“Each flower that touches our life is fragile. Dance with it gently, gently, being thankful for the gift of it.” ~ Native American Wisdom
Hello and welcome to another installment of my ‘Consciousness of One’ newsletter,
I am loving these spring energies… and really feel the light and life force returning to the Earth :) after the winter months ~ our garden is a profusion of colour and light… birds flock to our feeding spaces (sugar water, bird seed and fruit), the garden literally hums with all the bees and we are so blessed to have a nesting Hadidas couple in the garden… it is a treat to see them dote over their little ones and they are such good parents defending their nest against any threat ~ both parents efficiently drove off the resident Gymnogene with sky acrobatics worthy of praise. The parents take turns walking the grass slurping up worms (looks like dangling spaghetti ~ so funny to see). There seems to be an abundance of life all around… all busy foraging for food and finding love :)
I love the idea of animal totems but also believe that each and every interaction we have has a deeper message for us or the people around us. The following website is great as it lists various animals, birds and insects and their messages. Alternatively you can simply be silent for a moment and mentally ask the bird or animal what he/ she is here to teach or show you. Check it out… http://webpages.charter.net/tofuanna/Totems.html
If you love your cat as much as I do mine, then you might want to know about “Happy Cat”. It is great to counteract symptoms of stress and it promotes overall well-being. I found it invaluable when I moved into a house with 3 “strange” dogs. He is normally quite highly strung (though he would prefer I say sensitive and gentle spirited) and the dogs would really have stressed him out no end but the product really worked and he has settled in to the space without any problems… and the best thing is that it is totally natural ~ check out http://happinessis.co.za/products/ now I just hope they come up with something for dogs!
We all walk our separate paths… wrapped up in our own lives and challenges and so often we forget that our light is needed… we forget that when we come together with opened hearts we become powerful beings of light that can do great things.
So with that in mind I invite you to join me for some Earth Healing Work at the Helderberg Nature Reserve in Somerset West on Heritage Day ~ Friday the 24th September 2010. Let’s meet at 10am in the car park and go from there. First we will do a nice walk and then we will find a space to do a little cleansing ceremony and then to do a guided meditation with the intension of bringing more light down onto the Earth plane in order to heal and nurture the great mother as she heals and nurtures us. It is a day to be nurtured by your own inner light. It is also a great time ~ close enough to benefit from the full moon and the Spring Equinox energies of the previous day (23rd September). Can you each bring some lunch and a few snacky things to share with the group and enough water for yourself to drink (for the walk)? You may also want to bring sun block, a hat and a windbreaker (and obviously good walking shoes). We will not be going very fast so fitness is not really an issue… it will be more about walking consciously (experiencing everything around you) rather than racing to a destination. For directions ~ see: http://www.helderbergnaturereserve.co.za/reserve/how-to-get-here/
Please RSVP by the 22nd September 2010 ~ Tracy 083 381 5115
This past weekend I was reminded of a very important lesson… the only obstacle to living your dream is you (this includes perceptions, beliefs, concerns, thoughts)! For years now I have been working towards my dream which in a nutshell is about living in a sustainable way, close to nature, in a community of like minded people. A lot of my journey since deciding this path has been about walking my talk… being closer to nature… living more consciously… doing everything I am able to tread as lightly as possible on the land… finding ways to make an income that not only allow me to play within the areas of my passions but also to contribute to the greater good in some way. It has truly been a beautiful awakening journey because with each step I have learnt more about myself… and with each step I have grow to love myself a little more ~ and that is what it is all about at the end of the day ~ stripping away the meaningless layers… healing the unloving thoughts… until you are left with everything that you love and accept. Because when you love all that you do and all that you are… when you love and accept who you are… when you heal and become whole ~ a piece of the world is healed and made whole to mirror your reality.
Go out there and live your dreams… stop making excuses… stop finding obstacles… you are your dreams… it is all already achieved inside you… everything is possible… the power to succeed is yours alone.
Following on from the Conscious Convergence earlier this year on the 21st of September there will be a “Global I am Day” ~ for more information see: http://www.iamday.blogspot.com/
21st September is also the UN Day of Peace.
Blessings, love and light,
“We stand united in the sacred circle joining hearts and hands, raising our voices as one… to sing the song that will light the fire of unity, in the hearts of all the world.” ~ Native American Wisdom
~ The Equinox / Full Moon Energy ~
The powerful astrological movements we experienced over the past few months were pretty intense and thankfully these energies have stabilised somewhat although the “fallout” will continue to make waves for some time yet. Many things have been stripped away… things that were important may no longer hold such power over us. This month life changing situations and experiences are a little less extreme… take this time to celebrate how far you have come… have some fun… embrace the new opportunities, ideas, thoughts, beginnings and people that have come into your life… you may soon find yourself embarking on a new journey (metaphysically)… or perhaps moving into a new direction.
These first few weeks of September brought a period of inner contemplation allowing us to exorcise any dark areas making way for transformation and healing to happen. This inner reckoning was also magnified by the Mercury retrograde which is now thankfully over. As I said in my last newsletter it is a time to cleanse and clear the energies and spaces around you and within you. Make yourself ready for transformation and healing. The more light you let in at this time, the more you will be able to release the darkness within and around you.
The New Moon rebalanced the masculine and feminine energies and brought us to a space of new beginnings.
The Spring Equinox (Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere) on the 23rd of September is another big day energetically. Consciously bring in the light which will allow you to transform attitudes, thoughts. Listen to your creative flow (notice heart felt ideas, opportunities, and thoughts) and you will find new solutions to manage things that have been holding you back. This is a wonderful time to tap into your divine purpose. Remember what you heal within you is healed in the world.
Full Moon which is also on the 23rd September ~ Full Moon is a time for coming together… for extraverted expression. This time of increased energy will help you to actively accelerate your transformation.
This is a big day energetically so plan as little as you can for the day, ground your energies in the heart of the mother, breathe deep and slow, eat foods full of life giving energy, and open yourself up and give yourself over to the light as much as you can. Enjoy it!
“When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.” ~ Joseph Campbell
~ The Earth Speaks ~
These are days of Transformation.
Days when you get to choose.
To choose, to express who you really are.
Days when you get to choose.
To choose, to express who you really are.
Whether you will be counted.
Counted to stand up for what you believe in.
Believe from your Soul and your Heart.
This time is not for being afraid or holding on to old wounds or let the ego dictate your actions.
The time is one of Love.
Counted to stand up for what you believe in.
Believe from your Soul and your Heart.
This time is not for being afraid or holding on to old wounds or let the ego dictate your actions.
The time is one of Love.
Love all around you.
No matter the shape, colour or creed.
Or how frightened, or lonely, or sad.
Time to stop saying ‘I am only one; I cannot make any difference on my own’.
No matter the shape, colour or creed.
Or how frightened, or lonely, or sad.
Time to stop saying ‘I am only one; I cannot make any difference on my own’.
It is time to act from your Heart and your Soul.
To be the one, that stands in Love.
To show that in the mists of all the pain and the hurt and the fear, there is much Love.
To be the one, that stands in Love.
To show that in the mists of all the pain and the hurt and the fear, there is much Love.
To show, that one Heart can make much difference.
That one Heart can be so big that the all world fits in there.
That one Heart can be so big that the all world fits in there.
The Heart is infinite.
One Heart opened and full of Love can change everything.
One Heart opened and full of Love can change everything.
Will you be that Heart?
"I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect Love, Peace and Wisdom." ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
~ From Tony Burrough's book The Code ~
Check out Tony Burrough's Intenders.com
Here is a short story from The Code as a way of introducing you to the old ways and the new ways.
“While living in New Mexico , I found that I liked going out into the desert, and it was there, on a mesa near Chaco Canyon , where I made an intention to access higher knowledge. I went into a mild trance, and suddenly Kokopelli, the most outrageous being I ever met, appeared. After playing his flute and dancing around for awhile, he told me that one of humanity's most fascinating traits had to do with our strange but stubborn urge to hold onto beliefs and activities that didn't serve us anymore. He placed our current collective reality in that category and made light of it, saying that these characteristics were soon to be obsolete and seen by the masses as the old ways (not to be confused with the ways of our ancient ancestors when they were in their glory.) He pointed out that the abbreviation for the old ways is "OW!", and he got up and jumped around like he'd just stubbed his toe. We laughed for a long time, and then he went on to say that the new evolved ways, as represented in The Code, were abbreviated "NEW!" and that they would lead us out of our current despair into a golden age.
"Take your pick!" he said, as he hopped around on one e.g. "OW! or NEW!".... and each time he shouted "OW!" he exaggerated his pain even more. I'll never forget how hard we laughed. And, later on, when I was confronted by a difficult situation that stemmed from me holding on too tightly to my old ways, it somehow made it easier to deal with if I recalled his antics that day out on the mesa.”
My intention for today is:I intend that I am taking time to play and have a lot of fun.
“Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.” ~ Deepak Chopra
~ The 8 Green Steps to Solartopia ~
[ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/harvey-wasserman/the-8-green-steps-to-sola_b_207463.html ]
The noble vision of a Solartopian green-powered Earth is at last upon us.
Our eco-future is defined by the four Great Green Truths: we have a global crisis, it has a solution, the solution is winnable, and winning requires a "middle path" of action that is both non-violent and non-stop.
There are technological solutions to the crisis, but they demand political action. Together they comprise the Eight Green Steps to a sustainable world:
1. Ban Waste and War: Nothing may be produced that cannot be fully recycled or that will not completely bio-degrade. This includes weapons whose sole purpose is death and destruction, and whose manufacture and use must be ended by a global community that knows war to be the ultimate act of ecological suicide.
2. Maximize Efficiency & Conservation: From energy to building materials, food to fiber, water to paper, our resources must be preserved. Our unsustainable consumption and wasteful industries must be made appropriate and efficient, starting with a reborn mass transit system and complete preservation of all remaining virgin land and waters.
3. Transcend Fossil/Nuke: King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes & Gas) must take its place in the compost heap of history. Our addiction to filthy, finite fossil/nuclear fuels has led us to the brink of economic and ecological collapse. In the new green millennium, we either kick the habit, or it kills us.
4. Convert to Renewable energy: Solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, ocean thermal, wave, current, sustainable bio-fuels and their green siblings are proven, profitable and have time on their side. Each has its imperfections, and no single source will dominate. But union-made renewables sing in economic and ecological harmony, and are the ultimate job-creators.
5. Go Organic: Factory farming, genetically modified crops and chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers are unsustainable. Diverse, community-scaled, reliably organic agriculture is the key to a future fed by food that's fit to eat.
6. Transform the Corporation: Our most powerful -- and destructive -- institution claims human rights without human responsibilities. Corporate charters must require social service, ecological accountability and establish a barrier between capitalism and cannibalism. "Green" corporations whose legal mandate still remains limited to accumulating profits will make a mess of the planet as surely as all those who've come before.
7. Assure Social Democracy: Universal hand-counted (recycled) paper ballots and curbs on the power of money to sway elections are the essence of global democracy, as is the demand for social justice. Until all humans are assured the basics of life -- food, shelter, clothing, health care, education -- democracy and freedom are shallow illusions.
8. Empower Women/Control Population: Where enfranchised, educated, fairly paid and in control of their own bodies, the natural union of women with Mother Earth brings us the children She wishes to support. On a healthy planet, birth rates find their natural level when all children are loved and wanted, which is where Solartopia starts.
This list follows the form of Buddhism's Four Noble Truths and Eight-Fold Path to Enlightenment. But all religions at their core call for universal harmony between people and the planet.
Solartopia is diverse, sustainable, and socially just, the necessary, possible vision of a civilization in which we can all survive and thrive.
See you there!
Harvey Wasserman's SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH is at www.solartopia.org, along with the DVD of his conversation with Ernest Callenbach "From Ecotopia to Solartopia,"
at You-Tube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fsv_xmnoorA
at You-Tube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fsv_xmnoorA
The solutions in nature consistently surpass our concept of what is possible. Where we don’t know what to do, we have a good idea what directions to head in. Once people discover these realities, it dramatically leverages pressure for change.
~ Join the Revolution ~
On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground. An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution… from the inside out… from the ground up.
This is a Global “operation”... “a spiritual conspiracy”.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the T.V. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio.
We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes… colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world. Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice. We go undercover.
This is a Global “operation”... “a spiritual conspiracy”.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the T.V. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio.
We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes… colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world. Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice. We go undercover.
We remain behind the scenes. It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit. But simply that the work gets done. Occasionally we spot each other in the street. We give a quiet nod and continue on our way. During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs… but behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes a place.
Some call us the 'Conscious Army'. We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts.
We follow, with passion and joy. Our orders from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking… Poems… Hugs… Music… Photography… Movies… Kind words… Smiles… Meditation and prayer… Dance… Social activism… Websites… Blogs… Random acts of kindness. We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents.
'Be the change you want to see in the world' ~ That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined. Our work is slow and meticulous. Like the formation of mountains. It is not even visible at first glance. And yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the centuries to come.
Love is the new religion of the 21st century.
Some call us the 'Conscious Army'. We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts.
We follow, with passion and joy. Our orders from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking… Poems… Hugs… Music… Photography… Movies… Kind words… Smiles… Meditation and prayer… Dance… Social activism… Websites… Blogs… Random acts of kindness. We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents.
'Be the change you want to see in the world' ~ That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined. Our work is slow and meticulous. Like the formation of mountains. It is not even visible at first glance. And yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the centuries to come.
Love is the new religion of the 21st century.
You don't have to be a highly educated person or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it. It comes from the intelligence of the heart Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us Or already have....
All are welcome...The door is open.
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us Or already have....
All are welcome...The door is open.
"You will not uplift others through your words of sorrow... [or] your recognition that what they have is not what they want. You will uplift them by being something different… through the power & clarity of your own example. Let your example uplift them. Let what is in your heart uplift them..." ~ Abraham-Hicks
~ The New Energy Lightworker Creed by Christina Lunden ~
We stand for courage, integrity and justice. We help people to ground their energy on Earth while still connecting to Spirit. We help them see their lives have purpose and a deeper meaning than merely surviving. We help them to serve where they feel they can offer the best of their talents and abilities to make their part of the Universe a better place. We bring healing by helping them belong. We support them in creating families of choice based on love and friendship, which honors them in growth, truth and love. We help them form communities that sustain their spirit. We help people find their true path in life.
We assist people to know the proper measure of things so that they are able to ascertain what is enough. We assist them in knowing how to control their appetites. We teach them to value the material world and to treat their resources carefully and with pride. We help them know that who they are and what they do is enough. We encourage them to have fun and rest, and to love life in all its glory. We help them find their way when they have lost hope and give them a renewed sense of joy in life. We help heal people who have health issues. We assist those who want more joy and abundance in their lives.
We help people know the power of their own true worth. We encourage them to know themselves. We assist people who are experiencing doubt, fear or anxiety. We shine the healing light of God so that they can find their stillness and know their worth. We help people have an abiding sense of well-being and to know their true identity.
We bring God’s healing love to all. We assist people to know which prayers, food, herbs and medicines they can use to bring balance and healing to their bodies. We help people mend their broken hearts and to know a greater love than they have experienced before. We help them love and give their best to those they care for. We help people heal emotionally, physically and spiritually.
We bring God’s healing love to all. We assist people to know which prayers, food, herbs and medicines they can use to bring balance and healing to their bodies. We help people mend their broken hearts and to know a greater love than they have experienced before. We help them love and give their best to those they care for. We help people heal emotionally, physically and spiritually.
We teach people to honor truth by defending it with their commitment to speak up for themselves. We teach that they can use their voices to heal, inspire and soothe away pain. We help people to cultivate truth in their lives and stop lying to themselves, stop any substance, emotional, physical or sexual abuse, gossiping or spreading of negativity.
We provide people with healing, vision and love. We help people to see the inner light in all things and to honor everyone. We teach them to be discerning, intuitive, imaginative, and knowledgeable. We bring them the ability to find their inner wisdom and to know their beauty, power and healing abilities. We assist them with cultivating that wisdom and help them use it for healing.
We help people to understand they have access to the pure Light. We teach that it is inside of them and is never born and never dies. It is permanent, ever radiant and ever connected to the source of all life. We assist people to know their true self in its entire splendor. We help them know they can commune with that Light to request healing, peace, and love at any time for it is always present and always responding to their prayers.
We assist people with this new spiritual awareness of the Christ Consciousness. We help them with letting go of their human ideas and all karma. We help them have a greater sense of themselves as part of a larger community of people and beings. We help them to use their intuition, spiritual perception and spiritual wisdom daily. We help them develop a true sense of divinity and show them how to share that with others.
We do all of these things only when asked as we choose to honor each person’s choices for their Soul experience. Most of all, we walk our talk because we know that is the easiest and best way to teach and to share with others.
I pray that these statements are a blessing to you.
It’s an honor to walk beside you in the Light!
Many Blessings of Light,
Copyright 2010 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator, Inc. All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source: www.ChristinaLunden.com
“When we least expect it life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change, at such a moment there is no pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready.” ~ Paolo Coelho
~ OS IV: The Divine Human Upgrade by Lauren C Gorgo ~
A few days ago I was laying on my bed watching some resistance in me rise while thinking about the many years I spent staring at the same spot on my bedroom ceiling... wondering which day and when I would be able to actively participate in my life again. Not to the point of doing what I used to do... because obviously so much has changed for all of us... but to finally be able to put into action the last decade of learning and expansion through the never-ending process of cleaning out our insides. (literally & figuratively)
And now, here we are in another mercury retrograde cycle... for me personally, this has to be the 18th or 20th retrograde that I have witnessed in the stillness… translation: since I have been banned from living an external life.
A little over a week into this reflective period I got to thinking that this jail sentence has been so much more than "doing time" for us... more realistically, it is has been a process of "releasing time"... which is so ironic because being the observer of our lives (as opposed to participating in them) for so many years has offered us the ability to watch so much condensed his-tory pass us by in such a short period of time... yet, because of our stillness and inability to move forward, we also feel an undeniable sense of no-time... that nothing is moving at all, and the phrase "going nowhere fast" has brought on an entirely new meaning.
During the purification phase of ascension, everyday really is Groundhog Day. We spin our wheels through the same cycles of polarization, over and again, until we finally jump off the karmic wheel and into our center-point, where we cease to get attached to the energies that derail us.
Oops... back to my story... so, as I was laying there saying my final goodbyes to a life gone by and observing all remaining thoughts and unresolved emotions about being hijacked from human experience, I was greeted by a soul collective that I had never communicated with before. They call themselves, "The Divine Council of Seven".
They shared with me that their divine purpose is to oversee the seven layers of the human energy field during the purification process for those humans who are undergoing their biological transfiguration.
Apparently they are heavily involved in safeguarding us from outside interference and the harshness of the external world during this very sensitive and vulnerable metamorphosis period and they are now wanting to come forth and share some information with us about this ongoing transfiguration into the divine human template.
First of all, I definitely had to look that word up to refresh my Mercury-clouded memory... and here's what I found:
Transfiguration n.
1. a concept in Christianity which is central to the understanding of Christ as joining the human and the divine.
2. a. a marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.
b. a change that glorifies or exalts
The New Operating System
In its most basic form, the divine human template is rooted in, and motivated by, harmonics. Harmonic resonance is the signature vibration of the 5th dimensional human biological makeup and what many have been and will be transitioning into.
A 5th dimensional operating system does not mean that we are impervious to discordance, it means that we are energetically detached enough to avoid it. Avoiding the temptation to meddle in discordance will come quite naturally as all systems click perfectly into place.
Our new operating system is designed to function within the realms of oneness which means that any and all access to polarized fields of consciousness can cause great waves of distortion.
The Divine Council is reminding us that the way to exist in an increasingly volatile (purifying) world within a 5D physical framework is to solidify boundaries and use sensation as a guide for discernment. Our physical and biological receptors are becoming so finely tuned that our ability to sense distortion well precedes the experience of it....this is for good reason. To utilize these sensations effectively is to honor our energy body at all times by making choices that are aligned with our highest good.
To fully realize our divine-human potential, the holographic matrix by which we operate must match the frequency of our updated internal operating system... which is located at the base of skull, or cerebellum, and is linked to the 8th chakra... what many refer to as the soul star chakra (and which houses our divine/soul blueprint). For this process to complete itself, there must be a complete restructuring of the framework by which we humans, in a 3d polarized time/space matrix, operate.
Transfiguration is the term the council uses to explain the transition from the 3d human (or the 3d human operating system), to the divine human (or the divine human operating system). This new operating system is designed to pick up and decode the higher dimensional frequencies, translating them into a physical output...the manifestation of our divine intent.This state, by which our body is transfiguring into, is way beyond a normal state of human functioning...it is what they refer to as "human functioning at its most supreme power".
The reason that the process has been so long and arduous is because the transition from one physical state to another is very time and energy consuming... meaning that it requires great concentrations of energy to fulfill the destiny of our divine blueprint. In a non-physical realm, this energy moves very quickly and shifts are instantaneous, however, while in physical form where energy is denser (and therefore slower), we are required to complete this transfiguration first...in order to fulfill our divine plan in service to the One.
Revving Up & Stabilizing
The seven main energy centers of the human body, the conduits by which we transmit information, have been seriously revving up since the June solstice... rather, they are increasing in spin and simultaneously raising the rate of our personal vibration to match the vibration of the 5th dimensional reality matrices. This increasing energy is presently aligning with our soul plan, or blueprint, and beginning to send large waves of telepathic information to the grid by which we are now beginning to operate from as well as connect to many more members of our soul family.
The process of opening or expanding these seven energy centers to full divine-human capacity is nothing short of miraculous, however, keep in mind that as with all new beginnings there will be temporary set backs and readjustments required to maintain the optimum flow or frequency through our newly updated hardware. September will be largely about stabilizing this flow.
Akin to a computer upgrade, now that our 5D operating system is downloaded and pumping higher frequency signals to our rewired brain, we must now update all of our software to readjust our focus so that we can clearly see the new world being birthed before us as never before. Just as with all holographic reality constructs, the ability to see and participate in these fields of intelligence depends solely on our vibrational output.
For the next three weeks we will be continuing to step in and out of these new frequencies and testing the waters in greater concentrations with fuller presence. We will be learning how to consciously expand our energy field and hone our skills at keeping our fields open and grounded as we experiment with some powerful surges of energy that undulate through our bio and morphogenic fields.
The advice we are being given for this is to PLAY! Play with the new potentials that are beginning to take form, play with the power of our focus, our magnetism and our ability to stabilize ourselves with intention.
Communication Upgrade
This Mercury retrograde period that we are presently wading through is responsible for much of the communication upgrade to our energy field that we are all undergoing. It is being used to not only ensure that the left and right hemisphere of our brains are working together harmoniously, but it is also ensuring that all seven energy centers of our biofield are fully aligned and communicating with our higher self.
This new communication field will also be responsible for the real-time telepathic exchange with our higher self and will enable full access to our divine blueprint. The divine blueprint, (located in the soul-star chakra), houses the information of all past and future incarnations and is the way station for our higher intelligence. As this reconnection opens more fully, the information from our higher self becomes readily available for the physical co-creation of our soul-genetic plan. This means that not only will we have a pure connection to our higher intelligence, but we will be working within the dimensional fields of fluid creation and will be given the access codes for our divine-human capabilities.
Some of these capabilities include: increased creativity and focus, increased levels of energy and vitality, increased capacity to heal the self (resurrection/regeneration), increased capacity to heal others, increased psychic perceptions & capabilities, increased manifestation skills, increased sensitivity, and the awakening of some dormant gifts yet to be explored or discovered.
Physical Happenings
Although its a very slow process, it's probably a very good sign that I am beginning to receive more and more information about our upcoming physical changes... and there will be changes....but not in the ways that most expect.
The divine human template is apparently designed to alter the human genome and carries with it the intelligence to regenerate our cells at rapid rate. This level of self-healing requires that the physical vessel remains in a state of harmonic accord and that it is fueled by an energetic source greater than its own. What this means is for those completing what the council calls transfiguration, the human body will no longer generate its full power from external sources, but will be self-propelled from a secure connection to our own servers (power-Source).
There will still be the need for basic human functioning at this level of operation; however, I am told that there will be less of a need for external fuel as the body becomes more of a self-sustainable mechanism of physical transport and experience.
I am told that the most notable change in our physicality will be by way of youthfulness. The youthful glowing appearance and capability of the divine human template is a natural byproduct of a fully functioning energy system. If I am hearing this correctly, the new energy feed that sustains us will be nearly tripled in input, and nearly doubled in output and 1/3 of the vital energy supplies from Source will go straight to our biological systems for optimum functioning.
There are many more things to discuss with regard to the new human template, and I will have more to report as we advance into this next level of conscious co-creation. For now, just know that after all we have been through during the last 3 months, we have definitely turned a corner and when mercury goes direct we will see the some immediate results of our new level programming.
In the meantime we still need to surrender to the stillness knowing that forward movement will soon commence, and allow our bodies to go through the required changes that we are still integrating since the solstice. The council is saying...
"There is so much to learn and so many new things to discover here that we say to you, enjoy your final days of rest!"
Of course, we also have had the usual symptoms related to different aspects of our rewiring this time around...here are some of the more pronounced:Pineal/pituitary merging, rewiring & reorienting symptoms: dizziness, pain/pressure in back of head and down spine, vision problems, earaches, sinus headaches, migraines, fatigue, neck aches and stiffness, changes in body temperature, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, vivid funky dreams, etc.
Heart opening symptoms: heart palpitations/skipping beats (aligning to new grid), ANXIETY, middle back pain (behind heart) and indigestion/heartburn/acid reflux, nausea, etc.
Grounding symptoms: LOWER BACK ACHING/pulling, leg aches and heaviness, menstrual-type cramps, lower intestinal distress/cramping/detox, bloating, water retention, skin rashes, etc.
See you when Mercury goes direct. [12 September]
1. a concept in Christianity which is central to the understanding of Christ as joining the human and the divine.
2. a. a marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.
b. a change that glorifies or exalts
The New Operating System
In its most basic form, the divine human template is rooted in, and motivated by, harmonics. Harmonic resonance is the signature vibration of the 5th dimensional human biological makeup and what many have been and will be transitioning into.
A 5th dimensional operating system does not mean that we are impervious to discordance, it means that we are energetically detached enough to avoid it. Avoiding the temptation to meddle in discordance will come quite naturally as all systems click perfectly into place.
Our new operating system is designed to function within the realms of oneness which means that any and all access to polarized fields of consciousness can cause great waves of distortion.
The Divine Council is reminding us that the way to exist in an increasingly volatile (purifying) world within a 5D physical framework is to solidify boundaries and use sensation as a guide for discernment. Our physical and biological receptors are becoming so finely tuned that our ability to sense distortion well precedes the experience of it....this is for good reason. To utilize these sensations effectively is to honor our energy body at all times by making choices that are aligned with our highest good.
To fully realize our divine-human potential, the holographic matrix by which we operate must match the frequency of our updated internal operating system... which is located at the base of skull, or cerebellum, and is linked to the 8th chakra... what many refer to as the soul star chakra (and which houses our divine/soul blueprint). For this process to complete itself, there must be a complete restructuring of the framework by which we humans, in a 3d polarized time/space matrix, operate.
Transfiguration is the term the council uses to explain the transition from the 3d human (or the 3d human operating system), to the divine human (or the divine human operating system). This new operating system is designed to pick up and decode the higher dimensional frequencies, translating them into a physical output...the manifestation of our divine intent.This state, by which our body is transfiguring into, is way beyond a normal state of human functioning...it is what they refer to as "human functioning at its most supreme power".
The reason that the process has been so long and arduous is because the transition from one physical state to another is very time and energy consuming... meaning that it requires great concentrations of energy to fulfill the destiny of our divine blueprint. In a non-physical realm, this energy moves very quickly and shifts are instantaneous, however, while in physical form where energy is denser (and therefore slower), we are required to complete this transfiguration first...in order to fulfill our divine plan in service to the One.
Revving Up & Stabilizing
The seven main energy centers of the human body, the conduits by which we transmit information, have been seriously revving up since the June solstice... rather, they are increasing in spin and simultaneously raising the rate of our personal vibration to match the vibration of the 5th dimensional reality matrices. This increasing energy is presently aligning with our soul plan, or blueprint, and beginning to send large waves of telepathic information to the grid by which we are now beginning to operate from as well as connect to many more members of our soul family.
The process of opening or expanding these seven energy centers to full divine-human capacity is nothing short of miraculous, however, keep in mind that as with all new beginnings there will be temporary set backs and readjustments required to maintain the optimum flow or frequency through our newly updated hardware. September will be largely about stabilizing this flow.
Akin to a computer upgrade, now that our 5D operating system is downloaded and pumping higher frequency signals to our rewired brain, we must now update all of our software to readjust our focus so that we can clearly see the new world being birthed before us as never before. Just as with all holographic reality constructs, the ability to see and participate in these fields of intelligence depends solely on our vibrational output.
For the next three weeks we will be continuing to step in and out of these new frequencies and testing the waters in greater concentrations with fuller presence. We will be learning how to consciously expand our energy field and hone our skills at keeping our fields open and grounded as we experiment with some powerful surges of energy that undulate through our bio and morphogenic fields.
The advice we are being given for this is to PLAY! Play with the new potentials that are beginning to take form, play with the power of our focus, our magnetism and our ability to stabilize ourselves with intention.
Communication Upgrade
This Mercury retrograde period that we are presently wading through is responsible for much of the communication upgrade to our energy field that we are all undergoing. It is being used to not only ensure that the left and right hemisphere of our brains are working together harmoniously, but it is also ensuring that all seven energy centers of our biofield are fully aligned and communicating with our higher self.
This new communication field will also be responsible for the real-time telepathic exchange with our higher self and will enable full access to our divine blueprint. The divine blueprint, (located in the soul-star chakra), houses the information of all past and future incarnations and is the way station for our higher intelligence. As this reconnection opens more fully, the information from our higher self becomes readily available for the physical co-creation of our soul-genetic plan. This means that not only will we have a pure connection to our higher intelligence, but we will be working within the dimensional fields of fluid creation and will be given the access codes for our divine-human capabilities.
Some of these capabilities include: increased creativity and focus, increased levels of energy and vitality, increased capacity to heal the self (resurrection/regeneration), increased capacity to heal others, increased psychic perceptions & capabilities, increased manifestation skills, increased sensitivity, and the awakening of some dormant gifts yet to be explored or discovered.
Physical Happenings
Although its a very slow process, it's probably a very good sign that I am beginning to receive more and more information about our upcoming physical changes... and there will be changes....but not in the ways that most expect.
The divine human template is apparently designed to alter the human genome and carries with it the intelligence to regenerate our cells at rapid rate. This level of self-healing requires that the physical vessel remains in a state of harmonic accord and that it is fueled by an energetic source greater than its own. What this means is for those completing what the council calls transfiguration, the human body will no longer generate its full power from external sources, but will be self-propelled from a secure connection to our own servers (power-Source).
There will still be the need for basic human functioning at this level of operation; however, I am told that there will be less of a need for external fuel as the body becomes more of a self-sustainable mechanism of physical transport and experience.
I am told that the most notable change in our physicality will be by way of youthfulness. The youthful glowing appearance and capability of the divine human template is a natural byproduct of a fully functioning energy system. If I am hearing this correctly, the new energy feed that sustains us will be nearly tripled in input, and nearly doubled in output and 1/3 of the vital energy supplies from Source will go straight to our biological systems for optimum functioning.
There are many more things to discuss with regard to the new human template, and I will have more to report as we advance into this next level of conscious co-creation. For now, just know that after all we have been through during the last 3 months, we have definitely turned a corner and when mercury goes direct we will see the some immediate results of our new level programming.
In the meantime we still need to surrender to the stillness knowing that forward movement will soon commence, and allow our bodies to go through the required changes that we are still integrating since the solstice. The council is saying...
"There is so much to learn and so many new things to discover here that we say to you, enjoy your final days of rest!"
Of course, we also have had the usual symptoms related to different aspects of our rewiring this time around...here are some of the more pronounced:Pineal/pituitary merging, rewiring & reorienting symptoms: dizziness, pain/pressure in back of head and down spine, vision problems, earaches, sinus headaches, migraines, fatigue, neck aches and stiffness, changes in body temperature, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, vivid funky dreams, etc.
Heart opening symptoms: heart palpitations/skipping beats (aligning to new grid), ANXIETY, middle back pain (behind heart) and indigestion/heartburn/acid reflux, nausea, etc.
Grounding symptoms: LOWER BACK ACHING/pulling, leg aches and heaviness, menstrual-type cramps, lower intestinal distress/cramping/detox, bloating, water retention, skin rashes, etc.
See you when Mercury goes direct. [12 September]
"Ego, the false idea of believing that you are what you have or what you do, is a backwards way of assessing and living life." ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
~ Steps towards Inner Peace (from Peace Pilgrim) ~
1. Assume right attitude toward life
Stop being an escapist or a surface-liver as these attitudes can only cause disharmony in your life. Face life squarely and get down below the froth on its surface to discover its verities and realities. Solve the problems that life sets before you, and you will find that solving them contributes to your inner growth. Helping to solve collective problems contributes also to your growth, and these problems should never be avoided.
2. Live good beliefs.
The laws governing human conduct apply as rigidly as the law of gravity. Obedience to these laws pushes us toward harmony; disobedience pushes us toward disharmony. Since many of these laws are already common belief, you can begin by putting into practice all the good things you believe. No life can be in harmony unless belief and practice are in harmony.
3. Find your place in the Life Pattern.
You have a part in the scheme of things. What that part is you can know only from within yourself. You can seek it in receptive silence. You can begin to live in accordance with it by doing all the good things you are motivated toward and giving these things priority in your life over all the superficial things that customarily occupy human lives.
4. Simplify life to bring inner and outer well-being into harmony.
Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. Many lives are cluttered not only with unnecessary possessions but also with meaningless activities. Cluttered lives are out-of-harmony lives and require simplification. Wants and needs can become the same in a human life and, when this is accomplished, there will be a sense of harmony between inner and outer well-being. Such harmony is needful not only in the individual life but in the collective life too.
1. Purification of the bodily temple.
Are you free from all bad habits? In your diet do you stress the vital foods - the fruits, whole grains, vegetables and nuts? Do you get to bed early and get enough sleep? Do you get plenty of fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and contact with nature? If you can answer "Yes" to all of these questions, you have gone a long way toward purification of the bodily temple.
2. Purification of the thoughts.
It is not enough to do right things and say right things. You must also think right things. Positive thoughts can be powerful influences for good. Negative thoughts can make you physically ill. Be sure there is no un-peaceful situation between yourself and any other human being, for only when you have ceased to harbor unkind thoughts can you attain inner harmony.
3. Purification of the desires.
Since you are here to get yourself into harmony with the laws that govern human conduct and with your part in the scheme of things, your desires should be focused in this direction.
4. Purification of motives.
Obviously your motive should never be greed or self-seeking, or the wish for self-glorification; you shouldn't even have the selfish motive of attaining inner peace for yourself. To be of service to your fellow humans must be your motive before your life can come into harmony.
1. Relinquishment of self-will.
You have, or it's as though you have, two selves: the lower self that usually governs you selfishly, and the higher self which stands ready to use you gloriously. You must subordinate the lower self by refraining from doing the not-good things you are motivated toward, not suppressing them but transforming them so that the higher self can take over your life.
2. Relinquishment of the feeling of separateness.
All of us, all over the world, are cells in the body of humanity. You are not separate from your fellow humans, and you cannot find harmony for yourself alone. You can only find harmony when you realize the oneness of all and work for the good of all.
3. Relinquishment of attachments.
Only when you have relinquished all attachments can you be really free. Material things are here for use, and anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you. You can only live in harmony with your fellow humans if you have no feeling that you possess them, and therefore do not try to run their lives.
4. Relinquishment of all negative feelings.
Work on relinquishing negative feelings. If you live in the present moment, which is really the only moment you have to live, you will be less apt to worry. If you realize that those who do mean things are psychologically ill, your feelings of anger will turn to feelings of pity. If you recognize that all of your inner hurts are caused by your own wrong actions or your own wrong reactions or your own wrong inaction, then you will stop hurting yourself.
For her free book or to read it free online go to www.peacepilgrim.org
"The strength of a tree lies in its ability to bend." ~ Zen Proverb
~ Angelic Message ~
You are capable of creating miracles. Due to this vast and pervasive power of Divine love, your spirit is blessed with magic of all kinds. Every moment brings a new opportunity, and you never know when a shift in consciousness will change your reality completely. Open yourself to the lessons of every experience, and know that something wonderful and unexpected could be right around the corner. See your entire life as a miracle in progress and affirm: I am capable of magical creations. Every breath is a blessing; every heartbeat is a gift. I open myself to the miracle of now–and to all the miracles to come.
A friend of mine has created a wonderful range of Angelic Body Sprays. There are 30 different sprays to choose from… such as Protection, Emotional Support and Grounding. They are made with such love ~ please check out http://www.happyangellight.co.za/
"Yoga ia a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are." ~ Erich Schiffmann
~ Crystal Powers ~
Turquoise – Protection, Healing, Purification, Balancing, uplifting
Cabochon Turquoise
The Native American people knew the powers of the stone and included it in jewellery and clothing ~ they saw it uniting sky and earth (spiritual with physical), and bringing together male and female energies. In enhances communication, intuition with the spirit world (placed on the third eye). Releases one from old vows, inhibitions, prohibitions and allows ease of expression (placed on throat chakra). Turquoise dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog, protects against pollutants in the environment. It balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies.
It is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks.
Turquoise is the birthstone for the month of December and the gift given in celebration of the fifth and eleventh wedding anniversaries. Since the days of the ancient Egyptians, turquoise has been known throughout the world and has been in great demand. Turquoise was one of the first gemstones ever mined, perhaps dating back to 6000 BC, in Egypt 's Sinai Peninsula . The name turquoise comes from the same French word, Turquoise, meaning Turkish, since it originally arrived in Europe through Turkey , originating in Iran . Turquoise has been mined in Iran for over 3,000 years. It has been used for thousands of years for jewellery by the Ancient Egyptians, who buried fine pieces with mummies. Aztecs fashioned elaborate turquoise masks. Today, Native Americans, especially the Zuni and Navajo peoples, produce the most renowned pieces in the US , such as turquoise and silver bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, and belt buckles. In the past, the stone was also used as beads in cameos, and irregular pieces were used for mosaics.
~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~
Common names: Californian Poppy (Escholizia californica)
Origins: North West America .
Used for many centuries by the Native Americans as a painkiller, particularly for toothache, and as a sedative for young and old. New research is finding this easily grown annual in becoming one of the most important medical plants for the 21st century as a natural painkiller and antispasmodic.
Petals are edible and can be added to salads, etc. This poppy is not a narcotic. Instead is contains alkaloids and glycosides that have antispasmodic, sedative, calming, and analgesic effects that are safe and sure for treating both the old and the very young. It is used to treat insomnia, hyperactivity, over-excitement, over stimulation and as a comforting antispasmodic for muscle stiffness, indigestion, and even as a gentle non-addictive hypnotic, tranquilliser and anodyne for all age groups, including children with behaviour problems.
New research is finding Californian poppy extracts in a honey-based syrup is extremely beneficial for bedwetting, nervous tension, anxiety, fidgeting, lack of concentration, sleep walking and terrifying dreams in children.
Native Americans pounded the stems and used them to bind around a broken limb, in both man and animal, as padding for a splint or as a compress, warmed in hot water over a painful back or aching hip joint.
Helps to manifest your dreams.
How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’…
~ Lentil Bobotie with coconut milk ~
I never really liked Bobotie that much until I tried this recipe! It’s full of flavour, light and absolutely delicious! And it is SO easy to make!
Gently fry 2 chopped onions in a little coconut oil until they are golden brown. Stir in 1 tbsp of curry powder and then add about 500g of cooked, drained brown lentils. Remove from heat and mix together well. Mash lightly with potato masher. Season to taste (salt and pepper).
Beat together 1 egg and ¼ cup of coconut milk and then place two slices of brown bread into the mixture to soak up all the liquid. Add ¼ cup of chopped dried apricots, ¼ cup of seedless raisins, 1 large peeled and grated granny smith apple. Add 2 tbsp brown sugar (can be substituted for molasses or honey)… and 1 tbsp lemon juice. Mix together with the lentil mixture and check seasoning again.
Turn into a buttered baking dish. Press a bay leaf into the centre. Bake uncovered at 180°C for 15 minutes.
For the topping whisk together 1 cup of coconut milk, 2 free range organic eggs, and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and pour over the top of the Bobotie and thn bake for another 20 minutes or until the topping is set.
Serve with basmati rice (can be flavoured with lemon grass), and your favourite atchar and chutney. Enjoy!
“Love cures people - both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.” ~ Karl Menninger
~ In the Garden ~
In the last newsletter I spoke a bit about Heirloom seeds being a great option to add to your more well known food crops. I would advise you to do a bit of research before you go down this road however to ensure that you get the best nutritional options (don’t only go with how pretty they look because that is how we ended up in this mess in the first place).
A great site that focuses on how our diets have evolved over the years is this one: http://www.naturalhub.com/natural_food_guide_grains_beans_seeds.htm
The about link is about grains, beans and seeds but there are also pages on vegetables and fruit and meat too. The site also looks at the founder crops from a global perspective which is great because you can pick indigenous crops that will more than likely grow better and be hardier than those that come from other places.
It also takes into account the nutrient uptake from the various plants available at that time.
Another book that I really enjoyed is the “People’s Plants” book by Ben-Erik van Wyk and Nigel Gericke ~ in it you can find most indigenous crops eaten by indigenous rural people. It covers food crops as well as medicinal, cosmetic and craft crops as well. The book is invaluable if you are going to be living off the land one day but perhaps not so much if you are just looking to grow a few edible things in your back garden.
A local heirloom supplier is Sean Freeman ~ see www.livingseeds.co.za
It is an interesting site with tips on how to grow certain plants. All the seeds come with a little description.
They are not cheap but the good thing is that you just need to buy from him once and then you can collect your own seeds crop after crop after crop (remember to only collect your seeds from the strongest plants thereby ensuring the best quality ones are carried forward).
The Franchi Sementi seeds are open pollinating heritage/heirloom varieties, and are now available in SA from her website, Sought After Seedlings: http://www.soughtafterseedlings.co.za/
I liked that the seeds are organic as well and the variety is great.
I have also been told that you can get heirloom seeds, seedlings and organically grown vegetables from the Spier Organic market out towards Stellenbosch which I shall be visiting shortly so watch this space.
We are having fabulous weather so get planting! Sow all flowers, herbs, leafy veg, roots, brassicas, tomatoes, berries, and peppers.
Irrigate well but don’t over water at crops are still susceptible to mildew and other fungus.
Feed all your pots every 2 weeks going into Spring and Summer and your whole garden with a good slow release organic fertiliser to help boost the plants fertility and abundance over this busy time.
Around full moon you need to cut back on watering as ground water tends to rise up to the surface… so just keep an eye out.
It is a good time to lay down mulch and green manure to ensure your soil doesn’t loose moisture as the heat intensifies.
Above all have fun! Send out love and bless all the plants in your garden and they will return it with such abundance.
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” ~ Thomas Edison
Ok do it with me now... deep breath in... hold... and let it ALL go.... Ahhhhh!
Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,
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