
Mankind is starting to learn that eating certain foods can cause dis-harmony… can influence their moods… can create dis-ease… we are starting to realise that the big industrial farmers, distributors, and sellers of produce are serving up inferior produce and are welcoming back the natural / slow food ways… the local farmers markets where you can chat directly to the farmer who that has grown the food you want to buy… the beautiful hand crafted product is finding its way back into our hearts and our lives.
We are also slowing down (or being forced to slow down perhaps with some debilitating illness)… taking the time to be a part of this moment instead to racing through it to get somewhere.
Purifying our bodies… creating time to be One with All that Is… these are all integral to this phase of our ascension. Learning to listen to our own inner guidance is also key as these energy surges continue. Remember what you put in to your body is what you get out of it!
Many of the newer generations are misunderstood. They perhaps appear to be society’s misfits… because they don’t really fit in with the old paradigms and are sometimes angrily rebelling against them.
Because the heavy physical forms we are in (our bodies) are so alien to them they have a difficult time in this dimension. They are used to complete transparency amongst all beings - where literally all thoughts are visible to everyone… they are used to moving at light speed to any place in the universe that they can “call to them” with their mind… instead of moving around in their bodies.
Enter the “morphogenetic field” theory ~ this is the body of light around us all that carries our physical blueprint… the information that forms our physical identity. The blueprint is a unique pattern or geometric design… like the seed of life… it is from this seed that our physical body is created. But is can’t be created without the energetic component which is fused into the blueprint… so in essence it is an electro-tonal energetic substance that is composed of specific patters of frequency (patterns unique to each individual).
Our DNA is the communication and guidance system that tunes into the morphogenetic field to create the ever changing physical body that we live within.
Our brains are the main communication centre that records each experience as we walk the path of life and it sends this memory to the morphogenetic field. So each experience is a piece of the puzzle that creates the individual form… that creates the uniqueness that each of us carries in our physical aspect… our identity.
The morphogenetic blueprint holds the instructions and design codes needed to build physical form. This field creates not only a physical and mental concept of who we are… it is also the dual aspect that represents both the individual and the ‘Oneness with All that Is’ or as Jung called it… the “collective unconscious”. This “collective unconsciousness”… is in everything… the Earth… the rocks… the trees, the birds… the animals… the insects… all of it… (and everything in our Universe as well for that matter - including the First… the Source… the Seed that gave life to all of us – the God particle, if you like) is a part of this collective. This is the energy of life… the breath of life.
Just as the ripples get less pronounced at the outer edges of the pond… so too does the vibration of this collective. At the source the vibration is still pure, undiluted, divine consciousness… powerful beyond imagination… as this vibration of consciousness moves outwards it seeks to know itself so it splits up into individual manifestations… (either in a physical form but more often not) again and again… so on and so on.
The morphogenetic field holds the space around us… it keeps the information relevant to what the individual is experiencing and links by way of resonance to the consciousness of everything around it both near and far.
This field around us is either repelled or attracted to energy fields of others by vibratory resonance… so this is why we are attracted to people who are of a similar vibration and repelled by others who are not. This again serves to individualise our experience. It also explains the emotional triggers, belief patterns that form as we attach to outcomes, people or things… how people can mirror our own stuff back to us. We identify with things we like… and we form emotional triggers around certain unhappy experiences that we tend to play over and over until we get to a stage where we can forgive and love ourselves regardless of the experience.
The field around us also identifies with its own species vibration… so for instance migratory patterns… instinctual natures… habitat preferences… all form part of this morphogenetic field of information. You will notice that the animal kingdom still has a wonderful connection to this knowledge. That is how most animals know of impending disaster… their morphogenetic field has picked up the vibration from the pool of the collective and sent signals into the body to move the animal to safety.
"The elimination of souls from nature in the seventeenth century was succeeded in the nineteenth century by the introduction of fields - electrical and magnetic fields first, and then later gravitational fields, then quantum fields, and in biology, morphogenic fields. My own ideas are based on generalizing this field concept in biology to what I call "morphic" fields, which I think are the invisible patterns that underlie the growth of living organisms; the invisible patterns organizing the activity of nervous systems, underlying instincts in animals." ~ Sheldrake on Morphogenetic Fields
He goes on to say that he believes this is how schools of fish can all turn in the same direction at exactly the same time… as do flocks of birds. They are all hooked up to the Oneness… the collective… and the collective resonance is guiding them instinctually based on the surrounding data being transmitted into the collective.
There is also the collective memory of that species that is encoded into the morphogenetic field of each individual. So for instance let’s take the polar bear who is now running out of habitat… after a certain number of bears have learnt that the distances between land is too far to swim (now without the ice), they will no longer attempt it and as a collective will soon stick to the land to find their food. This is how nature adapts… a certain number may learn something new… and then it is adopted collectively by that species.
Then of course there are the parameters of the physical habits… re-occurring thoughts… feelings… actions… that in turn influence the field around us. The information is sent to the morphogenetic field and the morphogenetic field then morphs us into something that now holds this new information. Incidentally this is probably how disease is formed.
Our society is inherently habitual… just look at how much of your life is based on repetition. Again this habitual information forms part of the identity of the individual and also sometimes of the collective species (like speech and language).
"Morphic fields organize self-organizing systems, things that organize themselves, like snowflakes, or molecules, or ecosystems, or animals, or plants, or societies, like flocks of birds." ~ Sheldrake on Morphogenetic Fields
This concept makes so much sense when you consider society and the way ideas are expressed in terms of art, fashion, music, technology, all trends… even looking back at various traditions and cultures through the ages. It is all about resonance… an idea is dropped into the collective pond and picked up by the right brained dominant few (who are in touch with their creativity and spirituality) and then expressed according to the individuals own vibratory nature.
It also makes sense of telepathy… we truly can sense the world around us if we paid enough attention to it. We can see what other people are thinking by their actions, their mannerisms, and their vibratory signature that is transmitting into the collective via the individualised morph fields. They are literally resonating with each other… like multiple ripples moving outward into each other.
Just think about that for a moment? Would it change who you are and how you operated… if you knew everyone around you could see your thoughts… if they could read your mind? If everyone around you could know you as deeply as you know yourself? Talk about transparency! Well get ready people because it is coming… in fact for quite a few… it is already here!
This presence created by the field around us, that we can been talking about, can manifest both a physical aspect and a non-physical one. The non-physical aspects still holds the powerful vibration of the unique individual but the connection to the Oneness is much more profound and extreme.
The Morph fields around us can also be used for protection… for travel… and for healing.
These new generations are wired to understand this… they instinctually know how to power up this field around them… they instinctually know how to drive the vehicle and to get the best out of it.
They are uniquely individual and must be allowed to express that uniqueness… just like we all have to walk our own truth… it goes back to the morph field… they can literally see through all the bullshit and lies we keep telling ourselves (even if we can’t see it) and they are rebelling against it the best way they can and that is by being fundamentally who they are. Parents need to allow them the space and time to get outside and spend time in nature – this is what they crave (all things natural)! Try not to fit them into your programmed ways of thinking… see them with new eyes… the eyes of your heart… honour the path they walk and bless them with all that you have… for these are the seeds of the future generations of light!
This is a good (beginners) clip for those wanting to practice using their abilities (seeing auras, telepathy, and telekinesis): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQFPelZh_Oc ~ like any new ability it will take time and practice so be patient with yourself and trust!
“Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” ~ Victor Hugo
~ The Indigo Children’s Message ~
Many greetings we bring to you in this divine timing. We are so excited to be able to present our message for you! We are bursting with joy and anticipation as we prepare to take our turns upon the earth plane. We are your future selves coming to meet you in this Now-moment. We come with the power to complete the shifting of Planet Earth if you will but give us credence, if you will but love us and trust us enough to lead you out of the wilderness of illusion that blankets this planet. Has it not been written that "a child shall lead them?" That Holy Child, Jesus, has come and gone from your earth plane but he has blessed us and empowered us to carry on with the planetary mission of Ascension. Although we come as babes, we are masters and are most eager for our incarnations. Of course, many many of us are already here in your midst but you know us not for we are not yet present in sufficient numbers to have merited your attention.
And to all of you Lightworkers who have served so tirelessly for so long and with such dedication, we say we know you are weary and long to return home. When your service is completed, call to us and we will be waiting for you at that gateway between the worlds. Extinguish not your torches as you pass from this world into the next for we stand in eager readiness to accept your lamps of Light. Pass your torches to us and we will carry on with the mission. Proudly shall we raise them high as we bring into the Earth plane the Light of our beloved Creator and the flame of freedom that burns eternally within the human soul.
We honor you and we love you greatly. We bless you and we give you our deepest gratitude for it is through the fulfilling of your commitments of service that our incarnations have been made possible. The world awaits us! Peace and joy we give to you, our dear sisters and brothers, and boundless blessings. We are the Children of the New Millennium.
"When a child can be brought to tears, and not from fear of punishment, but from repentance he needs no chastisement. When the tears begin to flow from the grief of their conduct you can be sure there is an angel nestling in their heart.” ~ Horace Mann
This beautiful poem is from an Indigo…
No worries mon a good friend once said
A moment to Soon before he lay to bed
I stayed out awake under the stars and not too long before I dreamed of bars
Behind the bars were many a slave
But it was so curious how they behaved
Their enslavement went without question
It was such a predilection
If you were to ask the slave about the prison
They’d look at you ever so smitten
And say: look at All I have today
Tomorrow I will work once more
So I can go back to the store
I love the candy o so much
I get it all in a bunch
You should be glad not sadFor its all the freedom I ever has had.
A moment to Soon before he lay to bed
I stayed out awake under the stars and not too long before I dreamed of bars
Behind the bars were many a slave
But it was so curious how they behaved
Their enslavement went without question
It was such a predilection
If you were to ask the slave about the prison
They’d look at you ever so smitten
And say: look at All I have today
Tomorrow I will work once more
So I can go back to the store
I love the candy o so much
I get it all in a bunch
You should be glad not sadFor its all the freedom I ever has had.
A system disguised labeled once more
A Chinese puzzle they call a boar
a Racket all right
a Sneaky game
But all were too quite and too lame
To understand how they were so well gamed
A Chinese puzzle they call a boar
a Racket all right
a Sneaky game
But all were too quite and too lame
To understand how they were so well gamed
The world goes round and round
Yet if feels all upside down
Goons and goblin all over the street
It’s all a game of trick or treat
Treat me nicely or feel my wrath
O how Noble is their path
The sight of this could make me weak
But I’m too powerful down deep
Yet if feels all upside down
Goons and goblin all over the street
It’s all a game of trick or treat
Treat me nicely or feel my wrath
O how Noble is their path
The sight of this could make me weak
But I’m too powerful down deep
Infinite love sleeps lovingly
Discover yourself to see
The winds of destiny are plotting a course for thee
As we pass through the sea of cosmosis
Keep your promises to yourself
Cherish love above all else
Love the dove as it soars high
Once in a while enjoy the night sky
Discover yourself to see
The winds of destiny are plotting a course for thee
As we pass through the sea of cosmosis
Keep your promises to yourself
Cherish love above all else
Love the dove as it soars high
Once in a while enjoy the night sky
I once passed a wishing well
Up on a hill I knew so well
I asked the gods for one thing
To know the love of eternity
A simple gesture yes but at my behest
They left me nothing
just silence to boot
And that’s when
Life went moot
The river was shallow
I was stuck in muck
Then out of my rut
I grew wings in spring
And found the means
To love everyone and everything
A single one
part of all
Sharing and caring
Above all
Heeding my call
to the Great Beyond
The Epiphany of life found through strife
To remember my name
That all is One
of the same
Up on a hill I knew so well
I asked the gods for one thing
To know the love of eternity
A simple gesture yes but at my behest
They left me nothing
just silence to boot
And that’s when
Life went moot
The river was shallow
I was stuck in muck
Then out of my rut
I grew wings in spring
And found the means
To love everyone and everything
A single one
part of all
Sharing and caring
Above all
Heeding my call
to the Great Beyond
The Epiphany of life found through strife
To remember my name
That all is One
of the same
Love love love love love love lovE
Spiritual beings remember your Name.
No more time for harmful games.
Live and let live to each his own
Let Love reclaim its Comic Throne
Hail Cosmosis till the end of time
Infinity is but Divine
No more time for harmful games.
Live and let live to each his own
Let Love reclaim its Comic Throne
Hail Cosmosis till the end of time
Infinity is but Divine
“God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.” ~ Paul Dirac
~ 11/11/2010 is just around the corner ~
Join hands and hearts to unite with the New Reality Transmission who are hosting a series of world group meditations focussed on “a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species.”
They plan to organize a planetary group meditation over 11 days starting with Nov. 11, 2010, aiming to hit a million people in what will become another conscious convergence. Here are some of the details:
On 11-11, 2010, starting at 11:11, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species… a new reality. The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history.
Together we can visualize a better world to live in for ourselves and our children. Join us in a group meditation for the betterment of mankind.
“111 – Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence of numbers is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flashbulb. It means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).” ~ Doreen Virtue
“I once tried thinking for an entire day,
but I found it less valuable than one moment of study.” ~ Xun Zi
~ Do you hear perpetual high pitched frequencies? You're not alone! ~
History has repeatedly shown us that we have experienced spontaneous DNA upgrades though out our lineage, without any gradual changes in between lineages. These high pitched sounds and frequencies may be associated with a DNA upgrade.
Our bodies are mainly compromised of water. Recent studies have indicated that sounds and frequencies have an affect on water molecules, as evidenced by Masaru Emoto's work with sound and the restructuring of water molecules. Dr. Leonard Horowitz's work with the holy harmony solfeggios has also indicated there are certain frequencies that affect our genetic structure and ability to heal from within. On a cellular level, these frequencies and sounds are being converted to their most concentrated form of energy, vibration.
Our entire solar system is currently experiencing a dramatic climate change, including the outer planets in our galaxy. This has baffled scientists because we are currently in a solar minimum. As we travel further into the photon belt, the energies will continue to increase. If these energies are associated with any type of minimal radiation, it will affect the genetic structure of our DNA.
Many consider these high pitched sounds to be part of our genetic reprogramming as the entire universe is being upgraded on a galactic level. Rest assured that these sounds are beneficial to your spiritual and genetic development.
In the meanwhile, enjoy the ride!
In the meanwhile, enjoy the ride!
“A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence.” ~
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
~ Secrets of Spirituality Made Simple ~
by Owen Waters
by Owen Waters
You are a spiritual being, living in a material world and secretly endowed with infinite intelligence and creative power.
You only have to look within, to your true being, to connect with spiritual levels of consciousness. The more familiar you become with these expanded levels of consciousness, the more potential becomes available to you for the creation of a better life and a better world.
There are two phases in the development of human consciousness, both at the individual level and in humanity as a whole. First, the material stages are experienced, then the spiritual stages.
Humanity has devoted much of the past century to the stage of development that focuses on the intellect. Today, however, people are migrating in droves to the next stage of human growth, which is heart-centered consciousness. Once people become accustomed to thinking with their hearts as well as their heads, they stand at the gateway of spiritual consciousness.
Spirituality is the development of higher consciousness. Spiritual consciousness begins with heart-centered awareness and the increasing sense that there is a universal Spirit of God or an all-pervasive intelligence behind all things.
We all have an inner connection to the universe and to the ultimate intelligence which created the universe. With the emergence of the first spiritual stage of consciousness, we become aware of that connection. We begin to sense that it is something sacred and, yet, it is also a part of us. It is a universal yearning for unity with that from which we originally came. It is a call to begin the journey back to our ultimate spiritual home.
Spirituality brings deeper meaning and fulfillment into people's lives by opening up the higher faculties that lay dormant during the material stages of consciousness. These higher faculties include insight, empathy, and creativity:
With rapidly-expanding intuitive insight, you gain a greater sense of knowing about the true nature of any situation.
You find yourself developing a sense of connection with all of Creation. This happens because you are connected within to spiritual realms that are filled with love, light, and joy.
Higher creativity is the ability to reshape your reality around a new intention. Spiritual consciousness is the key to the real power in creating a new reality. With it, you can create a better life and make the world a better place.
This was an excerpt from Owen Waters' new book, Spirituality Made Simple, which is available as a downloadable e-book and in paperback: www.infinitebeing.com/ebooks/simple.htm
“May the sun bring you new energy by day, May the moon softly restore you by
night, May the rain wash away your worries, May the breeze blow new
strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know
night, May the rain wash away your worries, May the breeze blow new
strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know
it’s beauty all the days of your life.” ~ Apache Blessing
~ Going with the Flow ~
Channeler: Barbara Hand Clow
view chart here:
The New Moon in Scorpio has arrived, the deepest and most intense lunation of the solar year, the time to get honest about your true feelings. Once you have found emotional clarity, then it is possible to sharpen your will, your instrument for fulfilling your intentions in life. Anyone who has experienced the water sword-Scorpio-knows all about these incisive powers.
During such remarkable creative change in general, you may have also felt chaotic, ungrounded, dislocated, and frantic during the summer. Have you noticed yourself trying to figure out what happened in your life during this summer? Ironically, it does not really matter how you handled what actually came up because change plays itself out in increments, and the changes we are experiencing now are group changes. But, with this Scorpio New Moon occurring at the opening of Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld, we can each adjust to, and integrate, the great collective shifts; this will be easier for you if you intend to adjust yourself. Since each one of us is an equally significant voter in what is created, we each must activate our wills to create what we believe in now. The planetary cues in this reading can help you use your imagination to strengthen your will and create intentionally.
This Plutonic dark Moon comes a few days after the entrance into Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld. [See The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind.] Day Sevens of any Underworld are when the fruition of that Underworld's evolutionary agenda occurs. In the case of the Galactic Underworld (1999-2011) Day Seven is November 3, 2010, through October 28, 2011, when we will experience the maturation of technology.
In the case of the Planetary Underworld (1755-2011), Day Seven is 1992-2011, when we moved into full globalisation during the Clinton Era; and with Day Seven of the Galactic, technology will be evolving our species into Oneness in one short year. We are slated to experience the benefits of technology in ways we can barely imagine that will bring us together in wholeness, in Oneness.
Meanwhile, things are going so fast now-with all Nine Underworlds moving into simultaneous culmination during 2011-that any tool we have is very much needed. This New Moon can help you clearly identify your agenda within this great collective game and will activate you to assume your role.
There is great astrological potential for us to pull together during this Scorpio New Moon. While people around the planet celebrate the New Moon, they also celebrate Day Seven of the Galactic, which is resonating with the Day Sevens of all previous seven Underworlds. When Day Seven of the 102,000-year Regional Underworld opened in 5900 BC, we were recovering from the Night Six cataclysms.
Looking back in time, we find the goddess culture of art and beauty thriving in advanced villages like Catal Huyuk. When Day Seven of the 5,125-year National Underworld opened in 1617 AD, Europeans were finished with the Inquisition and the plagues. Looking back, we find that the Age of Exploration and early science were culminating the intentions of the National Underworld civilizations. During Day Seven of the Planetary Underworld, a strong global economic revival began in 1992 that lasted more than ten years.
By examining the chart, I can see that this Scorpio New Moon does express convergent forces that could push us into Oneness with technology. It is loaded with personal tips that can be used to take advantage of the grand opportunity that has occurred only seven times previously during 16.4 billion years! This moment is the eighth great culmination of an Underworld, and the ninth and last one will happen during October 2011. This means that we are taking two great steps over the next twelve months. This knowledge is also has its practical side. For example, from studying demographics, Jupiter/Saturn cycles, and Pluto's transit through Capricorn, I can see that we are in the early stages of a ten-to-fifteen-year economic downturn. However, Day Sevens of the Planetary and Galactic Underworlds suggest otherwise. This means that these time accelerations may be especially distorting normal economic cycles. Investors take note: There could be a boom in some sectors of technology, especially the ones that point to the next stage of our evolution-uses of free energy and consciousness in the higher planes.
During the planetary pairings of the Libra lunation, we witnessed many new revelations:
· WikiLeaks released a second wave of data exposing the insanity of war;
· reports showed that Halliburton's concrete failures may have caused the Deepwater Horizon oil spill;
· thankfully, the US did not bomb Iran 's nuclear facilities, which had been discussed for many months;
· the American mid-term elections reflected great change in the American society, which captured worldwide attention.
Meanwhile, many of Carl Calleman's readers surged forward with ceremonies to balance male and female energies as Day Seven of the Galactic begins.
Gerry and I were in India and Europe for the past five weeks, and foreign papers showed that the whole world still hopes that America can help the world escape despotism and mayhem. During the Libra New Moon, Pluto was moving inexorably closer to the lunar North Node in Capricorn, which squared Saturn/Mercury in Libra. This meant October was a time of karmic crisis over the need for deep change in our world. Many felt this strain in their personal lives as they observed monumental events in the world.
Well, during the Scorpio New Moon, Pluto is exactly conjunct the North Node in Capricorn while sextiling Venus in early Scorpio and Chiron/Neptune in late Aquarius. Venus is trining Neptune/Chiron, which means the issue is healing female pain and imagination. The crisis brought to a head during the cardinal squares this summer will intensify during this lunar month, and a new sense of direction will emerge. There is not going to be any way to avoid confronting the toughest issues of our times, and to realize that life is never going to be the same. We all have to release old dysfunctional patterns to make space for new paths.
Significantly, Chiron and Neptune are just a few minutes apart; Chiron goes direct just before this New Moon, and Neptune goes direct the day after. Therefore, the themes of the Scorpio New Moon are: the Plutonic restructuring of systems to be accomplished by means of a great healing crisis, and a Chiron-conjunct-Neptune-trine-Venus inspiring the feminine revival during the end of the Mayan Calendar. Because of these elements, something really big is going to happen with our seas and/or oil (ruled by Pluto). I suspect this because Chiron went into Pisces for the first time just a few hours before the Deep Water Horizon oil platform explosion, which consequently was felt as a global wounding. Perhaps we will have to face the truth about the deeply hidden damage to our oceans, Neptune 's world? The New Moon chart offers some ideas.
The New Moon is in the middle degrees of Scorpio, where its Plutonic influence is the strongest. We have moved out of the phase of three Super Moons-Leo, Virgo, and Libra-yet, still this New Moon has no aspects! This is the fourth New Moon with no aspects to it, which is really compelling, since a New Moon with no major aspects is quite rare. Thus, the Scorpio lunation hovers uninfluenced, which intensifies its Plutonic potency that cannot be avoided with Pluto right on the lunar North Node. Some big lines will be drawn in the sand this month. Hopefully, most of the tectonic stress from three Super Moons was released in the Indonesian quake and tsunami and Mt. Merapi 's eruption in Java.
In general, the New Moon in Scorpio is passionate, truthful, desperate, and frequently stuck. This force makes us feel intense and mindful about everything-Scorpio's sword! Pluto (which rules Scorpio) sitting on the North Node means everybody has to handle the really big structural transformations that now underlie our reality. We will feel that what each one of does or does not do really matters, and this is true. Venus is positioned before the New Moon, while Mercury follows later in Scorpio, so we are acutely receptive to deep feelings while also possessing keen insight about what's important. The challenge is to master our wills by aligning our feelings and beliefs with the greater agendas of our times. Used correctly, this is the perfect New Moon for launching the fruition phase-Day Seven-of the Galactic Underworld.
Pluto on the lunar North Node compels us to embrace structural change and new paths in life. The sextile from Venus in Scorpio to Pluto in Capricorn brings on the most helpful aspects of the feminine perspective. Venus is poised to inspire the much-needed balancing between male and female powers. For example, there are many women in the military these days. Surely the only good reason for women (or anybody) to be involved in the last stages of warfare would be to soften warrior instincts so that they are used only for protection and survival. Isn't it time to wonder whether both men and women can use their power in better ways? I realize that one way to have a decent-paying job in the US these days is to go into the military, but still that is no excuse for killing others and throwing your own life away.
Maybe this month will bring forth women who crusade for the reformation of the military, an agency that is simply meant to protect people. Venus trines Chiron/Neptune, an aspect that suggests women will be the source of great healing. Chiron/Neptune closely squares Mercury in Scorpio, which hints that more and more women will see the truth about the military being merely a tool to keep the Elite in power. I've always felt that putting women into combat would eventually end wars, and I stick by that belief. Mercury squaring Chiron/Neptune and trining Uranus/Jupiter suggests surprises-and maybe a long-awaited balancing from the goddess within.
Meanwhile, Saturn in 12 Libra sextiles Mars in 6 Sagittarius. Saturn in Libra builds structures that balance things, and there will be a strong tendency for those in power to take the high road. Mars was exactly conjunct Saturn on July 31, a few days after the Full Moon on July 26. Then, Saturn and Mars were closely opposed to Uranus and Jupiter, and all four were closely squaring Pluto. That was exactly when WikiLeaks released part of their huge War Logs File, and the public got some real information about what's going on in Afghanistan . Then three months later on October 25, right after the 29 Aries Full Moon (the ultimate balance stress), Mercury was conjunct Venus in 8 Scorpio, and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks courageously released more of these files. He was outrageously slandered in the media, yet publicly honored by Daniel Ellsburg, the man who pulled the plug on the Vietnam War with his Pentagon Papers in late June of 1971.
As Mars in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Libra on November 15, and the Sun trines Jupiter in 23 Scorpio, maybe people will be inspired to raise up and get their governments to stop the wars. I'd say the mid-term elections in the United States indicate that the budget needs to be severely cut, and the military is the logical place to begin.
The theme of the Day Seven celebrations is harmony between men and women, which will create the end of war on Earth during the end of the Mayan Calendar, since division in partnerships is the genesis of violence. We all have a lot of work to do, and it begins at home.
“Here is my message to you, my loved ones. Understand the times and changes we are going through. We are on the right access off of the law of timing. We are holding on and going forth on a great departure which is the famous word Ascension. Do not fear, for we hold great sanctions and gratitude towards your adventure you call “Spiritual Path”. When you fear our power is in burdens, when you go on with dignity through this path, you accept light to fully take over your body. Remember whenever you need us or me, do not fear or act like we carry too much on our plate. You are our number one priorities in this lifetime. Make sure to always never lose hope. We feed off of the blessings you make for yourself. Love to you dear ones.” ~ Archangel Azrael
“You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
~ Crystal Powers ~
“Avalonite enhances visualisation and journeying, opening psychic awareness and telepathy between soul partners. This stone takes you into the mythical realms where fairy tales and legend offer deep wisdom, acting as a translator and facilitator for creatively reworking the myths in your life. Communicating with fairies, elves and devas, Avalonite links into ancient magic and helps you to access and gain insight into knowledge held in the collective unconscious. To contact your inner wise woman or priestess incarnations, gaze into the depths of Avalonite and allow it to gently transport you inward.
Psychologically, this stone harmonises the emotional, mental and spiritual knowledge at the centre of your being. Enhancing mental practicality and stimulating innate wisdom especially when faced with new situations, this stone is perfect for those who fear failure or are unable to love, as it opens the heart and allows you to discover the perfection of your true self and recognise that you are never alone.
It is an effective healer for disillusionment, bringing about a profound trust in the universe.
As an environmental protector, Avalonite absorbs negative energy and transmutes it to prevent the onward transmission, but it requires regular cleansing and recharging.
Healing: Beneficial for sensitivity to weather or pressure changes.
“The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals” ~ Kahlil Gibran
~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~
Common names: Violet (Viola odorata)
Origins: Europe and Asia . It likes semi-shade so is great for edible forest gardens. Place in a well composted shady space and water deeply twice weekly. Propagate from runners. They are also great companions as they draw off the insects and keep them away from other edibles (lettuce, spinach, cabbages, kale, etc).
This gentle herb has always been known as the flower of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Old herbalists believed Violets could ease inflammation, calm a sore throat, comfort the heart, and quiet the mind to allow a restful and healing nights sleep. The whole plant is edible (valued medicinally). The flowers are crystallised and added to cakes and desserts. The whole plant (rootstock, leaves and flowers) are used as a tea for coughs and colds, bronchitis and flu. Violet tea is an excellent decongestant and a soothing expectorant and it is particularly helpful in treating whooping cough, sinus headaches and blocked sinuses. It also has a cooling nature and has been used since the earliest centuries for treating hangovers.
Breastfeeding mothers can use the pulped flowers mixed with a little almond oil on their sensitive cracked nipples. Violets also have a long time reputation for treating tumours, both benign and cancerous.
Excellent care for the skin… particularly tiny thread veins, rashes and spots.
Great for heating up the compost heap as they break down quickly.
“We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does.
~ Dwight L. Moody
How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’…
Healthy Stuff
I had the most delicious salad today with freshly picked green leaves from my garden… nasturtium – both the leaves and the flowers, dandelion (baby leaves), beetroot leaves, spinach, mint, Melissa / Lemon balm, sorrel, fennel leaves and bulb, alfalfa leaves, watercress, rocket flowers and leaves, sage, celery leaves and parsley. There were also some baby peas and carrots ready for an early harvest so I popped in these as well. I also added a few violet flowers and borage flowers. Gently washed, blessed and tossed onto a plate with love. Oh yum!!
You can also cut up any raw veggies and add them to your salad. You may also add some finely chopped sweet apple to contrast some of the bitter leaves. Also nuts and seeds are great… as are plenty of sprouts. You can also gently roast some pine nuts and add them for a bit of pizzazz. Eat “as is” to appreciate all the different flavours, textures and amazing colours or if you may add a little good quality oil and lemon juice (can also add crushed garlic, ginger, chilli, for added flavour, etc).
This is the very best meal you can have for yourself! It literally contains bundles of life-giving energy and will re-balance your whole body. The secret is the green stuff! Green edibles are a valuable source of vitamin and minerals… we just don’t eat enough of them ~ for optimal health you need at least 4 large handfuls everyday!
The health benefits are astounding particularly if you are feeling low and lethargic!
If you really battle with the taste why not smoothie them… try this delicious drink:
Smoothie a couple of pieces of pineapple and a half a cup of almonds that have been soaked overnight in a little water (add the water too), then add 4 handfuls of freshly picked green leaves… add more pineapple if needed till you have the required taste and consistency. That is sure to kick start your day and keep you going for way longer then that cup of coffee.
Another fabulous plant to eat bucket loads of is dear Cilantro or otherwise known as coriander (not the little seeds the leaves). New research has shown that it is brilliant for removing heavy metals from the body ~ something we ALL need to think about considering the massive amounts of toxins and chemicals in our air, water and food. I love them chopped into salads but they do have a very distinctive taste so perhaps you may prefer them chopped fresh (just as you serve) onto curry’s or a nice spicy vegetable dhal (lentil dish).
This is a great blog about one women’s transition from vegan to raw food while she was pregnant and also talks about a good raw diet for kids ~
“Mankind at its most desperate is often at its best.” ~ Bob Geldof
~ In the Garden ~
The most important thing in gardening is growing the things that you truly love to eat! There is nothing better than harvesting your very own yummy (ten times more delicious than store bought) veggies, nuts, seeds, fruit and herbs.
The first plants that I ever “owned” were herbs (some have been with me for years and years now) and since that first relationship I have been drawn more and more to plants that heal and give high nutritional yields… so those are the ones that I choose to plant in my garden. To give you an idea you may want to look through some of my older posts ~ see the herbs / medicinal plants section. I started off with the basics… rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano… then added more and more as I went along. I try to grow a lot of indigenous herbs as well… you will likely find that they are more effective because they are linked to the same vibratory signature that you are (i.e. the country in which you live).
Another good tip is to improve the gene pool by letting the strongest and healthiest plants in your garden go to seed… this way you can collect the seeds and plant them next year and are pretty much ensured of a healthy strong crop. You will often notice that pests and bugs go for the weakest plants in your garden (not always but more often than not they will congregate on one plant) ~ this is the natural selection… nature’s way of keeping the strongest genes to ensure survival.
Grow your own garlic it is so easy… watch to find our how: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYfcb3LAoX4
The key really is interaction… go out into your garden everyday… look at how the plants are doing… talk to them! Check their leaves for bites and insects… ask fairies and divas to watch over your plants (same as you ask the angels to watch over those you love)… I have yet to put anything on my plants (in terms of natural pesticides)… you generally don’t need to when you work with the etheric realms.
It still truly amazes me how nature responds so quickly to our needs when they are heart centred. Abundance is really all around… we need to stop looking in our pockets and wallets and start looking for solutions in our natural world… start creating an eco-system that will thrive and give back what we give out so readily… nature will also give you lots of pleasure, peace of mind, food, medicinal plants and moments of joy and laughter.
Happy gardening!
“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician.
Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.” ~ Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus
~ South African Organic farming bearing fruit ~
Supporters of organic farming have welcomed a government initiative to regulate and support the sector, saying sustainable production of healthy food will become mainstream.
The departments of agriculture and trade and industry are circulating for comment a draft policy on organic farming that promises to promote the practice among emerging black farmers and provide training.
The initiative has led to the registration of a non-profit SA Organic Sector Organisation (SAOSO) to try to end fragmentation in the industry. SAOSO spokesman Ian Robinson said: “We will lobby for the far-reaching benefits of organics, from more efficient water use to carbon sequestration and the health benefits of better nutrition and reduced agro-chemical toxins.”
He said food grown according to organic principles – without pesticides or herbicides, but with compost – would reduce disease and ease the burden on the healthcare system. “The agro-chemical and biotech industries continue to invest heavily in promoting unsustainable and harmful practices,” said Robinson, “Astoundingly, two-thirds of South Africa’s conventional maize is GM (genetically modified), while Europe has banned GM organisms.”
Among the issues addressed in the draft policy, which has been two years in the making, is a process to certify farms producing organic food.
Certification is now carried out by a range of private companies that charge high prices for their services.
“High certification costs act as barriers to new entrants in the sector, especially resource-poor smallholders,” the policy document says.
Liz Eglington, an organic farmer in the Little Karoo who helped draft the policy, said it proposed keeping the current certification system for exports but introducing the new system for the local market.
“What we are pushing for is the participatory guarantee system – you set up sustainable organic communities, then you have a selection of people from that community who go and inspect farms,” she said.
This inspection team might include a local farmer, a retailer and a consumer.
“They will want to know – ‘You say your chickens are free range, I want to see. Are these chickens happy?’”
Eglington said the changes to the certification process might be controversial among agencies now providing the service as it threatened their domination of the system.
“The Department of Agriculture has said there are three sectors as far as they are concerned in agriculture, each as important as the other,” said Eglington.
“Before this, organics was a poor little cousin who was thought to be a bit weird, too expensive and elitist, and actually just a lot of rubbish. Now they’re saying we have equal importance with agro-chemical commercial farming and GM.”
Eglington praised the new emphasis on education about organics in schools.
“A weed is a plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered.” ~ Ralph Emerson
Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,
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