“You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered.” ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Hello and welcome to another ‘Consciousness of One’ post,
October is set to be another extreme month energetically… everything this month is amplified… you can expect more energy surges and fluctuations… it’s going to be a bit of a roller coaster ride. Let go… go with the flow… and trust that all is as it should be… that all is well in your world!
These energy surges that we are experiencing are bringing to the surface all the unresolved memories that need to be cleansed and purified. This dramatic cleansing will go back to the time you were conceived… nothing will be held back. Stuff you thought you had already dealt with may come back up to be cleared once again but on another level (remember we are not just physical or emotional beings). Allow these memories to bubble up into your consciousness… feel them ~ allow the emotions to be expressed in a safe way and then let them go.
If you do not face what is presented to you, it will come back in ways that are more challenging… and more challenging until you face them… some people need to hit rock bottom before they have the courage to face their memories. Each must walk their own path and each must decide how and when to face their memories.
We are also being called on to heal generations of pain… memories that have been carried by our ancestor’s right down our lines (these memories are stored in our DNA and can surface in the form of disease… listen to the stories of your family). When you take on this kind of work… know that you are freeing up the generations that have gone before you. Forgiveness, understanding and unconditional love are the most powerful tools you can use… they will help to clear away the genetic debris and will release the patterns that causes dis-ease and illness. We are moving into a whole new way of living but we cannot move forward until we have release the past… until we have healed the old paradigms.
Healing and clearing needs to take place on all levels and you may even find yourself wanting to clear out your home… re-arrange relationships… cleanse your body… purification may take place in many other areas in your physical or energetic world… do what you feel guided to do. Listen to your higher guidance.
The best helpers you can wish for are your guides and angels… they can lift your thoughts, purify your heart and clear out any energetic darkness that comes up. All you need to do is ask.
Be vigilant… pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that are surfacing with engaged detachment ~ what is simply is… allow it to be validated without judgement and condemnation… it is all part of the master plan that is moulding you into the wonderful, dynamic and powerful light being that you already are.
There are a couple of major surges… the New Moon on the 7th of October, 10th of October (10-10-10) and the Full Moon on the 23rd of October. At these times you may feel weak and tired, a little spaced out… even irritable or anxious. Allow yourself the time to relax into whatever you are feeling… nurture and take care of yourself. Take warm salt baths… drink lots of detoxing herbal teas (nettle and dandelion are a great combo)… and get lots of sleep.
Another major is that Venus (the planet of love) moves into retrograde (meaning the energy of the planet will be more pronounced) from the 8th of October until the 18th of November 2010. This happens only 5 times in every 8 years. If we look at the orbit of Venus around the Sun we will see a remarkable pentagram. Venus / Aphrodite is the Goddess of love and the pentagram is an ancient symbol of the feminine aspect. This period brings up relationship issues. It is not a good time to invest, shop, or throw a party. It is a good time to work on your relationships… both romantic and social. Remember this is also a time for heartfelt truth and authenticity ~ anything less will be seen through.
Here is a 10-10-10 gathering you might want to join: http://www.expectwonderful.com/10-10-10-stargate-gathering.html or instead gather together with people you love (your soul family) and connect to the most powerful energy available at this time… that of love (see more in the Angelic Message)
It truly is an amazing time to be here… stop feeling like a victim in this… instead accept and appreciate the gift of this moment… step into your mastery… step into your unique power.
As you clear away the layers you open ourselves up to all the opportunities that are available to you right now… listen to new ideas… follow creative urges… allow yourself to BE. The more open you are the more you allow in.
In oneness, love and light,
"To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have."
~ Ken S. Keyes, Jr., Handbook to Higher Consciousness
~ Ken S. Keyes, Jr., Handbook to Higher Consciousness
October: The month ahead by Lena Stevens
(see the whole post at: http://www.thepowerpath.com/)
(see the whole post at: http://www.thepowerpath.com/)
This is a month of personal transformation, healing, completion and breakthrough. Using the intensity proactively and wisely will produce certain results. Whatever needs to be healed in your life will come up intensely. You may be highly emotional one minute, quick to anger the next, and then suddenly feel such a heart opening and gratitude that you don't know how to hold it all. What may come up for healing are any issues around the masculine or feminine wounds you may still have. This month is supportive in beginning the process of healing these two energies. It is a planetary theme. You may also feel you need to take some time for yourself this month. Quiet, silence, meditation, contemplation are necessary for aligning yourself with the positive aspects of the month. Don't get lazy. Get present. All the areas of your life are affected by intensity; your health and physical body, your emotional life, all your relationships, your perceptions, your work and pretty much everything you do. You may have choices to make and challenges to face. Always ask for help. If you are a control freak that always needs to know and always tries to second guess what will happen in the future and is always thinking, processing, planning and worrying, you may be intensely frustrated and intensely crazed. Shut the mind off and "put it all down". The same goes with your attachments. Don't be disappointed when plans change or something does not go as you thought it should. Be grateful ahead of time for whatever opportunity this change has provided.
For some of you this month will be incredibly inspiring, higher centered and feel like the big reward for all of your hard work and discipline and practices. For others it may be excruciatingly intense, overwhelming and difficult. If you are feeling the negative aspects of this intensity, begin by eliminating drama, energy leaks, mental judgments, attachments, worries and fear. Stop complaining, take responsibility, become neutral and practice gratitude.
There is lots of healing possible in all relationships. As we are in a larger theme of healing the masculine and feminine, whatever needs to be healed between these two aspects will come up for you personally as well as globally. This is a long-range issue and a theme we will be working with for some time. However, due to the intensity of the month and the support for bringing to the surface what needs to be healed, be prepared for your own wounds to surface. Beware of reacting in negative ways to any intensity in your relationships. Emotions may be high and irrational, and reactions dramatic. Remember to take responsibility for what you may be feeling as it is your own issue. Stay away from blame. Practice compassion for yourself and others and always come from love. There is much healing that can happen this month if you allow it. Don't let stubbornness and a need to be right get in the way. Get help if you need it.
On the other hand, this is a spectacular time to strengthen and deepen real essence connections with others. Since everything is enhanced through the higher centers you have an opportunity to move into an experience of deeper connectivity, recognize agreements and go straight to the essence of a person, bypassing the shield of their personality. You also have the opportunity to heighten your telepathic communication with others and to perceive the truth. The experience of oneness is what older souls crave and it is certainly possible to experience this month.
The environment will continue to surprise us. Just when we think we have a trend predicted, it will change. More and more we are learning that it is our collective belief system that influences what happens in the environment. If enough people believe something strongly, it is likely to occur, as we are a highly creative species. The best strategy is to keep a "don't know mind" and a great deal of neutrality regarding weather patterns, earth phenomena, and the environment in general. [Tracy: may I just add that it is important for us all to hold up the highest aspect of all things right now (without expectation) ~ we need to hold the vision as a blueprint of mankind’s highest potential ~ living in harmony and balance with all that is ~ instead of being carried away by the feelings of the negative]. Focusing on the negative aspects of who did what and when to damage the environment does not help. What helps is feeding the environment with appreciation through heightened sensitivity and gratitude for the incredible planet we live in. And as usual we will remind you to be flexible in your plans and neutrally accepting of what comes. Disappointment only occurs when there is expectation. So instead of expectation with some attachment to the outcome, have a strong intention to have a spectacular experience however the environment supports it.
Because of the high intensity of solar energy this month, we could see some solar flare activity and some irregularity in the tides. High solar energy needs to be balanced with water so be around water this month if you can. If not, then work with water as an element of the feminine and a support to your emotions. Baths, hot springs , water features, ponds and fountains are all alternatives to actually being in and around larger bodies of water.
Kidneys and adrenals are stressed this month as well as the liver and spleen, especially if you tend towards anxiety or worry. Trying to hold on to your mental controls is hard on the physical system. Think fluidity, neutrality and calm acceptance. Find ways to practice relaxation in the midst of turmoil and intensity. The physical body is going through changes. As the vibration on the planet increases in intensity, the body becomes more sensitive to its surroundings but also more receptive to energies and treatments that can put it back into balance. This is a good time to redefine what healing means and to dispel the myths about how long something takes. Part of the outdated belief system and paradigm has us on a time schedule of development, aging, healing and recovery. As the body becomes more aligned with the higher centers, its ability to function at a higher level of consciousness will also increase. What we call miracles will become standard procedure as we learn to work with the quantum field and to navigate outside of the limitations of time and space. Remember that it is what you believe to be true that ultimately runs the show. So practice suspending some of your judgments and reactions regarding the physical body. Stop blaming it for not working and start appreciating it as the servant it is to your essence. It is only being and doing what you have required of it for your own karmic lessons.
This is an excellent month to begin something new especially if you begin it consciously and preferably with higher centered support. For example, if you are starting a building project, make sure you do a ceremony of some sort with prayers and intentions for the project. The same goes for anything you start. If you are beginning a new set of practices or a new study or discipline, or even changing the way you do things throughout the day, begin consciously and with presence. In fact you should look at each day as a new "project" and begin your day with prayers and intentions. Make sure to include space for spontaneous opportunity.
The general area of finances will be either intensely on the rise or intensely on the decline. We may see sharp dips or rises in global economics that will have the experts scratching their heads. Remember that this is a time where predictions based on past cycles using old methods are unpredictable. You have a lot of choice this month in terms of your own finances and general business success. Strong intentions can manifest great abundance despite what you hear and read and see around you. It is also a good month for partnerships. Begin them with conscious intention and ceremony. Be very clear about your goals and make sure everyone is on the same page and that your intentions are aligned with spirit. The secret to business practices and intentions for abundance lies in the motivation behind why you are involved. There has to be a motivation that includes a high level of integrity and being of service to others. If the motivation is simply financial, you are more easily trapped in the young soul imprint of greed, competition and the game of winning even if this is not your true intention. This structure is very vulnerable right now so revisit your motivations and change your business plans or investments if you need to.
Already existing partnerships may wish to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to re establish what they are about, align themselves with a higher ideal, review and reset intentions, and anchor their practices to spirit. It is a great month for manifesting and some of you will be astounded at what you accomplish and what you are able to receive.
Look for heated intensity in this realm. Many issues will appear to be as unresolved as ever and even more so. This is in part due to the surfacing of information that has been well hidden for a long time. We may get surprising discoveries of intense corruption at the highest levels. There may be incidents that happen on a global scale that will be shocking but will end up bringing those that have operated independently in cooperatively working together to achieve a common goal. What is important is not to judge, blame, or get caught up in the drama but practice neutrality and acceptance of a much larger picture that is in fact moving us as a planet in the right direction.
Solar technology and communication are the focus right now. There will be lots of posturing, pay offs, scandals, discussions, lobbying, attempted controls etc. in these areas. Also the young soul playground of espionage and spying is beginning to crumble as this ridiculous idea of hidden information is demystified. It will take some time but we are moving in the direction of sharing, cooperation and relationship; not separatism, competition and isolation.
October 1-7: Watch for reactions, especially emotional ones that may hit you for no apparent reason. You may surprise yourself with the intensity of feelings that are triggered by some word or action. Pay attention to and be present with what is coming up without needing to analyse. Some of what you are feeling could be very deep and old and seem totally unrelated to the present, but if it is coming up now, it is related in some way to how you are creating and living your life. This first part of the month is the time of discovery, uncovering the veil, and of allowing deep wounds to surface to be healed. The theme of the relationship between the masculine and feminine within ourselves is featured as a part of this discovery. Wounds of the feminine and wounds of the masculine have a chance to be exposed, processed and healed. This is just the beginning of this big work and it will continue. Take responsibility for your reactions and be careful not to blame, overdramatize or judge. Use your experiences to move yourself into a state of higher consciousness through the higher centers and your own sensitivity. Welcome the intensity. Don't turn away from it.
October 7: A super New Moon. This new moon supports compassion, forgiveness and healing. This is a good time to recapitulate memories, events and people in your life who still evoke resentment, anger, hurt, jealousy and blame. These negatively charged reactions need to be neutralized and this new moon can support you in doing that. For every charged memory breathe in compassion and forgiveness while turning your head all the way to the left. Then turn your head all the way to the right while exhaling gratitude neutrality and freedom.
October 8-15: This is a time for support and community. Relationships flourish and new levels of intimacy and essence connection are possible. It will become intensely obvious if you are not with the right person or if you have entered a community or partnership that is wrong for you. There is a desire to be more social, connected, involved and engaged. This is a time when the senses are heightened and the expressions of joy, love, humour, happiness, gratitude and satisfaction can be augmented by the higher centers. The positive is just as contagious as the negative so be disciplined here against any negativity or mind chatter that tries to derail you. Allow yourself to do the things that make you happy. Increase your ability to have by gifting yourself something you have always wanted with love and generosity. This is an important time of re imprinting ourselves to receive with gratitude the gifts of spirit. Be receptive and allowing, with the intention that good things will come your way. And then trust that it will be so.
October 16-23: You have by now hopefully learned to navigate the waters of this increase in energy and intensity. This is a time of finding balance and implementing practices that will keep you balanced on a daily basis. Find balance between your time alone and your time with others. Find balance between being receptive (more feminine) and actively doing (more masculine). Find balance between work, play, study and rest. The end result should give you more neutrality, less stress and a sense of well-being. This is also a time where you should anchor your practices and resolve to eliminate all energy leaks and negative thinking. It is still wise not to engage in drama or any negative reactions to the intensity that may be occurring around you. Also continue to practice presence and to be aware of what you say, think and do. The high intensity will begin to calm down as we approach the full moon time. It is not so much that things get less intense, but rather that we have gotten used to the intensity and have integrated this increased vibration into our consciousness. It is akin to climbing a staircase and reaching a platform where you can rest and take a breath before climbing to the next level.
October 22: Full Moon! This full moon signifies a shift in direction for the intensity of the month. Beware of suddenly feeling depressed, discouraged, shut down, off balance, lethargic or unmotivated. Be neutral about how the intensity is showing up and take advantage of the letting up of the constant pressure we have been under. There is a quality of the deep feminine void to this full moon that is best when embraced and not resisted. Take a break, waste some time, spend the day in bed, read, relax, be in nature and allow yourself some down time even if you think you don't need it. A good day to do absolutely nothing and to be affected by absolutely nothing. Practice gratitude and awareness and be present.
October 24-31: A time for sorting what's yours and what isn't; what's complete and what isn't; what's right and what isn't; what's in balance and what isn't; where you are neutral and where you are not; where you are satisfied and where you are not. Observe and take action. Everything you do and decide to do this month is magnified in its power and intensity. Don't take anything for granted and take responsibility for what you create. Continue your practices, take care of your body and set all positive new things into motion. The highlight of this time frame is manifesting. You get to see and experience exactly what you create. This can occur almost instantly. So as you sort, set intentions about how you will balance or set right what isn't. Be proactive during this time and you will get results.
Have a great month!
Blessings, Lena
“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ Karen Bishop's Latest Update ~
What a challenging and confusing ride it has been for these past several months! So many attempts have been made to put a successful plan (for raising the consciousness and vibration of the planet) into place that this latest plan seemed to come out of the blue. And while we are in it and experiencing it in physical form, we can easily get blindsided and most certainly flattened, unable to see the forest for the trees.
At the end of April and beginning of May, it was clear that many of us were going to be "removed" from the planet for a while, while a cleansing was taking place. I can remember telling friends that we would be lifted up like beautiful ornaments on a table while the table was dusted and cleaned, and then we would be put back down. But I had no idea it would take this long... nor be so challenging! For the past three years or so, many of us at our soul levels (or those at the helm of this process) have been putting together new and revised plans to support this impending and certain Shift of the Ages. Many miscalculations were made, all with good intentions, and this resulted in many changes with the course and a much longer and drawn out plan than was anticipated. Very briefly put, it was thought that the souls here on the planet now would take over on their own, holding a high vibration and connecting together like a grid, but not enough souls chose to grow and expand and thus, we did not take over on our own.
Many attempts were made to try and keep the vibration high enough by separating from lower vibrations through a separation of the worlds and then yet another one. Even after we "arrived" in a new space in the cosmos, this alone did not seem to have an effect on the tight grip of old patterns and denser and darker energies. Even in higher vibrating energies, many continued to create the old once again.
So this latest plan was finally implemented, and with so many of us acutely weary from the extended time it had taken thus far, this latest plan really took its toll on many of us. Many also went into fear as so much that had been "predicted" did not come to pass as the plan had to continually be tweaked due to unpredictable fear based behavior patterns by many souls on the earth. Was everything over and done with? Was all we had been through one big sad joke? Did the planet decide to descend into hell instead of into heaven? Not enough souls were "ready" for a higher vibrating existence or ready to connect to one another. So then, a massive cleansing needed to occur. Many times I likened it to receiving chemotherapy treatments in tandem with huge "energy bombs" that blew anything and everything out of its old groove… more on this later. Basically, we had a re-run of 2009 during the past several months. With similar planetary and celestial movements, and similar experiences, but it is hoped that it will turn out different this time because of all the cleansing. Let's cross our fingers. In addition, many of us have been "removed" for a while, so that is a bit different too. (Feelings of not being all here, not in our body, blocked from our creativity, difficulty in waking up in the morning, memory problems, not on top of our game, etc., are symptoms of being removed for awhile.) Because of the cleansing plan, we had to get out of the road. We had to be removed from the massive energy blasts that were due to hit, and which DID hit! But there were other reasons as well why many of us needed to duck and cover.
There were those who continued to depend upon others to receive their light. A few months ago, I visited one of my favorite spots inSouthwest Colorado where I had lived in times past. A huge energy vortex at the time, it was truly a magical place. But what a difference now. The higher vibrating energy there had been sucked dry by many who came to experience this energy. And after awhile, the higher level energy was finally depleted. This same scenario was also experienced by souls on the planet who were carrying light within themselves. They were getting sucked dry and thus needed to remove themselves for a while in order to give these dependent souls time to find their own light within themselves and in their own way.
In this way, a new plan was devised, and even if many of us were not aware of it, at our soul levels we followed along. We had to completely cut off from the rest of the planet for a while. If ever our loving natures ventured out, they were many times taken advantage of, disrespected, and mistreated. Many of us had to walk around the planet sealed tighter thanFort Knox ...no openings allowed. We were simply following the new plan and removing our energy for a while. The connections consisting of heart energies remained nonetheless, and so, finding or maintaining these was a beautiful consolation.
Beginning with the solstice in June, the massive "energy bombings" arrived. Just when we felt we might be situated somewhere once again, POW! Along would come a huge hit and we would be knocked out of our grooves all over again. Everything had to be removed and usurped from its prior location so that the big heat of the "chemotherapy" treatments could take hold. So then, everything was usurped and what did not need to remain was "burned off."
Experiencing heat stroke with our animal companions and ourselves was common during this time. Have a lower vibrating thought of fear or negativity, and the heat brigade would rush in and clean up! What an intense training in positive and higher vibrating thinking! Because of all of the above, there was a massive absence of light during these months. Those holding light were sealed up like a vault, or under cover, while what remained was being bombarded by the cleaning crew implementing a massive scrub down and clean up mission! In this way, there was nothing to connect to. We were separated from much, and at the same time, in yet another massive birth canal, unable to see outside of its walls. Completely empty and surrounded by seeming darkness was a common occurrence. And those chemotherapy treatments left nothing much within us...we had to be wiped clean for a very new start. Seemingly no light anywhere, but lots of destruction and removal everywhere. Many souls chose to leave the planet during this time as well.
In times past, prior attempts at bringing up the vibration of the planet allowed for greater wiggle room or certainly more choices to be made. But what resulted each and every time was an eventual allowing, which resulted in the darker or denser energies building up once again and continuing to grip and hold our new earth in lower vibrating patterns. So this time, these lower vibrating energies needed to seriously be removed so that the light could finally take hold, take over, and continue growing. No more false starts, stutters and sputters, and eventual collapses. Serious action was now called for here. A clean slate was needed for different choices to be made. In this way, what needs to sprout now is the light. It needs to dominate. This newest plan then, also involved a loss of choice and power during these months, but there was good reason.
We would tell our vehicle to turn right and it would go left. Step on the brake and we would go forward. Step on the gas and we would go backwards. Start something new, become excited, and the next day it would blow up. Try and think of something new, and it would not gel. A piece would trickle in, we would follow the crumbs (the VERY FEW crumbs), and then it would suddenly disappear. What was happening here was an attempt to hold onto a new shore while we were still flying down the river, not yet at our intended destination. Not enough had been cleared away to reveal the new and pristine energy that was to remain. Not time to hold onto anything quite yet.
All this time we were being divinely protected. Strangely enough, all our needs were being met, if even in strange and unusual ways. Something knew more than we did, that there was a light at the end of this new tunnel, even if we were being blocked from knowing ourselves, and it guided and protected us all the way. This something, this beautiful energy from above, these glorious angels that continue to watch over us, twisted and turned us into grooves that would keep us safe, untouched as much as possible, and most certainly, in alignment with our very new spaces, even if we were still unsure what and where these spaces would be.
After we were done experiencing the massive pressure tunnel created by all the celestial events beginning with the solstice, we finally landed somewhere on August 8th. We may have felt that we were finally "somewhere," that we were now home and that we could exhale. But only for a few days, as it did not stick. During this time we may have felt like we were in a parallel universe, or perhaps we had gone back in time, or even felt unsure of where we truly were. Like two massive ships docking side by side, attempting to connect to each other, one parallel universe to another, we may have felt great but only for about four days. We bounced out of the new connection. Things really got tough after that because there was NOTHING to hold onto then. Plans that had been put in place were suddenly changed, new information received was suddenly not implemented, and this was when things really got tough.
Many souls left the planet during this time. My prior husband Phil passed away suddenly from a massive stroke and heart attack. With all the losses and deterioration during this time, it was a challenging time for many. As August neared its end, the "energy bombings" ended as well. Then the "releasing" began (the dizziness and vertigo felt from our light bodies assisting in taking us somewhere new was common during this time). We were beginning a process of being released from old obligations and much of anything that had been holding us down and keeping us back. By mid-September, the releasing process was gaining momentum and the message was clear that we were DONE. We had completed this monumental phase and we were finally done. We were done with all we had agreed to do this past year, and even done with all we had agreed to do for the entire first BOOK of the ascension process. We were now free and clear. We may have felt like suddenly traveling, starting a brand new life, and so forth, as we prepared ourselves, FINALLY, for the new.
Even though many of us experienced great challenges during this time, there were others who held the level below us steady. Their work was thriving, and they seemed untouched. "Why am I suffering so, and Joe is having his best year yet?!" we may have wondered. "Am I being punished for something?" Everything could not transition at once, or crash at once or the planet would be in quite a catastrophe! So then, now that many of us are "done," we will now connect to each other and create a brand new grid. An energy "pin" has been put into place to hold things steady until these new connections are complete. And when they are complete, this "pin" will be removed and the level below us will then begin to collapse.
Is the internet going to collapse too? No one can predict a scenario like this, but it has certainly outlived its original and pristine purpose and become contaminated like so many other arenas. The "New Age" movement is over as well, but where we will find ourselves is on an even playing field with those who match us through heart connections.
Many made great strides during this time. We adjusted our personal energy patterns where they needed adjusting (I am still not done yet!), and in this way, we will finally be able to connect to one another as was originally planned. Our energies are much more subtle now, if we allow them to be. But there are yet others who have not chosen to benefit from looking within and making changes. We will find ourselves connecting to those with whom we belong, and thank goodness, because we can no longer go it alone. We need this new grid, and it will be comprised of each and every one of us who have chosen to stay and continue on with the creation and/or experience of the new planet earth.
Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life during these miraculous times,
Karen Bishop
At the end of April and beginning of May, it was clear that many of us were going to be "removed" from the planet for a while, while a cleansing was taking place. I can remember telling friends that we would be lifted up like beautiful ornaments on a table while the table was dusted and cleaned, and then we would be put back down. But I had no idea it would take this long... nor be so challenging! For the past three years or so, many of us at our soul levels (or those at the helm of this process) have been putting together new and revised plans to support this impending and certain Shift of the Ages. Many miscalculations were made, all with good intentions, and this resulted in many changes with the course and a much longer and drawn out plan than was anticipated. Very briefly put, it was thought that the souls here on the planet now would take over on their own, holding a high vibration and connecting together like a grid, but not enough souls chose to grow and expand and thus, we did not take over on our own.
Many attempts were made to try and keep the vibration high enough by separating from lower vibrations through a separation of the worlds and then yet another one. Even after we "arrived" in a new space in the cosmos, this alone did not seem to have an effect on the tight grip of old patterns and denser and darker energies. Even in higher vibrating energies, many continued to create the old once again.
So this latest plan was finally implemented, and with so many of us acutely weary from the extended time it had taken thus far, this latest plan really took its toll on many of us. Many also went into fear as so much that had been "predicted" did not come to pass as the plan had to continually be tweaked due to unpredictable fear based behavior patterns by many souls on the earth. Was everything over and done with? Was all we had been through one big sad joke? Did the planet decide to descend into hell instead of into heaven? Not enough souls were "ready" for a higher vibrating existence or ready to connect to one another. So then, a massive cleansing needed to occur. Many times I likened it to receiving chemotherapy treatments in tandem with huge "energy bombs" that blew anything and everything out of its old groove… more on this later. Basically, we had a re-run of 2009 during the past several months. With similar planetary and celestial movements, and similar experiences, but it is hoped that it will turn out different this time because of all the cleansing. Let's cross our fingers. In addition, many of us have been "removed" for a while, so that is a bit different too. (Feelings of not being all here, not in our body, blocked from our creativity, difficulty in waking up in the morning, memory problems, not on top of our game, etc., are symptoms of being removed for awhile.) Because of the cleansing plan, we had to get out of the road. We had to be removed from the massive energy blasts that were due to hit, and which DID hit! But there were other reasons as well why many of us needed to duck and cover.
There were those who continued to depend upon others to receive their light. A few months ago, I visited one of my favorite spots in
In this way, a new plan was devised, and even if many of us were not aware of it, at our soul levels we followed along. We had to completely cut off from the rest of the planet for a while. If ever our loving natures ventured out, they were many times taken advantage of, disrespected, and mistreated. Many of us had to walk around the planet sealed tighter than
Beginning with the solstice in June, the massive "energy bombings" arrived. Just when we felt we might be situated somewhere once again, POW! Along would come a huge hit and we would be knocked out of our grooves all over again. Everything had to be removed and usurped from its prior location so that the big heat of the "chemotherapy" treatments could take hold. So then, everything was usurped and what did not need to remain was "burned off."
Experiencing heat stroke with our animal companions and ourselves was common during this time. Have a lower vibrating thought of fear or negativity, and the heat brigade would rush in and clean up! What an intense training in positive and higher vibrating thinking! Because of all of the above, there was a massive absence of light during these months. Those holding light were sealed up like a vault, or under cover, while what remained was being bombarded by the cleaning crew implementing a massive scrub down and clean up mission! In this way, there was nothing to connect to. We were separated from much, and at the same time, in yet another massive birth canal, unable to see outside of its walls. Completely empty and surrounded by seeming darkness was a common occurrence. And those chemotherapy treatments left nothing much within us...we had to be wiped clean for a very new start. Seemingly no light anywhere, but lots of destruction and removal everywhere. Many souls chose to leave the planet during this time as well.
In times past, prior attempts at bringing up the vibration of the planet allowed for greater wiggle room or certainly more choices to be made. But what resulted each and every time was an eventual allowing, which resulted in the darker or denser energies building up once again and continuing to grip and hold our new earth in lower vibrating patterns. So this time, these lower vibrating energies needed to seriously be removed so that the light could finally take hold, take over, and continue growing. No more false starts, stutters and sputters, and eventual collapses. Serious action was now called for here. A clean slate was needed for different choices to be made. In this way, what needs to sprout now is the light. It needs to dominate. This newest plan then, also involved a loss of choice and power during these months, but there was good reason.
We would tell our vehicle to turn right and it would go left. Step on the brake and we would go forward. Step on the gas and we would go backwards. Start something new, become excited, and the next day it would blow up. Try and think of something new, and it would not gel. A piece would trickle in, we would follow the crumbs (the VERY FEW crumbs), and then it would suddenly disappear. What was happening here was an attempt to hold onto a new shore while we were still flying down the river, not yet at our intended destination. Not enough had been cleared away to reveal the new and pristine energy that was to remain. Not time to hold onto anything quite yet.
All this time we were being divinely protected. Strangely enough, all our needs were being met, if even in strange and unusual ways. Something knew more than we did, that there was a light at the end of this new tunnel, even if we were being blocked from knowing ourselves, and it guided and protected us all the way. This something, this beautiful energy from above, these glorious angels that continue to watch over us, twisted and turned us into grooves that would keep us safe, untouched as much as possible, and most certainly, in alignment with our very new spaces, even if we were still unsure what and where these spaces would be.
After we were done experiencing the massive pressure tunnel created by all the celestial events beginning with the solstice, we finally landed somewhere on August 8th. We may have felt that we were finally "somewhere," that we were now home and that we could exhale. But only for a few days, as it did not stick. During this time we may have felt like we were in a parallel universe, or perhaps we had gone back in time, or even felt unsure of where we truly were. Like two massive ships docking side by side, attempting to connect to each other, one parallel universe to another, we may have felt great but only for about four days. We bounced out of the new connection. Things really got tough after that because there was NOTHING to hold onto then. Plans that had been put in place were suddenly changed, new information received was suddenly not implemented, and this was when things really got tough.
Many souls left the planet during this time. My prior husband Phil passed away suddenly from a massive stroke and heart attack. With all the losses and deterioration during this time, it was a challenging time for many. As August neared its end, the "energy bombings" ended as well. Then the "releasing" began (the dizziness and vertigo felt from our light bodies assisting in taking us somewhere new was common during this time). We were beginning a process of being released from old obligations and much of anything that had been holding us down and keeping us back. By mid-September, the releasing process was gaining momentum and the message was clear that we were DONE. We had completed this monumental phase and we were finally done. We were done with all we had agreed to do this past year, and even done with all we had agreed to do for the entire first BOOK of the ascension process. We were now free and clear. We may have felt like suddenly traveling, starting a brand new life, and so forth, as we prepared ourselves, FINALLY, for the new.
Even though many of us experienced great challenges during this time, there were others who held the level below us steady. Their work was thriving, and they seemed untouched. "Why am I suffering so, and Joe is having his best year yet?!" we may have wondered. "Am I being punished for something?" Everything could not transition at once, or crash at once or the planet would be in quite a catastrophe! So then, now that many of us are "done," we will now connect to each other and create a brand new grid. An energy "pin" has been put into place to hold things steady until these new connections are complete. And when they are complete, this "pin" will be removed and the level below us will then begin to collapse.
Is the internet going to collapse too? No one can predict a scenario like this, but it has certainly outlived its original and pristine purpose and become contaminated like so many other arenas. The "New Age" movement is over as well, but where we will find ourselves is on an even playing field with those who match us through heart connections.
Many made great strides during this time. We adjusted our personal energy patterns where they needed adjusting (I am still not done yet!), and in this way, we will finally be able to connect to one another as was originally planned. Our energies are much more subtle now, if we allow them to be. But there are yet others who have not chosen to benefit from looking within and making changes. We will find ourselves connecting to those with whom we belong, and thank goodness, because we can no longer go it alone. We need this new grid, and it will be comprised of each and every one of us who have chosen to stay and continue on with the creation and/or experience of the new planet earth.
Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life during these miraculous times,
Karen Bishop
“Most of all, I believe in the Power of Love and that in the end it will heal us all.” ~ Unknown
~ October Vision: The I Am Upgrade By Dana Mrkich ~
Owwwwaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhhmmmpphhhh! Sometimes there isn’t the right word in the English language to describe feelings or current energies! Leading up to and in the days so far since September 23rd’s Spring/Fall Equinox and Full Moon on O degrees Aries we have been in the process of receiving quite the intense upgrade. Imagine a huge steam ship changing direction, or men having to manually lift heavy railroad tracks to point them another way. It’s a BIG process and there’s a lot of ‘Heave....Stop.....Lift... ..Heave....Stop...Turn... Back up, Back up... Slooowweeer, Slooowweeer... Heave....” – you get my drift. It’s all happening, but it kinda feels like nothing is happening because while the upgrade is happening not a lot can happen!
Added to this, the universal plumbers have arrived and are changing our flow system. To do that they had to switch the water off for a bit. Oh you didn’t get your memo? It was the usual trades-people speak: “Will be at your place to change the system sometime between 2005 and 2015.” So if your income has suddenly disappeared or finances are dwindling, (and you know you couldn’t be affirming abundance more if you tried) don’t despair. The good news is...the plumbers have obviously arrived at your place. They’ve switched off the flow temporarily, and your upgraded new and better flow is imminent. While you wait stick your Ipod on and go for a walk in nature. Put your feet up with a good book and a strong cup of tea. The alternative is to hover over them saying ‘Are you done yet? Are you done yet’ and really, that’s not helping anyone.
Our ship is turning to a new direction, headed to a new shore. Remember all those affirmations you’ve been saying “I now have an increased income. I now am with the love of my life” and so on? Well, as it turns out, the universe was listening after all. However in order to get to the new shore, your ship is having to turn around if it was in any way facing the direction of a shore you don’t really want to be heading in anymore. So for example let’s say you’ve been getting by financially in an okay kind of way. Money comes in dribs and drabs, you’re paying the bills, but can’t necessarily see how you’re going to manifest that new car or house anytime soon. Meanwhile you’ve been visualising huge sums of cash and a fabulous new mansion like crazy. You can see that your current work isn’t going to get you where you want to go, but at the end of the day it’s keeping you fed, clothed and sheltered and you’re not about to let that go for some pie-in-the-sky picture on a vision board right? Hmmmm... well the universe sees things a bit differently.
Our universal team of helpers are a mix of Tough Love meets Soul Boot Camp meets Faith Baby Faith. So, during this profound Equinox period they took the opportunity to say “You want more money? You want more love? You gooooooottttttt iiiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! They came in, switched our current flow off, halted the boat engine, and started turning those train tracks in another direction. Momentarily it feels like someone shut off the lights and everyone’s gone home......but in reality we’re in that awkward uncomfortable kinda annoying place called ‘between here and there’. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last time, but here we are nevertheless.
While in this space you may have noticed something interesting happens when the flow is shut off. We have a little panic, and a little rage, and then PING PING PING lightbulb moment after lightbulb moment prodding us into ‘New Shore ’ action! There’s nothing quite like one source of income drying up to give you the kick up the pants you needed to finally get that new idea off the ground! However, you won’t see or hear or feel your lightbulb moment if you are curled up in foetal position under the doona crying ‘Why me?’ so if this applies to you... GET UP!
Your ship IS being turned around. They are working like crazy to changeover the plumbing system. The universal electricians are helping us with our re-wiring. It is not just our physical reality that may be changing as a result of our ‘upgrade’– or for that matter even needs to change. The old shore/new shore relates first and foremost to our old way of being/new way of being, our old perspectives, attitudes and beliefs and our new perspectives, attitudes and beliefs.
So when you look for your lightbulb moment regarding what needs to shift and change, don’t just look to your outer life. Look to your inner life. Where do you have to heave yourself out of certain thoughts or ways of looking at things and adjust your lens to a whole new level? When you look at your current reality, do you focus more on the things you appreciate, or the things you don’t like? When you think about your ideal reality, do you think about it with excited anticipation or with a sense of futility and frustration? Your perspectives may seem like a fluffy topic when it comes to wanting to know how to make changes to your life in a practical sense but they are energetically extremely powerful. They are the difference between your ship facing the right direction, or being stuck on a bunch of rocks unable to move forward.
Zero Degrees Aries (where the Full Moon was this Equinox) is connected to our I AM! We are all getting the WHO ARE YOU????-kick up the pants upgrade at the moment, in the universe’s attempt to move us into our authentic “I AM...”! What is your fill in the blank for I AM? I AM abundant? I AM healthy? I AM happy? I AM miserable? I AM poor? I AM successful? I AM a failure? Do you affirm “I AM abundant” each morning but the waters you find your ship in daily tell you that you must be spending most of your time the rest of the day thinking, feeling or believing “I AM NOT abundant”? Do you dream about writing a novel - “I AM a writer” but spend most of your day toiling away at a 9-5 job – “I AM in a job I hate”? It may even be a job you like, BUT are you spending any time chipping away toward a job you LOVE?
So, step one re what to do during this ‘neither here nor there’ period: Work out your I AM. Look around at your life and take an honest stock take and inventory. Your ideal and authentic I AM is one thing and we’ll get to that in a minute, but it is helpful to know the false, self-sabotaging ‘i am’ that lurks beneath, because that’s the current captain driving your ship! So look around and be honest. What must you honestly be spending most of your time thinking, feeling and believing about yourself in order to have created your current life? Is there a lack of inner power going on? Confidence? Self-worth? Self-value? Is there an over-abundance of self-doubt or doubt in the universe?
Sometimes we take more care with what we put into a cake than what we are putting into our own energy fields! So now is the time to get real and get that see-saw balanced (totally Equinox energy where the day and night is exactly the same in length). What do you need to chuck out of your mixing bowl, and what do you need to throw in a double if not triple dose of?
Okay so now we’re cooking (pardon the pun)! Next it’s time to look at your ideal and authentic I AM ingredients. Who are you REALLY and who are you IDEALLY? It’s the same thing, because your ideal is your real. So, if you are feeling you need to be more ‘Warrior Woman’ or ‘Power Man’ FEEL yourself as this. SEE yourself as this. ACT as if you are this. This will do more for your abundance attracting than a million affirmations said from a place of lack of power or worth.
Next, have something around you or on you that truly makes you FEEL like you are this new person, this new I AM version of you. It could be a new vision board you make and hang up in your bedroom, a photo of a totem animal or person that totally exudes the energy you ideally emanate. It could be a piece of jewellery you own that you decide to give new meaning to, or a piece of jewellery you buy yourself that is your “I love myself” ring or “I am powerful and prosperous’ bracelet or watch. EXUDE your IDEAL I AM Energy.
When do we get out of this ‘neither here nor there’ energy? Well, I’d like to say soon, but Venus (The Planet representing your Self-Worth and Self-Value and how those things show up in your life, so often represented by your state of Love and Money) is going retrograde Oct 14-Nov 18, with the shadow period having already taken affect as of Sep 6, and lasting until Dec 21 when Venus finally returns to where she was when she retrograded. December 21 being the Summer/Winter Solstice, I think it’s safe to say there’s our bookend to this particular ‘neither here nor there’ period. Perfectly timed for a powerful entry into 2011 with our I AM selves polished, upgraded and ready to roll!
The days leading up to 10-10-10 are VERY powerful. PAY ATTENTION to the lightbulb moments and insights that are coming up for you during this time, starting right now. They will give you a big clue as to what is keeping you stuck in the old, and how to more easefully move into the new. A HUGE message being downloaded into our consciousness’ now is: ‘Let go of the Illusion’. I will write more about that soon but for now let those words percolate in you.
October, and November for that matter, will test us on all levels regarding the questions: Who are you? Who do you believe you are? What do you think you are worth? What value do you give yourself? How does that worth and value show up in your life? What do you need to add or delete from your ‘mixing bowl’ to get your ideal I AM happening? Where are you in your Power and where are you Not? When I say all levels I don’t necessarily mean every area of our life, I more mean all energy levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric (chakras), cellular and DNA. These energy levels include stories, memories and patterns belonging to our parents, grandparents and ancestors… so if you are finding something particularly hard or stubborn to shift… it is well worth considering those areas for exploration. You can do this via journaling, meditation or a session with a reputable energy worker.
Start right now with one I AM... and fill in the blank. Do you believe it when you say it? If not, what’s on the other side of it? What is your polar belief? Where did that belief come from?
Above all during this month LOVE yourself. Venus is about Love, especially the kind of love we tend to forget about the most: Self Love. If it all gets too much, and you feel like you’re over all the exploring, and want to say enough already with this process, just stop and Love Yourself. Really, that’s all any of us ever had to do. LOVE YOURSELF.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2010. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.
Added to this, the universal plumbers have arrived and are changing our flow system. To do that they had to switch the water off for a bit. Oh you didn’t get your memo? It was the usual trades-people speak: “Will be at your place to change the system sometime between 2005 and 2015.” So if your income has suddenly disappeared or finances are dwindling, (and you know you couldn’t be affirming abundance more if you tried) don’t despair. The good news is...the plumbers have obviously arrived at your place. They’ve switched off the flow temporarily, and your upgraded new and better flow is imminent. While you wait stick your Ipod on and go for a walk in nature. Put your feet up with a good book and a strong cup of tea. The alternative is to hover over them saying ‘Are you done yet? Are you done yet’ and really, that’s not helping anyone.
Our ship is turning to a new direction, headed to a new shore. Remember all those affirmations you’ve been saying “I now have an increased income. I now am with the love of my life” and so on? Well, as it turns out, the universe was listening after all. However in order to get to the new shore, your ship is having to turn around if it was in any way facing the direction of a shore you don’t really want to be heading in anymore. So for example let’s say you’ve been getting by financially in an okay kind of way. Money comes in dribs and drabs, you’re paying the bills, but can’t necessarily see how you’re going to manifest that new car or house anytime soon. Meanwhile you’ve been visualising huge sums of cash and a fabulous new mansion like crazy. You can see that your current work isn’t going to get you where you want to go, but at the end of the day it’s keeping you fed, clothed and sheltered and you’re not about to let that go for some pie-in-the-sky picture on a vision board right? Hmmmm... well the universe sees things a bit differently.
Our universal team of helpers are a mix of Tough Love meets Soul Boot Camp meets Faith Baby Faith. So, during this profound Equinox period they took the opportunity to say “You want more money? You want more love? You gooooooottttttt iiiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! They came in, switched our current flow off, halted the boat engine, and started turning those train tracks in another direction. Momentarily it feels like someone shut off the lights and everyone’s gone home......but in reality we’re in that awkward uncomfortable kinda annoying place called ‘between here and there’. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last time, but here we are nevertheless.
While in this space you may have noticed something interesting happens when the flow is shut off. We have a little panic, and a little rage, and then PING PING PING lightbulb moment after lightbulb moment prodding us into ‘
Your ship IS being turned around. They are working like crazy to changeover the plumbing system. The universal electricians are helping us with our re-wiring. It is not just our physical reality that may be changing as a result of our ‘upgrade’– or for that matter even needs to change. The old shore/new shore relates first and foremost to our old way of being/new way of being, our old perspectives, attitudes and beliefs and our new perspectives, attitudes and beliefs.
So when you look for your lightbulb moment regarding what needs to shift and change, don’t just look to your outer life. Look to your inner life. Where do you have to heave yourself out of certain thoughts or ways of looking at things and adjust your lens to a whole new level? When you look at your current reality, do you focus more on the things you appreciate, or the things you don’t like? When you think about your ideal reality, do you think about it with excited anticipation or with a sense of futility and frustration? Your perspectives may seem like a fluffy topic when it comes to wanting to know how to make changes to your life in a practical sense but they are energetically extremely powerful. They are the difference between your ship facing the right direction, or being stuck on a bunch of rocks unable to move forward.
Zero Degrees Aries (where the Full Moon was this Equinox) is connected to our I AM! We are all getting the WHO ARE YOU????-kick up the pants upgrade at the moment, in the universe’s attempt to move us into our authentic “I AM...”! What is your fill in the blank for I AM? I AM abundant? I AM healthy? I AM happy? I AM miserable? I AM poor? I AM successful? I AM a failure? Do you affirm “I AM abundant” each morning but the waters you find your ship in daily tell you that you must be spending most of your time the rest of the day thinking, feeling or believing “I AM NOT abundant”? Do you dream about writing a novel - “I AM a writer” but spend most of your day toiling away at a 9-5 job – “I AM in a job I hate”? It may even be a job you like, BUT are you spending any time chipping away toward a job you LOVE?
So, step one re what to do during this ‘neither here nor there’ period: Work out your I AM. Look around at your life and take an honest stock take and inventory. Your ideal and authentic I AM is one thing and we’ll get to that in a minute, but it is helpful to know the false, self-sabotaging ‘i am’ that lurks beneath, because that’s the current captain driving your ship! So look around and be honest. What must you honestly be spending most of your time thinking, feeling and believing about yourself in order to have created your current life? Is there a lack of inner power going on? Confidence? Self-worth? Self-value? Is there an over-abundance of self-doubt or doubt in the universe?
Sometimes we take more care with what we put into a cake than what we are putting into our own energy fields! So now is the time to get real and get that see-saw balanced (totally Equinox energy where the day and night is exactly the same in length). What do you need to chuck out of your mixing bowl, and what do you need to throw in a double if not triple dose of?
Okay so now we’re cooking (pardon the pun)! Next it’s time to look at your ideal and authentic I AM ingredients. Who are you REALLY and who are you IDEALLY? It’s the same thing, because your ideal is your real. So, if you are feeling you need to be more ‘Warrior Woman’ or ‘Power Man’ FEEL yourself as this. SEE yourself as this. ACT as if you are this. This will do more for your abundance attracting than a million affirmations said from a place of lack of power or worth.
Next, have something around you or on you that truly makes you FEEL like you are this new person, this new I AM version of you. It could be a new vision board you make and hang up in your bedroom, a photo of a totem animal or person that totally exudes the energy you ideally emanate. It could be a piece of jewellery you own that you decide to give new meaning to, or a piece of jewellery you buy yourself that is your “I love myself” ring or “I am powerful and prosperous’ bracelet or watch. EXUDE your IDEAL I AM Energy.
When do we get out of this ‘neither here nor there’ energy? Well, I’d like to say soon, but Venus (The Planet representing your Self-Worth and Self-Value and how those things show up in your life, so often represented by your state of Love and Money) is going retrograde Oct 14-Nov 18, with the shadow period having already taken affect as of Sep 6, and lasting until Dec 21 when Venus finally returns to where she was when she retrograded. December 21 being the Summer/Winter Solstice, I think it’s safe to say there’s our bookend to this particular ‘neither here nor there’ period. Perfectly timed for a powerful entry into 2011 with our I AM selves polished, upgraded and ready to roll!
The days leading up to 10-10-10 are VERY powerful. PAY ATTENTION to the lightbulb moments and insights that are coming up for you during this time, starting right now. They will give you a big clue as to what is keeping you stuck in the old, and how to more easefully move into the new. A HUGE message being downloaded into our consciousness’ now is: ‘Let go of the Illusion’. I will write more about that soon but for now let those words percolate in you.
October, and November for that matter, will test us on all levels regarding the questions: Who are you? Who do you believe you are? What do you think you are worth? What value do you give yourself? How does that worth and value show up in your life? What do you need to add or delete from your ‘mixing bowl’ to get your ideal I AM happening? Where are you in your Power and where are you Not? When I say all levels I don’t necessarily mean every area of our life, I more mean all energy levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric (chakras), cellular and DNA. These energy levels include stories, memories and patterns belonging to our parents, grandparents and ancestors… so if you are finding something particularly hard or stubborn to shift… it is well worth considering those areas for exploration. You can do this via journaling, meditation or a session with a reputable energy worker.
Start right now with one I AM... and fill in the blank. Do you believe it when you say it? If not, what’s on the other side of it? What is your polar belief? Where did that belief come from?
Above all during this month LOVE yourself. Venus is about Love, especially the kind of love we tend to forget about the most: Self Love. If it all gets too much, and you feel like you’re over all the exploring, and want to say enough already with this process, just stop and Love Yourself. Really, that’s all any of us ever had to do. LOVE YOURSELF.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2010. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.
“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among
you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
~ Energies of Transformation ~
by Tracy Armbruster
I am always conscious of the energies… both internal (the ones I control by my thoughts and actions) and the external ones (those I have less or seemingly no control over).
These external energies can affect us in many ways… just think a moment of some obvious ones ~ like how you feel when you are in nature… how you feel when you hold a crystal… when you meet and connect with a wonderful light-being… when you see an amazing sight that fills you with awe and wonder… when you eat a freshly picked juicy peach… or perhaps you resonate more with opposite influences such as how an incident of road rage affects you… or how you are affected by other people who are angry or sad… how an argument with someone you love affects you. There are so many energies that influence who we are in each moment that it is sometimes hard to see the wood from the trees.
Our on-board communication system (part of our DNA that is classified as “junk”) can interpret all these “external” vibrations which are picked up by various parts of our body… for example the Earth energies flow through our base chakra and feet… universal energies ~ such as the Astrological configurations of various planets that are picked up through our third eye and crown chakras. Since every cell has the DNA signature each and every part of us is in constant communication with everything… quite literally! This is how the animal’s sense impending disaster such as a Tsunami or Earth Quake.
What is eventually filtered through to our conscious awareness is only a very small part of what is actually taking place. The ramifications of this are enormous… particularly when you consider what Scientists have “just” discovered… that the vibrations we ‘receive’ can actually change who we are… that words and frequencies (which is huge considering that everything emits a unique frequency)… can influence and reprogramme your DNA.
Just take a moment to think about that.
How much of ‘you’ is being controlled by the frequencies and energies that are external from you? Everything that you bring into your space can influence who you are… can dumb down or power up who you are.
You start to understand how mass “fear based” media can influence nations… how technology can be used to ‘control’ people particularly with the help of drugs legally forced upon them under the guise of mandatory vaccinations. How the degradation of our food and water systems play into this… further damaging and dumbing down who we are.
This is huge right? But most people remain blissfully unaware… they are still plugged into “the matrix” believing that if they just keep listening to the controllers and doing what they are told that they will be ok… that they will be protected by their governments and the hierarchies in place. Yeah right! Come on people wakey wakey! Step out of the illusion. Stop giving your power away to your governments and institutions.
You might feel powerless but you have more power than you know. You control the basics… like what you eat and drink ~ do you choose the best organically grown produce that will help build your DNA or do you choose the processed, chemically poisoned foods that dumb your DNA down? The same goes for the people you surround yourself with… what you watch and listen to… what you read… how much time you spend in nature vs. how much time you spend stuck in the rat race of life. The choices we make each and every moment can either build us up or dumb us down.
That being said the greater majority of our power transcends the physical… it goes beyond time… beyond what we perceive to be real ~ this earth illusion that distracts us from the important stuff… the energetic… the space that your spirit lives… the space of love and light… of oneness.
We are vessels of light… when we connect to the source light (to the oneness) we have the ability to channel in love and light energy… and also to direct its flow around us and out of us. This is the symbolic relevance of the holy grail – or cup of Christ light ~ the story shows us our potential… that once we become aware of these powers and can control them consciously we open ourselves up to a whole new powerful paradigm.
Imagine for a moment that you can control the energy field that surrounds you… that you can harden it (like armour) so that nothing (either physical or energetic) can penetrate it… you can expand it to “feel” things around you… or contract it so that you are not affected by other peoples energies in busy places… you can spin it around so that it powers up your MerKaBa (light body vehicle) or inter-dimensional transportation device which once powered up can take you anywhere in the universe you like. You can use this energy field to regenerate your physical body… to control the input and output of energy thereby making you energetically self sustainable ~ no longer reliant on food, water, air and the dynamic interplays around you to maintain your energy levels. This energetic body can transcend death because death is simply a physical doorway into the etheric / energetic realm… into the land of light :)
So how do we go from physical perceptually limited beings to infinitely powerful energetic beings of love and light? Like with everything in life it is a process… there is unfortunately no on-switch that you can flip to power up the “bat-mobile” (damn!). Like everything you need to practice to become efficient at bringing in light… at controlling the energies around you… and as you become more and more efficient you become more and more powerful… because you are helping to power up your own DNA.
You can start simply with the awareness that you are more powerful that you think you are in the physical sense (you are more than your physical form) ~ use words that build up your DNA ~ I AM … (a multi-dimensional light being / I am love and light / I am one with all / etc) ~ use daily affirmations or mantras that empower you. Notice the energies around you… the interactions… you need to be aware of the physical subtleties in order to transcend them. How different things make you feel. How breathing affects your energies ~ deep and slow breathing charges up the system while short and fast breathing moves you into the anxious space of fight or flight mode.
Start to bring light and love energy into your system regularly with visualisation (using your imagination with intent) ~ for me… I imagine a magnificent sun above me… I can feel its warm loving rays shinning down and bathing me in its radiant energies. I start to consciously bring in these energies… slowly at first building and building them into a powerful ray that is beamed down into me… use this golden white light as much as you can… play with it ~ sending it to each cell… every part of you until you feel radiant like the sun… filled to bursting with divine love and light. Use this light to fill up your energetic field. Use it to clear any negativity from your body either energetically or physically.
When you have practiced this ‘bringing in of light’ a couple of times you may want to try ‘sending it out’. Always have the best intentions in your heart so before you begin say “may this energy be for the greater good of everything everywhere” so that no harm may be done. Use your imagination again and see the energy moving into you, through you and out of you ~ you must be connected in order to send out energy otherwise you will deplete your own reserves. I see it coming in through my crown chakra and going out either through the base chakra (for Earth work) or through my heart chakra (for any other healing work). While you are doing this breathe deeply and feel the love flow through you… imagine the golden light radiating out from the core of your being.
Another way is to do this (for the visually challenged) to simply focus on the energies or feelings of love… focus on bringing these into you from a higher divine source… work with them a bit first on your own body and once you are comfortable with them you can use it for healing (again with the intention of doing no harm). The key here is to feel with every fibre of your being… you literally are love… you are part of the source… the infinite flow and you radiate it out from your core.
Play with these energies until you can easily feel and see them in your minds eye. Power your energetic body as much as you can. Make choices that will build up your DNA both physically and energetically.
Daily affirmations: I AM love. I AM a powerful light being. I radiate like a powerful loving sun. I AM love and light.
Here is an interesting link ~ try the complicated (but powerful) breathing exercise by Drunvalo Melchizedek
“The position of the artist is humble. He is essentially a channel.” ~ Piet Mondrian
~ Contemplation: I AM ~
By Joan Fugeman
I AM the simple grain of sand
that moves within this checkerboard of day and night.
A traveler on the arduous path
that leads the way from darkness into light.
I AM the feathery seed of a dandelion clock…
Blown by the winds of heaven to rest afar…
in the crevice of a distant rock.
I AM a droplet of the oceans tide…
That flows through stream and river…
to return once more from whence it came…
to where it must abide.
I AM the joy in the nightingale’s song…
In the still evening, heard through the night long,
The sheer delight in the heart of the bird,
who calls to his mate,
and can do no wrong.
I AM the love that flows around the world,
in every tree and flower unfurled,
in animal life stream near and far…
from the lowly insect to the furthest star.
I AM peace in the sunset’s evening glow,
In the quiet stillness of breaking dawn.
Where streams of living water flow,
and the dew on a rosebud in early morn.
I AM the colour in nature that brings
the radiant hue to a butterfly’s wings,
the golden splendor of Autumn’s fall,
The crimson foliage on a garden wall
With all life forms,
In tranquil sea, in turbulent storms,
The Light in the Heart of Humankind.
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
~ Heart Chakra work ~
Indicators of Fourth Chakra Imbalances:
* Unable to act in a loving manner. Inability to show compassion or empathy for other's troubles.
* Excessively empathic. The classic "Bleeding Heart".
* Grieving for longer than 2 years. "Trapped" in sadness.
* Exceedingly needy emotionally. Requiring so much sympathy that friends/family/lovers pull away.
* Inability to accept other's flaws, destructively critical of others, judgmental.
* Difficult to please. Defensive. Negative/Pessimist.
* Heart and lung ailments.
Responses: Love, respect, empathy, forgiveness
Location: In the center of the chest.
Governs: Heart and lungs.
Finding Balance (any of these can help to balance the Heart Chakra energies:
Colors: Green, Pink
Scents: Jasmine, Lavender, Rose
Gemstones: Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Jade, Rhodochrosite, Pink Kunzite, Rhodonite, Pink Opal, Lepidolite
Green Aventurine: Activator and clearer of Heart Chakra. Used to protect the Heart Chakra.
Rose Quartz: Instills self-love, gentleness, peace and calm.
Malachite: Clarifies and clears emotional blockages.
Jade: Attunes one to the needs of others. Improves self-reliance. Longevity.
Rhodochrosite: Brings love and balance to the life. Considered quite potent.
Pink Kunzite: Powerful at bringing peace and remove fear from those who've lost in love.
Rhodonite: Unconditional love. Powerful. Helps singers.
Pink Opal: Release old problems. Promote peace and self-love.
Lepidolite: Promotes an open heart, honesty and trust..
Emerald: Generates harmony in all aspects of life.
If you were traumatized between the ages of 12-16, 42-46 or 72-76, you may have an unbalanced Fourth Chakra.
The Fourth Chakra is about love and empathy, about acceptance and grief, about bonding and respect for others. It's about allowing freedom to those we love and understanding that we, too, require freedom to develop as human beings.
Lower Chakra imbalances, which translate to feelings of insecurity and a need to be validated ~ combined with a Heart Chakra imbalance, may lead a person to stay in an abusive relationship. The "love" they profess to feel is really a deep and desperate need for acceptance. They're unable to see they have choices and that the conditions of their life are due to their own choices. It's about feeling secure enough to realize they don't need another's approval; it's about taking back their power and asserting themselves to obtain the sort of life they desire.
A Fourth Chakra imbalance may manifest as someone who criticizes everyone around them. They may be impossible to please, be passive aggressive and judgmental. Love is so frightening; they must control every aspect of their love's life ~ for they have a deep fear of losing it. They may have trouble giving the needed freedom and respect to others, and therefore bring about what they so dread ~ loss of love.
Physical symptoms of an imbalanced Fourth Chakra may include frequent respiratory ailments and /or problems with the heart, blood, circulatory system and lungs.
Therapy: Chakra Therapy might include laying the proper gemstone upon the Fourth Chakra for 5-25 minutes. You may find surrounding yourself with the Scents of the Fourth Chakra helpful. Visualize a Green or Pink Vortex of light in the shape of a flower emanating from your chest.
Scents: Jasmine, Lavender, Rose
Gemstones: Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Jade, Rhodochrosite, Pink Kunzite, Rhodonite, Pink Opal, Lepidolite
Green Aventurine: Activator and clearer of Heart Chakra. Used to protect the Heart Chakra.
Rose Quartz: Instills self-love, gentleness, peace and calm.
Malachite: Clarifies and clears emotional blockages.
Jade: Attunes one to the needs of others. Improves self-reliance. Longevity.
Rhodochrosite: Brings love and balance to the life. Considered quite potent.
Pink Kunzite: Powerful at bringing peace and remove fear from those who've lost in love.
Rhodonite: Unconditional love. Powerful. Helps singers.
Pink Opal: Release old problems. Promote peace and self-love.
Lepidolite: Promotes an open heart, honesty and trust..
Emerald: Generates harmony in all aspects of life.
If you were traumatized between the ages of 12-16, 42-46 or 72-76, you may have an unbalanced Fourth Chakra.
The Fourth Chakra is about love and empathy, about acceptance and grief, about bonding and respect for others. It's about allowing freedom to those we love and understanding that we, too, require freedom to develop as human beings.
Lower Chakra imbalances, which translate to feelings of insecurity and a need to be validated ~ combined with a Heart Chakra imbalance, may lead a person to stay in an abusive relationship. The "love" they profess to feel is really a deep and desperate need for acceptance. They're unable to see they have choices and that the conditions of their life are due to their own choices. It's about feeling secure enough to realize they don't need another's approval; it's about taking back their power and asserting themselves to obtain the sort of life they desire.
A Fourth Chakra imbalance may manifest as someone who criticizes everyone around them. They may be impossible to please, be passive aggressive and judgmental. Love is so frightening; they must control every aspect of their love's life ~ for they have a deep fear of losing it. They may have trouble giving the needed freedom and respect to others, and therefore bring about what they so dread ~ loss of love.
Physical symptoms of an imbalanced Fourth Chakra may include frequent respiratory ailments and /or problems with the heart, blood, circulatory system and lungs.
Therapy: Chakra Therapy might include laying the proper gemstone upon the Fourth Chakra for 5-25 minutes. You may find surrounding yourself with the Scents of the Fourth Chakra helpful. Visualize a Green or Pink Vortex of light in the shape of a flower emanating from your chest.
If you've been hurt in love, visualize the person and imagine ribbons or cords connecting you to that person coming from the chest area. Now gently, let the person go, release the tendrils and visualize healing energy to the places in your heart where the tendrils were. Ask for healing and the ability to release the person from your life so that you both may continue on positive paths. Ask that the light release old pains and hurts and fill the place where the hurts were with love for yourself and love for others. Let it expand, growing in power. Then close the petals and keep the power inside to be drawn upon as needed.
Affirmations: "I love and accept myself exactly as I am!” “I love myself unconditionally” “I am unique and special” “I am my own best friend!" "I love others and can see their remarkable individuality and specialness in the universe. They enrich me with their presence." "I cherish my freedom and the freedom of those I love for I know it allows us both to grow!"
Affirmations: "I love and accept myself exactly as I am!” “I love myself unconditionally” “I am unique and special” “I am my own best friend!" "I love others and can see their remarkable individuality and specialness in the universe. They enrich me with their presence." "I cherish my freedom and the freedom of those I love for I know it allows us both to grow!"
“LOVE is an eternal light… infinite… the thread that binds every beautiful memory & every amazing moment.” ~ Toni Carmine Salerno
~ Angelic Message ~
10.10.10 (10 October 2010) is switching from one to another… it is about transformation. It is time to leave the caterpillar behind and become the butterfly. It is time to step up and into your role as a powerful light being. You would not be here if your soul didn’t long for this very great opportunity. Expect transformation in all areas of your life… this time invites you to look at things from a different perspective.
This time also heralds a shift… likened to a portal opening… a concentration of energies… that you can tap into… this portal holds the energy of love… unconditional love… self love… love for all things… love of the Great Spirit… love of life… love of nature… loving relationships… twin soul love. Every thing at this time that is not of an authentically loving nature will be revealed and you will easily see through things that are not from the heart… that are not sincere… that do not come from a place of authentic love.
At this time you will only manifest things that come from a place of love. All else will seem to lack authenticity… it will seem greedy or ego based… so make sure that your requests come from a place of love for all things. It is a wonderful time to gather together to do group manifesting… to visualise the highest aspect for this planet… holding the highest possible outcome is like creating a blueprint… a map that we together draw into being… this is a time where we can manifest utopia… heaven on earth… and together our energies will be magnified a thousand fold. http://www.manifestingutopia.com/visualisation.php ~ this is a great visualisation if you need a little help imagining.
These energies were last here in the Golden times of Atlantis and also Lemuria. To fully experience these energies go into a meditative state.
“I existed from all eternity and, behold, I am here; and I shall exist till the end of time, for my being has no end.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
~ Crystal Powers ~
Amazonite – protective, soothing
This wonderful stone protects you from geopathic stress, electro-smog, hazards of microwaves and electromagnetic pollutions. This stone manifests universal love. It aligns your body with the etheric. It balances masculine and feminine energies. Soothes emotional trauma and dispels negativity.
It helps of open the heart and throat chakras and enhances loving communication.
“The basic fact is that humanity survives through kindness, love and compassion. That human beings can develop these qualities is their real blessing.” ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama
~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~
Common names: Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens)
Cayenne pepper is one of nature’s best kept secrets and an astounding healer. It is scientifically proven to kill prostate cancer cells, it can stop heart attacks, nourish the heart with vital nutrients, remove plaque from the arteries, help rebuild flesh destroyed or harmed by frostbite, heal haemorrhoids, re-build stomach tissue, heal stomach ulcers, fortify your overall health, and mitigate the most wrenching of diseases. It improves circulation (good for bruises, varicose veins), rebuilds blood cells, lowers cholesterol, emulsifies triglycerides, removes toxins from the bloodstream and improves overall heart health. It's even a great insect repellent!
As mentioned, it can also heal ulcers, which seems contradictory considering its fiery nature. It immediately equalizes blood pressure in your system, shrinks haemorrhoids, and heals the gall bladder too. It can be used as a diuretic as well helping in elimination both with urine and with built-up faecal matter in the intestines. It has wonderful, scientifically-proven anti-fungal properties as well.
I know people who have been able to thrown away their blood pressure / cholesterol lowering meds because they take a teaspoon full of cayenne pepper every day which gave them better results with no side effects (remember big pharmaceutical companies are in the business of making money not healing people).
Capsaicin, contained in the flesh stimulates the release of endorphins ~ the body’s natural painkiller and it gives you a sense of well-being. This makes it great in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, migraine, arthritis, aching joints, aching feet, bruises, sprains, tonsillitis, heartburn, indigestion. It also stops flu in its tracks.
Avoid broken skin and eye’s when using it as an external rub (burns like chilli).
“Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” ~ Author Unknown
How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’…
~ Spinach and Potato bake ~
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Steam (until almost cooked) and then slice about 6-8 large potatoes, then set aside.
Fry 3 sliced onions in a little ghee or butter and oil, add 4 cloves of chopped garlic and sauté till golden ~ To this add one tub of smooth cottage cheese (or cream for a more decedent dish), and season to taste with a little salt and pepper and a little nutmeg… add a little fresh thyme and some chopped up parsley… mix well stirring continuously… to this add a handful of grated cheese, mix well and then remove from the heat.
Butter the bottom of a large shallow oven proof dish and then start to layer first the potato slices, season with a little salt and pepper, then add half of the onion mixture, then add a thick layer of baby spinach leaves, over this. Repeat the layering and then over the top sprinkle some grated cheese.
Bake in the oven for between 20 to 40 minutes depending on the how long the potatoes were boiled.
“I believe that even in our darkest hour; we can take a deep breath
and start all over again.” Unknown
and start all over again.” Unknown
~ In the Garden ~
Just like we are more than just the physical aspect, each and every thing in this physical world has an energetic over riding principle ~ a higher self if you like!
All plants have a spirit essence that we can communicate with. Findhorn (in Scotland) was founded on this principle ~ of communicating with the etheric beings of the plant kingdom… and they achieved some amazing results on land that was less than suitable ~ icy winds blasted off the sea… sandy (practically beach) soil that wasn’t very fertile… but they grew an abundance of food crops that nourished and sustained them.
Every flower, every tree has its own diva and fairy. By respectfully connecting with the spirit of the plant you can ask them for their help in your garden.
Fairy’s watch over all plant beings and they are like our guardian angels… even a single blade of grass is protected… so when you need protection for one of your plants try asking the fairies to watch over it… and to protect it from whatever was attacking it. Then have total faith that it will be so.
When you want outstanding results from your plants it is best to speak to the plant’s diva… the Diva’s are soul of the plant ~ and all plants like it have the same over soul. The soul holds the blueprint for the plant… they communicate directly with its DNA and can change any aspect of the plant to make it better able to handle the physical environment which it is in. Just like we are learning to become fully sustained energetic beings so too are plants able to learn to rely on the energetic realm for its needs. By sending golden light and love to the plant and its diva you empower it and it will in turn give you amazing results!
When you start working with the higher aspects in all things you will start to see miracles unfolding all around you… it is truly magical!
Remember water, air… all things have a higher aspect which longs to be acknowledged… longs to be respected and valued… and most of all loved. All ancient indigenous cultures acknowledge the power of the spirit world and have ceremonies honouring the Great Spirit and the spirit in all things.
Nature spirits love wild places… the revel in the natural flow of life… so where possible keep your garden as natural as possible… adhere to the natural laws of harmony and balance… of biodiversity… of sustainability. Dedicate a space to honouring these great spirits… decorate it with pretty stones, crystals or shells… plant pretty flowers and herbs… bring in the elements ~ have a shallow water dish that you can keep filled with water (rainwater is best)… light a candle to represent fire ~ honouring the light. Put the fire and the water on opposite sides. Air can be represented by incense, wind chimes, etc. Earth can be represented by rocks, plants, etc. Spirit can be represented by certain plants (lavender, rosemary, etc) or the colour purple.
Get the kids involved and teach them to tend this sacred space with great reverence and love.
If you wish to communicate with a specific plant’s diva sit very near the plant… close you eyes and breath deeply… go into your quiet meditative state… and once you are fully relaxed and peaceful, mentally tune into the diva of the plant in front of you.
You may see a light… or feel something around you ~ an energy shift perhaps… don’t worry if you don’t get anything it may just mean that you are not yet open enough to receive anything ~ it doesn’t mean that they are not there. Give it time and trust what you get… no matter how absurd it sounds. Visions are just another aspect of our imagination… so in the beginning the ego tries to convince us that we are imagining the whole thing ~ don’t listen to it!!
Right so now you have made your connection to the diva ~ start by saying hello… send our your love and light to the being in front of you… to the plant (if you can’t imagine its higher aspect)… then you may ask it for its help ~ be specific and be careful what you ask (it’s just like communicating with angels… you need to be very specific and you need to be sure that what you ask for is what you want) ~ so for instance you may ask them to protect the plant from anything that is attacking them ~ but remember that you are going to be one of the “pests” that eats the plant so phrase it in a way that that will protect you and your family from the “chemical warfare” available to the plant in its battle against “pests”.
Once you have asked for their help, thank them. Whenever dealing with fairies, divas or other spirits leave a gift to acknowledge their work ~ something natural is best (a flower, a nut or seed, a crystal). When you have given your gift and made your thanks gently disconnect from their energy.
When you potter around your garden… be mindful… when watering use the water to send out your love and gratitude to your garden… acknowledge each plant and diva / fairy as you pass (you can do a blanket energy wave instead of doing it individually ~ just have the intention and follow it with the emotion of love and the energy of light).
Spend time in your garden sending out love… playing with the energies… and watching the magic unfold before you!
Remember Tinkerbell’s plea... just believe :)
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ~ Carl Gustav Jung
Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,
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