Monday, October 25, 2010

25/10/2010 ~ Consciousness of One

“All of the animals except man know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.” ~ Samuel Butler

Hello and welcome to another ‘Consciousness of One’ post,

I have just finished reading Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr Brian Weiss and if you are struggling with the concept of reincarnation this may be something you might want to read (or not… that is your choice too).

I was really drawn to this book and relished each page. It reminded me of the fact that we have all been uniquely crafted over many lifetimes… that we are all uniquely qualified to contribute towards the greater good, no matter how hard we are struggling with our own lives and lessons right now at this moment. By delving into past lives we can not only tap into vast amounts of knowledge… life lessons… but also, by remembering, we are able to release many deep seated fears… like for example, if you fear water ~ it may be related to a past life… by remembering the incident you can let go of that fear.

I have had a few past life glimpses and have even met or connected with a few people I knew straight away were from past lives but I have never really considered the value of the past knowledge and information… I simply assumed it was part of my psyche and that through meditation and visualisation I could delve into it any time I wanted… which of course is true as well but the book has I think opened me up to using hypnotherapy to access my past life information.

Reincarnation was initially a big one for me to accept… and I had to release a few “inherited” religious blocks before I could even recognise that the concept might be true. Initially I simply allowed myself to accept the possibility without either believing it one way or another. Then slowly as I gathered more information (read Journey of Souls by Michael Newton and later Destiny of Souls by the same author)… and the more I delved into the world of the soul through meditation and visualisation… I slowly allowed myself to start clearing out the old beliefs that no longer fit and accepting the new ones that did.

Reincarnation is brilliant in that death is no longer the final ending to a life lived. It allows the fear of death to fall away to some extent. It makes it a little easier to say good-bye knowing that you will see the person again… and it opens up a whole new world of possibilities. There is also a down side though, I think in that, there is no longer an urgency to step up… to put in the work… to complete your chosen mission… because let’s face it, you can just come back and do it over again. It takes off the pressure however I personally feel that I would rather just get it all done in this life if possible so I don’t have to come back… because let’s face it this place is hell at times (particularly for the sensitive soul).

Another hard one for me was integrating the relevancy of day to day physical life with the non-physical world of bliss and light… nothing really matters after all… nothing physical really exists… so it’s importance or rather the importance society places on the physical seems so irrelevant… you see through all the bullshit quite frankly… through all the smoke and mirrors… through all the games people play… you loose touch with the things that are driving our society towards the brink of extinction… you begin to fall in love with the natural world around you… you see each being as a part of the energetic framework that makes up this space we are in and it is these experiences and connections that touch us so deeply.

Life is about balance… balancing our perceptions (by experiencing all sides to understand fully)… balancing our virtues and vices… balancing the puritan and the hedonist… and of course balancing our karmic debts… accepting that which we cannot change… bearing those debts without retribution… seeing the reasons and lessons… being able to forgive.

Everything is naturally ordered and balanced… mankind is the only life form that is not naturally in a state of balance… and does not naturally seek to balance life as mother Earth does… in fact in most cases it is the opposite because man seeks to satisfy his own needs before that of the greater good.
It seems we spend our whole lives accumulating things in order to find happiness… only to learn that happiness is in the letting go… that bliss is a non-physical state and nothing in the physical can bring about true lasting bliss.

I believe that as we ascend we will be forced to relinquish all physical attachments… we will be forced to face all addictions… all limiting thoughts and beliefs… we will be forced to face all of our fears… and we will be stripped of all ego identity…  so that we may transcend into the unknown.

Pretty scary but it doesn’t have to be… the more we hold onto to these attachments / relationships / addictions/ beliefs / fears the more we will struggle… the more pain we will go through… but if we can move into a state of bliss and flow with the river of change that comes your way then the ride will be easier, swifter and more enjoyable.

In oneness, love and light,
Tracy xxx

"The mind… in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."
~ John Milton

~ Moving into Bliss ~
By Tracy Armbruster

This is a great visualisation you can do on your own (record your voice and play it back to you)… or with some friends… or get someone to guide you through it. The more time we spend in a state of bliss the quicker we will ascend.

The Silver Violet Light Meditation

Picture in your minds eye… a beautiful radiant sun shining above you… above your crown chakra… it is shining down on you with radiant light… you breathe it in deeply… filling your lungs… breathing in love and breathing out love… warm… comforting… sparkly radiant silver violet light… breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth… in… out… in… out… just let it all go… you are floating in the light… bathed in blissful radiance… tingling all over… orgasmic bliss… ALL OVER… every cell. Feel this for as long as you like. If you fall asleep that is also ok… your body needs lots of rest right now.

You can end it now… coming slowly back into the body or you can choose to continue on to do some self work…

Focus on a block something you would like to release… it could be a disease… a thought pattern… a person with whom you are currently in conflict… hold it/them in your mind… just feel it/them in front of you. You are totally safe… completely protected by your own energy field and that of your guardian angels ~ it’s totally impenetrable by anyone or anything, anywhere (except the source light… because that is your power)… the original energy… infinite… blissful… whole… one with all.

Feel the emotions surrounding the issue… going deeper and deeper (keep asking what is behind that… feeling each emotion… observing like a distant and wise heartfelt being… on and one till you get to the silence… the inner lake. At each moment experience it and release it to the light… the silver violet light of transmutation. Ask for the lesson if it is unclear (it will come with time and perspective).

What ever comes up… feel it and release it to the light… every thought… every action… every bit of negative self opinion… going back as far as you can… just letting it flow out of you like a river… surrender all control. 
Here you may ask the angels to assist you. Make the intension that you not only release the need, person or issue but also that you release that part of you that is holding on to it. Once you get to a space where you feel completely light and free of the burdens that you have been carrying… feel yourself floating in the silver violet flame… you are floating as if on a cloud… weightless… light… just feel your self gentle held in this light… totally safe and protected… you are in the regeneration womb of the universe… you feel renewed… filled with bliss… love and light… whole, balanced and complete. Now become the silver violet flame of transmutation. Feel it… radiate it… Feel the energies of unconditional love and compassion.

Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece.”
~ Nadia Boulanger

~ The Yeah Ahead ~
2011 – Mid Point of Trinity Triad
 Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn (channeler)

"In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the Power of Love. It will take time, but do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. It begins initially inside each of your hearts, and Dear ones, that is happening now".  Archangel Metatron
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet each of you, individually, lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. I embrace you in the Now time that you read these words, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

Dear Ones, as we have told you, the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today than it did yesterday in linear sequence. Accordingly will 2011 impel the expedition of light acceleration and your lucid interpretation of consciousness. With this surge your cognitive expression of life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo.  You see,
all is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

Each Moment Matters

Masters, it is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the New Earth and to you.  Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones,
your ability to hold greater light embellishes your ability to express love. Love that begins with Self.You are beginning to understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans, is so important in these Ascending times. You all have within you the power of God, and we call upon you to allow that recognition, that renewed self acceptance, that immaculate LOVE to wash over you. It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful. You are rediscovering this ecstasy of Immaculate Love in your meditations, for a transitional expansion is occurring in this new energy. You are now opening to more clearly see how important your lives are, not just to the Earth but to the grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!
You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the physical realms that you live in... and you made that happen. 
The veil between dimensions has thinned, and the part of you that is on 'the other side' of the veil is tenderly reaching through to touch your heart. And the part of you in higher dimension is the quantum you, the real 'you' that is dreaming this profound experience of life. That higher self wants you to know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you are loved, how important and magnificent you truly are. Humans can you fathom this?

You Are On Path

You so often have doubted yourselves. So often felt your lives were headed nowhere. Oh Dear Ones, if you only knew and will accept the truth of what a difference you have made and are continuing to make. There have always been the doubters, the naysayers that said the Ascension would never occur that humanity would not consummate this sacred graduation into higher consciousness. But you have effectuated that achievement,
the Ascension is now a certainty. It is manifesting!  Indeed it has been for two decades, and most of you do not credit yourselves for navigating it into reality. Many of you still do not realize that the work you have done on both sides of the veil over the past 25 years has changed the earth you were born on into a completely different frequency and paradigm.

You are responsible for it, and mankind does not yet comprehend what you have done or own the credit of this achievement.  Masters what you have done is the very reason many of you are now reading these words that are sent from another dimension.

And so allow me to honour you as we speak of the coming year, for you have grown much stronger than you realize. You have taken a quantum leap....and regardless of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year!

2011 The Year Ahead

And so we speak of 2011. Indeed it is an exciting year of invigorated time, and will be a period of quickening. But we tell you Dear Ones, 2011 will not be an easier energy than was 2010, in fact it will be amped up a notch or two higher. But fear not, most of you on the path, will find it much easier to manage.
Now, 2011 contains within it 12 of the extremely potent energy amplifications phases that you are becoming more accustomed to, but understand that these magnifications are part and parcel  of your accelerated growth process.

you must learn to operate at higher frequency, and so the years of the Trinity Triad, 2010, 2011 and 2012, are in a sense a rigorous training program that will allow you to strengthen and increase your auric fields as the ground-zero of the Ascension nears.

Trinity Triad - Jacobs Ladder

In truth the energies of the Trinity Triad are merged in one program, and as such from our perspective the events of 2010, 2011, and 2012 are part of the same process of the Ascension. It is our purpose here to focus on the aspects of 2011 that lie so near to your unfolding.

Masters, the heralded Ascension it is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical script, but rather a natural and requisite expression of accelerating planetary consciousness.
It is Jacobs's ladder, and Dear ones, when you are on a ladder; you are ascending, descending or standing still. It is one of the three you see. It is always so. And I, Metatron, tell you that you are moving up, whether you see it or not, mankind is ascending.

As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field of an incredible crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light Bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion. It is energy as desire expressing itself and so your work calls forth now an even finer frequency.  Imagine that if you will take vitamins for your physical body they must be such that they can be absorbed by the body to generate wellness, well being, and better health. And so it is the same with the Crystalline Transition, its frequencies and energies are indeed vitamins of light expansion for the light body.
The crystalline resonance must now surround you in ways that you can absorb their pristine symmetries into your energy fields, transferring them, converting them, and amplifying them into your own work, into your desires, into your fulfilment and into all ways that touch earth and humanity.

Alpha & Omega

So these words are brought to you from the alpha and omega into the center of your new being. These symmetries of crystalline coherent light are expressed to you, projected for you from the center of my being so that they will touch you energetically and so re-create themselves fortuitously in the days and weeks that come forward in 2011 and 2012. All is indeed, in perfections pathway.

For within these time-sequences the 144-Grid completes into full conscious projection, and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion.  Such it is with the crystalline grid you see, it too is a system that will allow your nurturing into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.
For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye it will be done! In my realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is a wondrous event. One heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on this realm and others.

Ascension Triggers

What then remains for the Ascension program in 2011 and 2012 are specific astrological gravitation refinements and frequencial boosts needed to complete & polish the Crystalline Grid and refine the Crystalline Transformation of the Earth as it reinforces the spanning of humanity into great and greater dimensionality consciousness, and that is indeed Crystalline Consciousness. And so we will speak of these frequencial events as they unfold in 2011.

Equinoxes of 2011

The Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011 are exceptional powerful and multi purposed. These are in fact Ascension catalyst and triggers. These potent days should be used for group prayer and meditation and indeed deep self review. The solstices and equinoxes remaining in the next two years are complex and flamed with multiple hologramic inserts for the Ascension of both mankind and the planet. We assure you that these astrological events are infinitely more powerful than the equinoxes and solstices in the past several millennia. We urge each of you to discern and utilize them as suggested. Gather on these days, and the power of Group Consciousness will flower exponentially.

Eclipses of 2011

In addition, 2011 will have an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses. There will be a total of 6 eclipses in 2011, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day phase between May 30- 1 July 1st.  This period will be punctuated with the June Solstice. This 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is quite rare, only occurring about once each generation. We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change. Masters the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any necessary shifts that you discern appropriate in your individual and collective life stream. These are best afforded by synergizing them through the contemplation and review that are available on equinoxes and solstices.

2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse

The ancient savants of enlightened eras always recognized such power-filled events and utilized them as days of prayer, meditation, and inward search and mobilized the eclipses to turbo-charge the changes they desired toward higher good.
Between the period of November 25th and December 21st will be a solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and the December solstice. This will be extremely intense.
Vernal Equinox
Mar 20 2011
23:31 UT

Summer Solstice
Jun 21 2011
17:16 UT

Autumnal Equinox
Sep 23 2011
09:04 UT

Winter Solstice
Dec 22 2011
05:30 UT

March Equinox of 2011 will create an incredibly powerful energy that will feel like a full moon X10. It will enter through crystalline portals and be triggered to the Pyramid bases built on grid points across the Omni-Earth. Within this energy will be the continuation of the coded activation termed the 'Cosmic Trigger'.

The Ascension of the planet is around the Crystalline Transformation of the planet.  And by crystalline, we are referring to a greater clarity, a pristine frequencial order that is coherent. It is the frequency of impeccability.  It is the crystalline transformation that allows for the dimensional access expansion of the planet above the level of the third dimension. The crystalline transformation truly only begins at the initial level of the 5th dimension, and continues to the 12th dimension.

The most aligned receival point of the Cosmic Trigger to activate myriad crystalline points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid Complex. The Moody Pyramids will be aligned to Giza, which is the primary receival point in the eastern hemisphere. Both Giza and Moody are tri-pyramid complexes, and the two are in direct latitudinal alignment (29 degrees latitude). Both are triangulated in correlation to magnetic north. It is the combination of the three pyramids in-situ within a synergistic tri-harmonic alignment that allows their greater facility and power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, pyramids in specific triangulation are extremely potent when celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to one another.

2011- Sacred Sites as Tuning Forks

During the Equinoxes of 2011, specific points on the Earth will be portals of Transduction, indeed these will become instruments of transducing the faster speed of light into quickening time on the Earth. The Grid Points, power nodes, sacred sites, phi complexes and portals that dot the planet in specific patterns and specific purpose are the distribution mechanisms of the higher energy required to up shift the resonant frequency pulse of your planet.
They are tuning forks, inspired by perfection of First Cause. These exude the energy of 'home', of well-being, and those of you who enter into them in spiritual intent recognize this immediately. Accordingly one cannot help but want to be within them and absorb the pattern emitted within such areas in order to grow into and share the expansion of perfection.

Those who dedicate themselves to this tuning can experience a nearness to Source that they feel is less available to them elsewhere. But the truth is that these fine-tuned energies are osmotic frequencial schools, and once absorbed, once matriculated, the energy is retained within the established individuals Mer-Ka-Na.

Many areas on the planet have then already ascended, via portal-lattices that may be called the stairways to heaven, and other areas require a bit more work. This clearing and coding will be up shifted. Specific areas that are a bit denser now require more work to clear, and as a tertiary effect of the March 2011 Cosmic Trigger and harmonic crysto-magnetic code awakening, the pyramidal portals will bring in the pristine lighter energy for that specific purpose. You see global frequencial balance must be attained. Each of you Earth-Keepers plays a role in this. Indeed you become portable resonators.

Potent Entry into 2011

Tighten you seat belts Masters! On December 21st of 2010, a full moon lunar eclipse will occur on the Solstice. This extreme double edged surge will be the entry into 2011 and is a taste of what is to come in the year ahead!  This will create a mighty blast of high frequency energy that will span the planet and carry forward into a solar eclipse occurring on January 4th of 2011.  This will be a powerful but supremely benevolent energy.

The 11-11-11
The validity of the Triple Date Portals is evidenced in myriad ways. The TPD points, which we shared with you a decade ago, are hologramic insertions that effect the crystalline transformation of the planet through the crystalline grid. The point of initial surge is the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

On the 9-9-9 your media reported via local radio that an unusual green fog had formed over Mt Magazine as the Emerald Master Crystal flashed into activation from a long dormancy. The Crystal created the mist, and it not only covered the mountain, it was viewed from satellites. Its energy also short circuited the electrical grid in the area for a short period.

On the 10-10-10 earthquakes took place in areas of Arkansas where they had not been recorded before. And these quakes were unique in other ways, the usual 'white-out' in terms of the frequencial 'song' of the Schumann Resonance that precedes seismic releases did not occur, and the animals were not afraid. It was the Crystal Activations, Dear Ones, these were caused by the pulse of the Master Crystal Activations beneath the massive chasms of the Crystal Vortex. It is quite true, quite real… and their energy is magnificent. Watch for these confirmations, for they will become more tangible and baffle your scientists.

We tell you that on the 11-11-11 another validation will occur.
The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be perhaps the most potent singular day of the year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic Energy that is amassed in the final stages of activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On the 11-11-11 the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.
This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.
These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. On the 11-11-11 the Sun Disc of the Crystal Vortex will be activated beneath the area of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, and this will complete the energy of the Arkansas Vortex and then network the new DNA codes across the planet.
The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalline field in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. Indeed these are being reprogrammed by and within the Crystalline 144 Grid!
The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a 12-strand helix, in a spiralling energy that will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the 144-Grid.  Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth. They are energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed.

Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has, for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand?

The New Firmament Begins in the 2011 Trinity Triad

So we tell you that as the grids grow into completion that beyond the 144 Crystalline Geometry will be the Polyhedron 120 Geodesic sphere. This begins formulating in 2011, initiates in 2012, and completes in the year of 2024. While multidimensional access will be fully achieved within the 144- Crystalline grid in 2012, the new firmament is spawned thru its completion.

Consider the geometric-crystalline completion of the geodesic grids as a flower achieving full bloom, at which point a cosmic pollination will occur and an energetic seed- field will come into effect. You see the very completion of the perfect geometric form germinates a new field from its unified perfection...and that field may be called the (new) Crystalline Firmament.

It will emerge as two great elliptical bands of energy that intersect at 90-degree angles around the planet. One will carry the color and essence of platinum, the other of gold. One will be crysto- electrical in nature the other crysto-magnetic. Their energies will circulate in modulated opposition, and the field between the two will encompass the planet in a spherical manner.

And from this a conscious self-aware field of the OMM WAVE circumnavigates the planet to allow for an even greater perfection of the Earth. This Crystalline Firmament will allow for what was termed by the ancients as the 1000 years of peace. The crysto-electromagnetics of the planet will be in optimal balance.

Now the Earth and Human Kind will have need for the Crystalline Firmament, and will call it forth. It will assist in many roles, perhaps more than you imagine.

It will change the way the human body receives sunlight. It will assist in the translucent luminous transformation of the body physical. It will change the nutritional needs of the human body physical. It will defend the earth’s magnetosphere by deflecting meteorites and comets; it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth's atmosphere. It will come forth by a natural and scientific effort; it is the natural offspring of the completed 144-crystalline grid. The New Firmament begins formulating in 2011, and in the process the arc - swing of the pendulum of duality will begin to vastly lessen.


Dear Ones, inclosing, let me express unequivocally that I and the Angelic Realm are in a special role of supporting you far more than you may realize. For
you too are Gods in creation, sparks of the Divine becoming violet flames of the All That Is.

We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us.
We spin a light vortex of great honour and  appreciation to you, We are sending this energy to each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read these words
, Can you feel it, open your heart and receive what we send forth in love.

We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalline Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries. All in free will, all by choice. And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.
In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the power of love. Do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. This transformation occurs one heart at a time, inside each of you. It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you that period of less than three centuries is the blink of an eye. We salute you. You are on the appropriate path!
Before you lies an incredible awakening and completion.  2011 is the midpoint of the Trinity Triad, and a time of omnipotent calibration, amplification and indeed celebration. You each have made a difference, and you will depart this planet a greater light, than from hence you entered.  And you did it your way. In Love. I invite you to feel joy, for you have earned it!

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!
And so it is...

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“If you let yourself be absorbed completely, if you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.” ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

~ SaLuSa 18 October 2010 by Mike Quinsey ~

Dear Ones, you are seeing before your very eyes the fall of the great capitalist empire that has ruled your world for many years. As always, try to see beyond the immediate occurrences and know that they will not last very long.

The clutter and last vestiges of the old will be gradually swept away, and you will learn more about your Space family and how you link to them. Together you will advance much quicker than you would otherwise have done, and life will become a joy and pleasure as Love and Light bring about great changes.

Spread your Light wherever you can, and if you identify areas that lack the Light send yours to it. When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.

Dear Ones, you are seeing before your very eyes the fall of the great capitalist empire, that has ruled your world for many years. From the early days when the Constitution became law, it has gradually taken away your rights until today you are almost under the total control of the Illuminati. Having reached such a point in their plan for world rule, they have moved beyond their ability to sustain their authority and now it is breaking down. These times are going to be oppressive and chaotic, before the plan for your future is revealed and instated. You can be sure that the outcome has already been decided, and follows the plan for your upliftment. As always, try to see beyond the immediate occurrences and know that they will not last very long.

Our allies are briefed and ready to take over control in many ways. It will lead to not just your “rescue”, but also a change in your direction that will put you firmly onto the path of Ascension. The clutter and last vestiges of the old will be gradually swept away, and you will learn more about your Space family and how you link to them. Together you will advance much quicker than you would otherwise have done, and life will become a joy and pleasure as Love and Light bring about great changes. Try not to allow material problems to get on top of you, as the answers are known and they will be solved in good time. Much of the first round of changes, are to get the right people into places of authority. This is very much a priority where politics are concerned, and clearly matters will proceed more quickly when those in charge are working for the good of all people.

The hidden truth concerning many matters of importance to you is surfacing, and there is so much more that must become public knowledge. It is important that you understand how you have been mislead for eons of time, as then you will accept the extent of the changes that will bring many new ideas into your lives. You certainly will not want to go back to the old ways, but it will not leave a vacuum as the new programs are going to involve a great leap forward. It will more than recompose you for all that you may have lost in the process, and you will be well satisfied with the outcome. Once we can openly work together the new technologies will speed along the changes, and they will be focused on giving you a happy and comfortable life. In time there will further changes that will uplift you even more, as you enter the higher dimensions. Then life shall become more blissful and peaceful, with beauty and harmony all around you. By then you shall also have become Galactic Beings, with considerable power to create, as you desire.

Individually you have karma to clear, and what comes up will be anything that cannot be carried by you into the higher vibrations. Sometimes it will be merely the direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you. It is simply a lesson in keeping your focus on all that is of the Light, and moving out of mindsets that are no longer in your best interests. There are few of you that at times do not have dark thoughts, even if you give them the energy to manifest in your life. Think of all that is wholesome and of beauty, and dispatch any others with your love so that they shall not return.

You are all changing whether you are consciously aware of it, and a number of you have symptoms of imbalances that result from them. Feeling off color or lethargic are such signs, and they will soon pass. Rest is what you need so that you do not overtax yourselves, and adequate sleep is most essential. Your physical bodies are being changed and the process is speeding up, but once you have settled down to the changes they will prove most beneficial. You will feel renewed and far more energetic than previously, and you will have one foot in the higher dimension. You are self-healing and physical problems will gradually disappear, and you will enjoy good health. Ultimately your body will be beyond the ills and problems you presently experience.

People are becoming more active, because their awareness has been opened up by the higher energies reaching you from outer space. As a result you are beginning to realize that you have the power to demand your rights, and it is pressurizing your present governments to bring in change. It will probably not get far until after disclosure, when our help will ensure that you are properly represented. The dark still persist in causing fear and they put much faith in the possibility of terrorist attacks, and it is they who are behind most incidents. However, we shall not tolerate another major incident, and those involved will find their attempts come to nothing. We want you to feel strong enough to counter any fear tactics, so as not to give them any power over you. Spread your Light wherever you can, and if you identify areas that lack the Light send yours to it. When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.

We of the Galactic Federation are closely monitoring activity on Earth, as Mother Earth needs to pursue her own cleansing program. She is very much like you in the sense that she also has to shed that which cannot go through to the higher dimensions. However do not focus on the worse scenario, as you may otherwise be instrumental in bringing it about. All changes will occur with as little harm to you as possible, and we can warn you of where the most danger exists. We will be working behind the scenes to lessen the impact of them where permissible. There are minor changes occurring on the Earth’s surface all of the time, and these are quite natural and usually present little danger.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, as many visitors to Earth have also been in the past. Your history contains many accounts of such visits, which are now being accepted as actual happenings. It is often only the descriptions that have stopped you from realizing such facts, as it was difficult for ancient people to describe that for which words did not exist. We have often told you that we have visited you for thousands of years, and they were planned as part of your awakening to other forms of life. We have also helped along your progress by passing on useful information, to advance your understanding of medicine and means of survival. Now you are well beyond those early stages, and we come to give you the benefit of advanced technologies.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above - English

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” ~ Henry Ellis

~ Angelic Message ~

Get outside… breathe some fresh air… walk bare foot in the grass… hug a tree… smell a beautiful flower… dance in the rain… feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face.

Spend as much time as you can this week in nature’s embrace… in the arms of the Great Mother. This is your world… a part of you. Connect with your heart. As above, so below… as within, so without.

Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” ~ Mother Teresa

~ Crystal Powers ~

Apophyllite – connects you to the spiritual world and all its’ information (Akashic record)

It is a powerful transmitter of energy and can enhance the energy in a room. It is an anchor to the physical during out-of-body journeys. Helps strengthen the connection between physical and spiritual. This is a stone of truth and it helps you to find yours.

It is calming and helps to reduce stress. Helps to release mental blockages and negative thought patterns. Corrects flaws and imbalances. It is a powerful healer stone and will help you reach new depths. It helps to reduce desire to the physical. Apophyllite helps to release suppressed emotions. It overcomes anxiety, worries, and fears. It grounds the spirit. It eases journeys into past lives. Deepens meditation.

“Cast your line into the celestial oceans. Align your frequency to that of your vision and it will manifest into your reality.” ~ Diana Cooper

~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~

Common names: Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea)

Origins: Europe and Asia, naturalised in North America. Blooms in autumn. Strong perennial. Full sun. When grown in higher elevations the plant becomes more potent.

Solidago is derived from the Latin ‘solido’ which means to join or to make whole.

It helps to clear bladder and kidney infections, it is an anti-inflammatory. It is a diuretic and will help to stimulate the kidneys. In fact it is one of the best and most effective medicines for the kidney and the bladder. When you are in need of a good clean out add Goldenrod to your detox regime. Sugar causes massive damage to the kidney’s, also an excessive amount of salt… pesticides can also cause a lot of damage. And heavy metals such as lead are very dangerous. As these elements form part of our daily lifestyle we need to make sure that we regularly detox and clear out the heavily burdened waste organs. Kidneys are really amazing and will probably only show signs of damage when as much as 75% of our kidneys are badly damaged often this is too late to reverse the damage so that is why it is so important to help your body to cleanse regularly. If your skin is looking a little blotchy, you have a rash, or you have a few extra spots, or if you are sweating more than normal… then it is also a sign to detox. Have about 1 to 1 ½ litres of goldenrod tea daily to flush kidneys and bladder stones. Its high saponin content and anti-fungal qualities work wonders in clearing the Candida fungus from the body. The tea can be taken for soar throats, diarrhoea, catarrh, allergic rhinitis and even for gastroenteritis in children.

The plant is also safe to use on animals ~ for kidney problems (nephritic and diuretic). It is also an anti-inflammatory, helps prevent or eliminate urinary stones, it is antibacterial, anti-fungal, it stops bleeding… and it reduces inflammation of respiratory mucusa (anti-catarrhal). Can be used as a tonic.

Goldenrod is an invasive plant but has been used for centuries by farmers to nourish depleted soil. It is full of minerals and enzymes. It has the unusual ability to cross pollinate with other plants, so there are more than 130 species of Goldenrod in the US alone. The yellow is very vibrant and quite beautiful standing along the roadsides.

Plant wisdom: It guides you to your inner treasures. It brings good luck and lifts your mood. It helps to deepen meditations and connects you with your inner wisdom.

“Healing takes place because light transmutes the lower vibrations of ill health.” ~ Diana Cooper

How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’…
~ Lentil and Vegetable curry ~

This gentle curry is very mild and fabulous when slow cooked! Put a teaspoon of yellow mustard seeds in a little oil and cook until they begin to pop. Add 1 large chopped onion and sauté in a little oil until golden… add two chopped aubergines… cook slowly until the aubergines are soft and cooked through. Then add 2 teaspoons of cumin, 1 of coriander, a half a teaspoon of Turmeric, and a little Cayenne pepper to taste. Stir until it is well blended. Then add about 3 cups of chopped potatoes, carrots, courgettes, butternut and a few peas. Cover the veggies with vegetable stock and a tin of coconut milk. Add a handful or two of red lentils and cook slowly until all the vegetables are cooked. Add a little more vegetable stock if liquid is reduced (always keep to the level of the veggies). Serve with basmati rice and a nice fruity chutney. Always bless each plant as you work… thanking them for their nutrition and health… be grateful for their contribution to your well-being. Blessing food helps to feed your soul energetically.     
“We have reached the moment of our evolution in which we must humanise the sacred and lessen the distance between non-physical and physical intelligence. This is the way of the elegant spirit.” ~ Caroline M. Myss / C. Norman Shealy from The Creation of Health

~ The Way of the Elegant Spirit ~
(an excerpt from The Creation of Health by Caroline M. Myss and C. Norman Shealy)

Becoming an aware human is a full time job. At times, you might regret your ever having stepped foot on this path because awareness does not necessarily make your life easier. In fact, it will most certainly bring you challenges that seem to be monumental.

To see clearly, to have the inner vision clear enough to penetrate the illusions other people still maintain, can be very discouraging.
Likewise, to choose a path of awareness is not an intellectual exercise. It is a living, breathing, constant discipline.

If you choose to believe that you create your own reality, that perception does not include any vacation time. You must always live in that perception, no matter what the situation, no matter what the challenge. Indeed, your intellect will not be your opponent on this path ~ your challenges will come from your emotions. It is your emotional warehouse that holds your fears, insecurities and lesser qualities. Healing these inner limitations will be your challenge, again and again.

A word of caution is also required here. Spiritual power is not earned casually. Regardless of what information you may pour into your brain, and how well you may intellectually understand Buddhism, Zen, or the Christian mystical traditions, the intellect is not match for the soul.

Your life will most certainly change is you direct it towards spiritual awakening. The wisdom of your soul will take over the driver’s seat of your life, and your lesser needs, those coming from fear or illusion, will ride along like hitchhikers until you are ready to drop them off.

And finally, there is no turning back. Once you accept the journey to become whole, to become an elegant spirit, you can not go backwards. You cannot become “unaware” ever again. You can take a detour or two, but you cannot release awareness once it is your own. It is yours for all eternity.

It is inevitable that every human being will become an “elegant spirit”. As the Course in Miracles so beautifully says, “It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.”

We offer the following suggestions for those on the path to becoming Elegant Spirits:

·          Personal Values must be based upon the truth of your origin. You are spirit. You command energy to take form according to your thoughts, feelings and words, and you are responsible for the quality of that which you contribute to the creation of life. It is, therefore, in your own best interest as well as that of others to create with love and wisdom. Keep your words, thoughts and emotions clear and honest.

·          Universal Principles serve as guidelines for creation: cause and effect, what is in one is in the whole; manifestation is the result of intention. These, and all other universal principles, are your power tools. The more you know and understand Universal Principles, the more empowered you become.

·          Each person who enters into your life is a reflection of some aspect of your own being. Likewise, you are a reflection for each person also. Whether you are drawn to their positive qualities, or repelled by their negative traits, you are only seeing yourself. This reflection is often difficult to see clearly because the depth of the reflection is usually disguised by the personality of the individual. If you can look beyond the personality traits, you will see yourself in the depths of a person’s motivations, fears, strengths and compassion. Blaming others, therefore serves no purpose.

·          All artificial barriers that separate the essential oneness of life should be disregarded. Boundaries between nations which maintain that certain people are different that others are obsolete, meaningless and serve only to separate people from one another. Allegiance belongs to life itself. Life has no boundaries. It thrives anywhere there is love.

·          Likewise, the boundaries that are now present among all of the other kingdoms of life ~ animal, mineral and plant ~ are also artificial barriers that prevent respect, interspecies communication and emotional bonding. All life has consciousness. All life is connected.

·          What is in one is in the whole. Apply this teaching to your life and all that you create, realising that every positive and negative action you put into motion affects the whole of life.

·          Time and space are nonexistent in the dimension of thought. Thoughts travel in an instant. Therefore, learn to think in terms of your thoughts as a multi-level communications system in which such activity as healing at a distance can be accomplished.

·          Because thoughts are power, develop a quality-control check-up on yourself on a regular basis. When you feel that too much negativity is present in your system, do something to heal yourself immediately. Pay attention to the law of cause and effect, and study the consequences of your actions, words, and thoughts, realising at all times that you are the creator behind that which you are studying.

·          Heal your own addiction to violence in any and every form: actions, attitudes, words, habits and thoughts. Our violent natures create our violent politics, weapons, and all violent human actions and interactions. We all have violence in us. Our world is a violent world, and these proclivities have entered into us through the very air we breathe. Remember that violence breeds disease and destroys the human emotional system.

·          Study those desires in your life that control you, and strive to release yourself from anything artificial that exerts power over you: drugs, alcohol, negative habits, fears… anything that causes you to lose power.

·          Remember at all times that you are constantly healing. The process of healing is a verb and not a noun. Your body is reacting every second to your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences. Health is not a permanent condition unless you create it so each day.

·          When you must take time to heal, do it gently. Healing through force of will alone, through determination without self-compassion, is a form of self-inflicted violence. Don’t resent your body for breaking down; learn from the experience so that it does not have to be repeated. Trust the process of healing. It has an intelligence of its own. Learn to listen to what your body needs and to what your spirit needs. Above all, value your health and your well being as your first priority. Honour thyself.

·          Clearly define in your heart your spiritual principles. Know and be clear about what you believe. Do not accept beliefs without question. Keep your focus on yourself and not on others.

·          Set time aside each day for your spiritual practice. Meditation and prayer are essential Learn to be still and hear the inner voice of your soul.

Above all, practise loving. Unconditional love requires the ultimate of efforts and it reaps the ultimate of rewards.

~ In the Garden ~

Your garden is not longer simply a place where you grow some pretty plants… it needs to become an eco-system where plant beings can thrive and be happy… where they can mutually co-exist… helping each other to become greater than they are on their own… the plant world mirrors our own spiritual evolution… all natural living beings do… and it is up to us to provide a loving space for them to thrive.

Your edible garden should be an extension of this… creating a space that will be mutually beneficial all beings involved… the plants as providers of habitat, oxygen and food… humans providing love, care, water, food… insects, small animals providing protection and nutrients they eventually return to the earth… even look to the crystal world for help with creating and holding the space energetically for your plants to thrive.

I saw two wonderful TED videos this week that I want to share with you… I hope you will be as inspired as I was! I have read some of Stamets’ work and he is one of those revolutionary thinkers that will indeed help to change the world!

Check out TED’s latest contribution:

Mycologist Paul Stamets studies the mycelium ~ and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the world ~

While you are at it also check out this 11 year old kid, who’s been home schooled in America ~ Birke Baehr ~ he talks about "What's Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference?"
Video by: Twin Path Productions:

The squirrels have been busy in my garden and I have an abundance of pecan nut trees coming up… if anyone would like to give one a new loving home, please let me know.

“Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,

The Cosmic Trigger occurring on the March 20, 2011 Equinox furthers the transformation of the planet and in addition further activates the functionality of the Crystalline Light body emitted from the 144-Crystalline Grid.