"Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” ~ Wayne Dyer
Hello and welcome to another installment of my ‘Consciousness of One’ newsletter,
The energy fluctuations are still making life a little challenging at times and I resonated quite a bit with the first article… “Symptoms of the energy shift”.
We are all going through our own personal challenges right now and I feel that it is very important that we support each other unconditionally. This is why regular get-togethers amongst friends and like minded spiritual people are so important… not necessarily so that we can share our burdens but so that we can see that we are not alone on this path… and that in our togetherness we are stronger. What we experience everyone experiences in some form or another because we are all one. That takes us out of that isolated helpless feeling and makes us more inclined to help others which is what life is really all about.
By helping others we learn acceptance, unconditional love, patience… we begin to see the good we do is like sowing seeds of love… each good deed a seed that will blossom and grow into something beautiful… something bigger than the deed itself.
We are learning that we are one with all life… that what we heal within ourselves automatically creates a space for healing to happen in others. We are realising that the outer world is a mirror to our inner world… and to create peace and harmony we go within to find that feeling there.
We are beginning to realise that we are far more powerful than we often give ourselves credit for. That we create everything in our lives… both the good and the “bad”. This is probably our biggest frustration when we see our lives, because we wonder why we would choose to go through some of the things that we do ~ and always the answer is to grow.
We are taking back our power by assuming responsibility for all things instead to issuing blame.
We all have unlimited potential… and to use this power within us for the greater good is such an honour. Each moment holds the potential for healing… and for transformation. Each moment we can change the world by moving into a space of love with ourselves. In this space of love there can be no disharmony so the need to forgive becomes paramount. The need to let go of un-harmonious thoughts… experiences… are all within our frame of power. I think Wayne Dyer said it best ~ “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” A true master remains in that space of love no matter what is going on around him… that is the true test I think ~ to remain centred and filled with grace when all the world around us is in chaos.
May you walk in peace, grace and love this week.
Blessings, love and light,
Tracy xxx
''To let life happen to you is irresponsible. To create your day is your divine right.'' ~ Ramtha
“If you have no will to change it, you have no right to criticize it.” ~ Unknown
~ Symptoms of Energy Shifts ~
HEADACHES: When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at and your rate of growth.
CRYING FOR NO REASON, FEELING EMOTIONALLY VULNERABLE: When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body.
FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS: This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and don’t take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Don't work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass.
NAUSEA, LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENTS, DIARRHEA: This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms. Don't be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary.
MUSCLE ACHES AND JOINT PAIN: Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.
DEPRESSION: A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too.
FLUTTERING, PAIN IN THE HEART AREA, OR BREATHING PROBLEMS: This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase.
HOT FLASHES AND NIGHT AND DAY SWEATS: These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate. Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel like they are growing breasts. If you are a man don’t be concerned about this, because this puffiness in the chest area will only last for a short while.
EXTREME TIREDNESS: Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.
EXCESSIVE ENERGY: You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the body’s inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time.
WEIGHT GAIN: This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy. If you don’t have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.
LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY: This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this.
EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.
BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND ELECTRONICS: If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.
EXTREME TIREDNESS: Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.
EXCESSIVE ENERGY: You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the body’s inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time.
WEIGHT GAIN: This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy. If you don’t have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.
LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY: This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this.
EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.
BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND ELECTRONICS: If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.
ANIMAL REACTIONS: You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it.
FOOD CHANGES: As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.
FOOD CHANGES: As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.
“It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.” ~ Wayne Dyer
~ Rebirth or Rebound? ~
By Jennifer Hoffman
So often we leave one situation only to find ourselves in another one that is exactly the same. Why do we do that? Because we try to fix what we see as our failures by fixing the other person or setting up a similar scenario, hoping that we will do things differently the second time around. But sometimes the second time becomes a third, fourth and so on and we find ourselves in perpetual rebound. What we are trying to do is complete a cycle so we can be re-born but that cannot be accomplished unless we shift our own energy.
The rebound process is best described in relationships, when we leave one and immediately go into another one, thinking that the new person is different. But as we find out, this new relationship is very similar to our previous one. How can we find another person who is just like the one we said we would never go back to? Unless we shift our energy, we are attracting only energies that will help us complete our healing cycle. Did we change? If not then our cycle is not complete and there is additional healing to be done.
To understand why we rebound we must look at the ego, which always thinks its right. And the ego never wants to admit defeat so it will help us re-create the past so we can 'get it right' the next time. If we shift our energy we release the connections to the ego and set new energetic boundaries, we cannot rebound because we are no longer at that vibration. Can we resist the temptation to try one more time, just in case we can get it right on the next try?
Re-birth is confirmation of our spiritual healing and rebounding is how the ego forces its will on us. To avoid rebound we can take the word 'failure' out of our vocabulary. There is no failure as everything that 'doesn't work' wasn't meant to. Can we accept the blessings of failures as signs that our internal guidance system is working on our behalf and removing those things that do not serve our highest potential? We rebound when we think that there is something wrong with us and that is never true. Re-birth is a shift in our energetic core and a sign that we can integrate the healing we have done and create fulfillment, joy, peace and love for ourselves.
Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~ Dalai Lama
~ Call for help on Gulf ~
Little Grandmother has issued an appeal for us to raise our loving consciousness to address the situation in the Gulf. She says that the capping of the well has not ended the danger.
Moreover, we are not hearing the news we need to hear, she says (it has been hidden from us).
She tells her readers who do not know already that our space brothers and sisters are here and have the wherewithal to end the spill and correct the damage but we must welcome them before they will land.
World Disclosure Day in September falls on Sunday, Sept. 5, 2010, so we may wish to keep her words in mind as we approach that date.
For me this is a call for us to move into a space of love.
Moreover, we are not hearing the news we need to hear, she says (it has been hidden from us).
She tells her readers who do not know already that our space brothers and sisters are here and have the wherewithal to end the spill and correct the damage but we must welcome them before they will land.
World Disclosure Day in September falls on Sunday, Sept. 5, 2010, so we may wish to keep her words in mind as we approach that date.
For me this is a call for us to move into a space of love.
Urgent Call for Help on Gulf-Oil-Disaster
by Kiesha Crowther – Little Grandmother
Dearest tribe members,
I address you today with great love and respect for each and every one of you. I bring a message today that is sober but also enlightening because it gives us a chance to see the real truth in things, to learn and then to act in love.
As we all know the media has shown us time and time again that the oil leak has been capped but my dear brothers and sisters this is far from being fixed.
If anything the cap is holding back pressure of a huge amount of explosive gas and has created other leaks in the ocean floor due to the amount of pressure from the great wound in our Mother Earth’s artery.
Help is needed – raising our energy is needed. The National Wildlife Federation reports that already more than 150 threatened or endangered sea turtles are dead. And 316 sea birds, mostly brown pelicans and northern gannets, have been found dead along the Gulf Coast as a result of the spreading oil. And this will continue to worsen as each day goes by.
And as much as we’d like to forget it, the Gulf Coast is prime hurricane country, and, if a storm blows in, the result could be devastating. The presence of oil could lead to a more powerful hurricane because crude accumulating at the surface could be raising the temperature of the surrounding water.
There is also something else that is happening due to the amount of gas that has already been leaked into the air. I could go on and on about what this gas can do once it is let into the air.
But what I’m trying to convey is that this is not over. In fact it is just the beginning and with this information we must act together in love to raise our hearts in love for one another and our Mother Earth and as we do this the heart consciousness with grow larger and larger. As the consciousness grows so does our enlightenment and answers will come in order to help ourselves and try to fix the injuries of our mother Earth.
While in the Nordic countries I spoke a lot about the oil spill and what is really happening and soon the DVD will be ready to be put on YouTube for all to see. Until then, my dear family and loved ones, I want us all to not think *it’s capped so the problem is gone* but to really strive to live from our hearts because this truly is the answer.
In whatever ability you have to be the best you can be this will unite each and every one of us together in love and our heart consciousness will grow stronger and stronger. And as this happens enlightenment can begin. It is true, my family. We have punctured our beloved Mother’s artery and we have set about an event that we can not fix at this point in time.
We need all the help we can get. Let us pray for our scientists to find answers. Let’s pray and send love to those living near the coast as the gasses will start affecting their bodies very quickly. Let us pray and send love to the animals who are suffering, the waters that are dying.
Together we can educate ourselves on the facts (a lot of the real facts are not being given to the public) but I can tell you with [assurance] the damage is greater than anyone is telling you and we do need help. Love really is the answer.
If we raise our love consciousness enlightenment can begin and when that happens we find answers. Not only this but I say this with all of my knowing and ask you to listen with your hearts to hear me out. The star beings really do exist and they love us so much and are willing to help but they can not help us if our consciousness is so low that we will not listen.
The largest reason they have not come yet is because the human being is still afraid of them. This is an honest statement; they can not come until we lovingly ask them to and will not be afraid and lash out if they do come. This is not make believe or a fantasy story. It is reality.
When we raise our love consciousness we become enlightened and when we become enlightened we are able to communicate with our Great I Am’s even clearer, and Great Spirit and all that is love and light and when we do that we can help our Beloved Mother Earth and save ourselves from tragedy.
Very soon the YouTube video will be out with ways we can all work together and as individuals to become more loving beings, examples like
* how to have a real relationship with Mother,
* how to feel and direct energy to the planet and each other,
* where we have overlooked great amounts of love gifted to us.
I am not saying all of these things to create fear but to simply state the facts so that we can now give our love and energy to those who need it and to awaken us all up to the situation we are really in.
The time is now. We are the strongest of the strong. We are the ones we have been waiting for and we can change the world we live in. Love is the answer and we can do this together. Educate yourself. Then instead of giving your energy to the fear of the situation, switch your energy to sending love and raising your vibration. As you do this enlightenment can begin, and as our vibration comes up so does the universal consciousness.
Will you join me, my brothers and sisters, in raising the love vibration to help each other and help Mother Earth?
I love you all so very much. Be well, my family. Let’s hold each other up in love and let’s show ourselves that we really are the ones we have been waiting for!
Little Grandmother
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” ~ Dalai Lama
~ The bubble is about to burst ~
The difference from where you are now in the present dimension and the higher ones is most substantial, and there you will be living a completely different type of life. Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like. To live it is almost too difficult to put into
These are times when you are dealing with personal battles within. Old beliefs and knowledge that do not carry the new higher vibrations are surfacing for clearing, but sometimes it is hard to let go. You are entering a period of intense changes and the old is breaking down, and the new energies bring truth and all that you require to forge ahead on the pathway to the Golden Age.
It will be quite a revelation as you realise the immensity of the changes to self, as your old mindset is easily replaced by all that is pure and wholesome. Indeed, as you progress it becomes easier to move further along the path of Ascension. Making those first positive moves are the hardest, as you will be reluctant to leave your old established ways behind. Sometimes it involves family and friends, and the new you seems somewhat strange to them. You may even experience opposition or direct rejection, as your psyche changes. We would say that it is important to stay your path and not be held back by emotional reactions. All souls at this time have to decide whether they are going to take the opportunity to ascend, and those that do not are bound to proceed on a different path.
Most likely when the changes commence, a lot of interest will be generated by them. For those souls that are still awakening it may just be the nudge that lifts them up, and gives them the impetus to open up to the truth.
We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead. For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honored. Since you are infinite souls and in reality there is no such thing as time because it is all in the Now, you can spend as much time as you desire at any one level. So Dear Ones do not be too concerned if those souls close to you appear to be content where they stand at present. Certainly if their lessons have not yet been completed, they will want to do so before they move on.
A soul can at anytime ascend if they are ready, but as you know by now the end of this Solar Cycle allows for everyone to ascend. It is a special time when great effort is made by Beings all through the higher dimensions, to get you prepared for it.
Say the word and your guides are with you in an instant, and the Angels will oversee your progress. For your part acknowledge their presence and ask for guidance and assistance, as without your approval it will be looked upon as interference. That may sound harsh but nothing is allowed to be imposed upon you by others. You may feel that many of your experiences are uncalled for, but we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan. Have you not been made aware that there is no such thing as coincidence, and that is the reason why they are so important to you? Naturally some coincidences appear of no real significance, and may be of minor importance. However, where you experience the harsh reality of life, it is for your spiritual understanding and development.
The difference from where you are now in the present dimension and the higher ones is most substantial, and there you will be living a completely different type of life. Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like. To live it is almost too difficult to put into words, but you could say it is heavenly, idyllic and enfolds you in its beautiful vibration of Light. How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up. Such conditions will never be repeated again, as none of the physical problems can relate to your Light body. Its vibrations are so high that nothing can manifest except it is in its perfect expression. When times get hard remind yourself of how short lived they will be, and how in next to no time they will become just distant memories.
The cleansing of Earth moves on and inevitably there will be the passing of many souls as a result. They will be received in the higher dimensions with great love and understanding, and for their part it is something of a release from what is often a very poor standard of living. For those that remain in areas where the worst effects are felt, it is a cry to Humanity to find out whether they can find love and compassion for their own kind. Can you ignore their plight, or are you able to see in others yourself? It is not unusual that in the end times a civilization is tested to see how far they have traveled their spiritual paths. We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up. You are in times when you must reach for your own destiny and allow others to do the same. There are many different paths to the future that have opened up, which is why not everyone’s reality is identical.
In some ways you are in a most peculiar time, as you are looking to release yourself from old ties yet they travel along beside you. The cauldron of life bubbles over, and it is a rare mixture of possibilities. However, live your own path and concentrate on what you have envisaged will take you onto Ascension. As you do so the dark energies will be unable to affect you, and a successful conclusion to this life will be assured. There will be more and more distractions and they are but the final attempts of the dark forces to confuse you. By now you should have learnt how to deal with them, so do not let them concern you or take your focus off your own goal. They are often accompanied by the energies of fear, which is a deliberate ploy to attract your attention. We are most pleased to find that as people wake up to the truth, they are less inclined to fall for the lies and contrived events that denigrate those who are of the Light and lead people out of duality.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is bristling with excitement, as matters on Earth are reaching a conclusion. The bubble is about burst, and we are urging allies to seize the opportunity to bring an end to the control of the dark Ones. It will be done without bloodshed and in the most positive manner with a loving intent.
Thank you SaLuSa (Mike Quinsey)
Help me today to remember
~ Cosmic Happenings ~
The New Moon (10th of August) in Leo urges us to try something a little different, to see things from a different angle. It may feel awkward at first - in fact, this might be a time for sudden changes of heart, of direction - relationship dramas that are currently being played out might be particularly prone to this. Solutions are found by looking at things from a different perspective.
Full Moon is on the 26th of August
Mercury goes retrograde on the 20th of August (goes direct on the 12th of September) ~ so be prepared for challenges to all forms of communication (from computer glitches to misunderstandings). This is another opportunity for us to practice being a master (of love) when around us chaos is unfolding.
Throughout August the Cardinal Grand Cross is active (this is what is responsible for the major energy shifts we are experiencing and all the challenges we are now facing) - with Venus and Mars also conjunct in Libra (being squared).
Alfalfa is a cool season perennial legume (member of the Pea family) which can live more than twenty years, depending on variety and climate. The plant grows to a height of up to 1 metre, and has a deep root system sometimes stretching more than 15 metres (which makes is great for loosening hard packed soil... this depth is also great for bringing up nutrients that are no longer available in the top soil). This makes it very resilient, especially to droughts. Alfalfa is the most cultivated legume in the world. Worldwide production was around 436 million tons in 2006. The US is the largest alfalfa producer in the world, but considerable area is found in Argentina (primarily grazed), Australia, South Africa, and the Middle East.
This plant exhibits autotoxicity, which means that it is difficult for alfalfa seed to grow in existing stands of alfalfa. Therefore, it is recommended that alfalfa fields be rotated with other species (for example, corn or wheat) before reseeding.
The crop is grown primarily for cattle fodder (Alfalfa has the highest feeding value amongst all common hay crops). This crop is also an important nitrogen fixer to boost soil health (although the whole plant needs to be dug into the soil for it to benefit). The problem is that most commercially grown crops are genetically modified (the prime reason being so that it can tolerate the weed killer sold by the same company that modified the crop ~ Monsanto. So the commercial crops are not only genetically modified they are full of pesticides too) ~ another good reason to become vegetarian.
You are probably only familiar with the sprouts of this tall, bushy, leafy plant, but the entire plant is valuable. The sprouts are a tasty addition to many dishes, and the leaves and tiny blossoms are used for herbal remedies.
Herbalists often recommend alfalfa preparations as a potent nutritive in cases of malnutrition, debility, and prolonged illness.
Alfalfa contains substances such as isoflavones and coumestans, which bind to estrogen receptors in the body. Estrogen binds to these receptors like a key in a lock. If the estrogen level is low and many of these "locks" are empty, the constituents of alfalfa ~ which resemble estrogen "keys" ~ bind to them instead and increase estrogenic activity. Alfalfa's estrogen-like "keys," although similar to estrogen, are not nearly as strong. If estrogen levels in the body are too high, the estrogen "keys" fill up some of the locks, denying the space to estrogen, thereby reducing estrogenic activity. Because alfalfa may provide some estrogenic activity when the body's hormone levels are low and may compete for estrogen-binding sites when hormone levels are high, alfalfa is said to be hormone balancing.
Both alfalfa sprouts and leaf preparations help lower blood cholesterol levels. The saponins in alfalfa bind to cholesterol and prevent its absorption. Alfalfa also has been studied for its ability to reduce atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup, on the insides of artery walls. In one study, 15 patients who took an alfalfa seed preparation for eight weeks, without changing diet or exercise levels, had a 17 percent reduction in cholesterol and a significant reduction in LDL ("bad") cholesterol associated with atherosclerosis.
Physicians who practice traditional Ayurvedic medicine (the main system of health care in India) use alfalfa for poor digestion and to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Other traditional medicine practitioners use alfalfa for anemia and to increase breast milk production in women who have difficulty breastfeeding their infants.
Has also been used for water retention and urinary and bowel upsets. It is also said to help people who are recovering from narcotic or alcohol addiction. Alfalfa tea is useful in strengthening the body after serious or prolonged illness or weakness.
Alfalfa is high in vitamins A and C, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. Alfalfa also contains bioflavonoids.
Excessive consumption of alfalfa may cause the breakdown of red blood cells. So as with everything – practice moderation :) If you are pregnant, you may put a few sprouts on a sandwich now and then, but avoid daily consumption of alfalfa or its supplements
Brings prosperity into your life, Increases your fertility and creates harmony. Helps you let go of your fears.
Plant wisdom: Helps you feel safe by giving you the knowledge that you have more than enough of everything.
For Dhal: ¾ cup of dried yellow split peas (dhal), about a 5cm piece of grated ginger 2-3 cloves of garlic (crushed and finely chopped) and 1 red chilli (seeded and chopped) ~ place the peas in a bowl, cover with water and soak for 2 hours. Drain. Place in a large saucepan with the spices and add 3 cups of water. Bring to the boil and then turn the heat down low and simmer for 45 minutes or until soft.
For Vegetables: Heat about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or you can use ghee in a large saucepan and add the following spices to the pan and cook at medium heat for about 30 seconds ~ 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard seeds, 1 tsp of cumin seeds and 1 tsp of ground cumin, ½ tsp of garam masala.
Add 1 red chopped onion and cook until soft.
Stir in the 3 chopped peeled tomatoes (peel off the skin by soaking in boiling water for 2 minutes then plunging them into cold water and then peel… and then remove the seeds and roughly chop).
Add 3 aubergines (which have been chopped into little cubes) and cook until soft ~ you may need a little extra oil or ghee, add 2 carrots (sliced), and ¼ head of cauliflower (cut into small florets).
Stir in the dhal puree and about 1 and ¼ cup of vegetable stock and simmer, covered for 45 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Add 2 small sliced courgettes and about half a cup of peas during the last 10 minutes of cooking.
Stir in some fresh chopped coriander and serve hot either with rice (brown basmati is nice) or roti (flat bread).
Remember to thank all the plant and animal sources for supplying the nutritious products you are cooking with… bless them… and send them your love :)
Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,
Tracy xxx
It will be quite a revelation as you realise the immensity of the changes to self, as your old mindset is easily replaced by all that is pure and wholesome. Indeed, as you progress it becomes easier to move further along the path of Ascension. Making those first positive moves are the hardest, as you will be reluctant to leave your old established ways behind. Sometimes it involves family and friends, and the new you seems somewhat strange to them. You may even experience opposition or direct rejection, as your psyche changes. We would say that it is important to stay your path and not be held back by emotional reactions. All souls at this time have to decide whether they are going to take the opportunity to ascend, and those that do not are bound to proceed on a different path.
Most likely when the changes commence, a lot of interest will be generated by them. For those souls that are still awakening it may just be the nudge that lifts them up, and gives them the impetus to open up to the truth.
We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead. For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honored. Since you are infinite souls and in reality there is no such thing as time because it is all in the Now, you can spend as much time as you desire at any one level. So Dear Ones do not be too concerned if those souls close to you appear to be content where they stand at present. Certainly if their lessons have not yet been completed, they will want to do so before they move on.
A soul can at anytime ascend if they are ready, but as you know by now the end of this Solar Cycle allows for everyone to ascend. It is a special time when great effort is made by Beings all through the higher dimensions, to get you prepared for it.
Say the word and your guides are with you in an instant, and the Angels will oversee your progress. For your part acknowledge their presence and ask for guidance and assistance, as without your approval it will be looked upon as interference. That may sound harsh but nothing is allowed to be imposed upon you by others. You may feel that many of your experiences are uncalled for, but we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan. Have you not been made aware that there is no such thing as coincidence, and that is the reason why they are so important to you? Naturally some coincidences appear of no real significance, and may be of minor importance. However, where you experience the harsh reality of life, it is for your spiritual understanding and development.
The difference from where you are now in the present dimension and the higher ones is most substantial, and there you will be living a completely different type of life. Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like. To live it is almost too difficult to put into words, but you could say it is heavenly, idyllic and enfolds you in its beautiful vibration of Light. How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up. Such conditions will never be repeated again, as none of the physical problems can relate to your Light body. Its vibrations are so high that nothing can manifest except it is in its perfect expression. When times get hard remind yourself of how short lived they will be, and how in next to no time they will become just distant memories.
The cleansing of Earth moves on and inevitably there will be the passing of many souls as a result. They will be received in the higher dimensions with great love and understanding, and for their part it is something of a release from what is often a very poor standard of living. For those that remain in areas where the worst effects are felt, it is a cry to Humanity to find out whether they can find love and compassion for their own kind. Can you ignore their plight, or are you able to see in others yourself? It is not unusual that in the end times a civilization is tested to see how far they have traveled their spiritual paths. We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up. You are in times when you must reach for your own destiny and allow others to do the same. There are many different paths to the future that have opened up, which is why not everyone’s reality is identical.
In some ways you are in a most peculiar time, as you are looking to release yourself from old ties yet they travel along beside you. The cauldron of life bubbles over, and it is a rare mixture of possibilities. However, live your own path and concentrate on what you have envisaged will take you onto Ascension. As you do so the dark energies will be unable to affect you, and a successful conclusion to this life will be assured. There will be more and more distractions and they are but the final attempts of the dark forces to confuse you. By now you should have learnt how to deal with them, so do not let them concern you or take your focus off your own goal. They are often accompanied by the energies of fear, which is a deliberate ploy to attract your attention. We are most pleased to find that as people wake up to the truth, they are less inclined to fall for the lies and contrived events that denigrate those who are of the Light and lead people out of duality.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is bristling with excitement, as matters on Earth are reaching a conclusion. The bubble is about burst, and we are urging allies to seize the opportunity to bring an end to the control of the dark Ones. It will be done without bloodshed and in the most positive manner with a loving intent.
Thank you SaLuSa (Mike Quinsey)
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou
~ Lightworker Daily Reminder ~
I ask that spirit walk with me this day,
and that I have the courage to carry this truth
within me in all that I do.
To fully stand in my own truth and power
is to honour the spirit within.
Help me today to remember
both who I am and who I am not.
Who I am is magnificent,
yet to carry a facade of who I am not
only detracts from that magnificence.
To accept the truth of my own limitations
clears the path to carrying my true power.
I know that holding my power is only possible
when I am not afraid of being vulnerable.
This day I will balance my ego
by checking it often and seeing my true motivations.
I accept the power that is rightfully mine
and will use it to create Home on this side of the veil.
I ask that I may allow Spirit to emanate
from me to all who choose to look upon me,
that I may be a perfect mirror
so that they may see the God within themselves.
Help me to touch their hearts with my Love
and allow them to re-member Home and who they really are
as I re-member who I am.
As Spirit walks with me this day
I remember to give thanks
for the gift of Spirit on my shoulder.
May I always use it
to the highest good of all concerned.
I vow to enjoy this day to its fullest
and to laugh at every opportunity.
This day I will play the wonderful Game
and I will carry the vibrations of Home
in every move on the Gameboard.
This day I will Re-member
“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” ~ Buddha
~ A Hathor Planetary Message: The Art of Jumping Time Lines ~
Through Tom Kenyon
Through Tom Kenyon
Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline - your life - is only one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible; indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life.
Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited to one timeline. In this message we shall endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.
Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time nodes.
Time nodes occur when two or more timelines converge. As a result of their close proximity oscillation effects sometimes occur when the realities of one timeline bleed through, or are psychically perceived by those on a neighboring timeline. Strong timelines can also literally affect the possibilities and/or probabilities of other timelines within a time node. In other words, creative and novel effects often occur within timelines when they enter a time node (proximity to other timelines).
These are evolutionary jumpstarts that hold tremendous possibility for accelerated evolution if you understand how to utilize them. As a result of the volatile nature of events on your planet, there are multiple time nodes emerging. This is a very complicated and complex affair, and we shall endeavor to break it down into its smallest segments, for we believe that this information has vital significance for those of you engaged in the ascension process, and for its sheer survival value. Let us turn our attention to the larger picture first and then to the individual strategies we suggest.
Your planet is poised on the brink of utter transformation. The form of this transformation has multiple expressions, and it is you—the collective—that will affect these outcomes to a greater or lesser degree.
Some of these outcomes, these possibilities, fulfill the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other timelines, other expressions, reveal a different outcome. A sudden unexpected shift in human consciousness could bring the Controllers, who have so negatively affected your destiny, to their knees. And there are hundreds of other possible timelines between these two polarities. There are vested interests in your society who wish you to remain hypnotized (distracted), which wish for you to continue in the delusion that you are limited to one timeline, one experience of life as they so deem it.
But you have, within your nature, the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last moment of any event—whether it be personal or collective. We do not say this to be “positive.” We say this as a matter of fact concerning your evolutionary potential. Whether you will collectively reach this potential or not remains to be seen, but the path of an Initiate is to reach upward for the highest potential, regardless of what may or may not be happening around him or her. Thus, in this message we shall discuss what you can do, and how you do it.
From our perspective, your collective destiny is the summation of individual choices that you, as persons, make. This is combined with evolutionary and terrestrial forces that are far beyond your and your fellow humans’ abilities to control. This collection of forces also involves cosmic patterns of energy and intentionality from areas of the cosmos beyond your local solar system, for you are a part of a complex cosmic matrix that is your universe.
If we were to use a metaphor, we would say that you, as humanity, are on a great ocean vessel. But many of you are asleep, and there is someone at the helm directing this vessel that should not be there. For many historical and trans-historical reasons, which we won’t go into here, various beings have commandeered your ship.
But, ah, how the tides are turning. More and more of you are waking up, though some, still half-asleep, stagger across the deck as they watch the tempestuous storm of their world changing before them. The Controllers know that many of you are waking up—too many for their comfort.
It is, indeed, an interesting time to be alive!
The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines. In spite of your media’s grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and figuratively.
In our previous message we addressed several possible timelines for this event. Which of these possible timelines will unfold into your three-dimensional reality is not written in mud or concrete, but is a changeable event or outcome. In this message we wish to discuss how you, the individual, can jump a timeline into a different destiny at a moment’s notice. This can be extrapolated to your civilization also jumping timelines, but that is a topic for another time.
For the moment we wish to turn our attention to you, the individual human and how you can jump from a disastrous timeline—from an outcome you do not wish—to something more benevolent, life-friendly, and full of evolutionary potential.
For the record, there are technological means to jump timelines, but our information here deals with human consciousness, and how you, through the power of your own awareness and intention, can jump timelines. For this endeavor, you already possess two of the greatest treasures in your very own nature—your sovereign will (to make choices) and your capacity to feel. These two, when combined properly will allow you to jump timelines as you so desire, as co-creators of your reality rather than being mere pawns on a chessboard.
The Fundamental Principle
The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines, involves the coordination of a few significant fields of intentionality.
1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into.
2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.
3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.
4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.
5) Persevere.
In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, making choices coherent with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to the contrary.
This last phase of perseverance is important, because your current timeline is an accumulation of your beliefs and intentions. Depending upon the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may have to accumulate a vast amount of energy in order to overcome the set pattern of your life.
The information we are sharing can be used to address any timeline or expression in your life, down to the most mundane situation. In this message however, we will be addressing this methodology for jumping timelines in regards to the ascension process and how you can move into timelines different than the timeline of the culture you are currently residing in.
This is, for some, a revolutionary idea; but for us it is simply a truth about your nature. You are creator gods and goddesses, and this information we are sharing is simply your birthright. We offer it to you at this time with the anticipation and hope that many of you will jump timelines and tilt the keel of the ship you are upon and take the vessel into safe and prosperous waters.
Enough of the metaphors now, let us get to the nuts and bolts of how you jump timelines.
The ascension process, from our perspective, involves the energizing of your second body, your KA, and its elevation in vibration so that it emits more light, eventually becoming the SAHU, the Immortal Energy Body. There are many ways to raise the vibration of one’s KA. Most of your spiritual traditions have their own methods for raising your vibration, unfortunately, many of them are also riddled with dogma, taboos, and quite honestly, interference patterns from thought-forms placed by those who did not and do not desire your freedom, but who profit by your imprisonment.
And, yes, it is sad to say that some of your spiritual traditions - and especially your religions - are insidious traps, and if you are to rise upward in the ascension of your own being, you must separate truth from falsehood. Only you can undertake this task, for it is one of the necessities of mastery. This is a line in the sand of consciousness itself for those who have chosen the ascension of their own being. They become masters of truth and do not step aside from ferreting out falsehood from reality. They are not slaves to dogma. They bow to no one but their own divinity.
From an energetic standpoint, the ascension process begins when your life force, called Sekhem by the ancient Egyptians, begins its ascent up the Djed, or sacred pathway of the chakras. This is ascension in its simplest form. It is the expansion of consciousness and awareness. As your life force enters your higher brain centers and as your KA body becomes energized, you enter another phase of ascension. At this phase, you begin to metabolize light itself. By light we refer to spiritual light, a light that exists in the spiritual realms. This light feeds the KA body and increases its vibration. When the KA body reaches a certain amplitude, or strength of vibration, without wavering, it ignites with a type of etheric fire, turning it into the SAHU, or Immortal Energy Body. This could be viewed as one of the final stages of this particular form of ascension. But what we wish to make very clear is that any movement upward in consciousness and movement of life force up the djed, regardless of the method used, is part of the ascension process.
We wish now to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that will impart a basic method for jumping timelines. We will then turn our attention to how you can create a new probability for yourself, even in the midst of what appears to be great difficulty. And most importantly, we will explore a significant evolutionary opportunity that exists within your current time node.
One of the first tasks facing you if you are to jump into a different timeline is the transcendence of fear. Most humans fear the unknown, but there is a much more insidious element involved here. The Controllers, those who wish to control your destiny and profit by it, are masters of the projection of fear and they are using vast resources of mind control and hypnosis through the media to convince the masses that there is much to fear. And while there is, quite frankly, some truth to there being reasons for fear, the higher truth is not being revealed.
The higher truth, as we view it, is your capacity to change your reality, your innate ability to use the two treasures of your sovereign will and your capacity to feel as a means to navigate into new timelines. Let us be specific here.
As we mentioned earlier, the type of ascension we are speaking about begins with the simple movement of your life force up the djed, or spine, into your higher brain centers. As this takes place, the energy wheels within your KA body, called chakras, become activated in new ways. This opens windows of new possibilities, and new insights, new forms of inspiration and creativity blossom. But if consciousness is locked into fear, it becomes imprisoned by the lower centers, the impulses for survival, sex, and power.
For various historical and trans-historical reasons, as we alluded to earlier, there has been and continues to be, a collusion to keep humanity locked into the lower centers, to perpetuate fear as a means to control destiny. Thus for any master who chooses the upward path, one of the first hurdles to pass through is the Valley of Fear - the projected thought forms of one’s culture. You must then pass through the portals of limitation that would confine you, to recognize the lies that have been perpetuated, even by some of your most sacred religions.
But let us say that you have the courage and fortitude to undertake such a passage, and let us say, for the sake of example, that the timeline you wish to live in is one of benevolence: loving kindness. Here is how you would do this, remembering that the same principal applies to any timeline you wish to create for yourself.
Preparation and Training
The first step is to identify the timeline you wish to create, that you wish to live in. In this case it is a timeline of loving kindness. The second step is to move into the vibrational state that matches the timeline. In this case, it is the feeling state of loving kindness, so you would, yourself, reside in this state as much as you are capable of. By this we mean you would exhibit loving kindness to others and to yourself.
The third step is locking in the vibrational field, so it does not waver. This is an important aspect of jumping timelines because the old vibrational state has a life of its own. Just because you have chosen to create a new timeline and have stepped into a vibrational state that matches the timeline, is not a guarantee that the timeline will manifest or continue. You must lock the vibrational field in place, for this is what sustains your access to the new timeline.
The first two steps involve your sovereign will. You choose a timeline you want to experience. You choose a vibrational state that matches the timeline. And in the third step—locking in the vibrational state—you use the second treasure of your nature: your capacity to feel.
By feeling the vibrational state you wish to be in, you amplify it; you strengthen it. And if you also include a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the vibrational reality, you will hasten its birth.
This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways that boggle the mind. So it is that the two treasures of your nature are joined together in these three steps. The next step requires your sovereign will again. You must persevere, to hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, regardless of what your senses are telling you. This is the passage where many fail.
The manifesting of a new timeline into your three-dimensional reality requires accumulated energy. If you persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, you will accumulate energy.
The task here is to be true to your vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing you. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself to you while simultaneously holding a higher vision. In other words, you deal with the reality of your life while simultaneously holding the vision of a different life. This is the art.
Using our example, if you desire to create a life with more loving kindness, you would move into that vibrational state by exhibiting loving kindness to others. If you were able to also feel gratitude for this vibrational state, it would accelerate the creation of the new timeline.
In reality, there will be a period when you will recognize that not everyone is capable of loving kindness, nor of receiving it for that matter. Your vision will then be refined by the realities of life, and this maturation of your consciousness will take place naturally, as you deal with the realities of your current timeline along with the emergence of your new timeline.
One result from this way of proceeding is that you will become a master of loving kindness and a master in dealing with those who cannot express such vibrational states. Eventually you will experience a life of more loving kindness, where more people express that quality to you and you to them. And when you encounter someone unable to express this quality, you will be more able to deal with him or her without losing this quality in yourself.
Thus would you seed the new timeline and new reality for yourself.
Let us now return to the collective timeline.
As we said earlier time nodes are juncture points where multiple timelines converge, and you can jump from one to the other if you understand how it is done. We just explained the basic principal as it applies to individual timelines. Now let’s discuss how you can jump to a different timeline than that of any given collective.
As paradoxical as it may seem it is quite possible to live a separate timeline, having a different experience of life than those around you.
Let us say that again another way. It is possible to live in heaven while others are living in torment. At the deepest levels of consciousness it is simply a matter of choice.
We do recognize that you have been, and are continuing to be, manipulated by forces that desire to keep you imprisoned. But our choice in this communication is to give you keys to jump out of that imprisonment, not dwelling on the history of it, or the identities of those involved. For, in truth, the true Controllers are unseen by you. They are the Puppet Masters.
As chaotic events escalate you will have many opportunities to jump timelines. Our suggestion is to remember the steps we discussed earlier. You might experiment with this method by choosing to conduct an experiment. Choose something that you would like to unfold as a reality in your life and using the steps we discussed, see what you can create.
Physical and Spiritual Survival
Our essential reason for imparting this message involves something of greater consequence than creating personal desires. This “something” literally has to do with your survival, both physically and spiritually.
As chaotic events escalate, your powers of intuition will be more important to you than ever before.
Some people call them “hunches.” Without knowing how you know, you suddenly know what to do in a situation.
This is how intuition works. In these moments of intuition you are at a juncture point—a time node—where you can jump into a different timeline and a different outcome.
This increase of intuitive receptivity is one of the hallmarks of personal ascension, or the movement upward in consciousness. A more developed intuition has obvious physical survival benefits.
A moment ago we said something that may be paradoxical to some individuals. We said that the ability to jump timelines had both physical and spiritual survival benefits.
What we meant here is that the ability to jump a timeline into a different outcome can result in physical survival in certain situations. By spiritual survival, we mean that there are threats to your spiritual awakening. If you lose track of your own truth, if you lose the two treasures that you possess in your nature - your sovereign will and your capacity to feel - then you are spiritually in danger. Do not lose sight of these treasures in yourself. As chaotic events increase, and they shall - for this is the birthing of a new world - the Controllers will increase their efforts. Be leery (wary) of mind-control and of any thought form that limits your sovereign will and your ability to feel, regardless of its origins—even if it comes from one of your “sacred” religions.
Any thought form, no matter how dressed up in sacred garb or political correctness that would limit your sovereign will to choose or your capacity to feel should be avoided. This is a vital necessity for those of you who wish to survive this passage spiritually intact.
The Convergence of Timelines and the Alteration of Probabilities
Let us now turn our attention to the primary reason for this communication. Everything we have said up to this point is background and suggestions for the training of your own consciousness to jump timelines.
But now we turn our attention to two highly significant timelines that exist independently of your creation. They are of a different order of existence. They are not created out of your personal choice. And they exist in diametric opposition to each other.
You exist, as we have said on numerous occasions, in multiple timelines and probabilities simultaneously. One of the timelines you and humanity are living in at this moment is a fulfilling of the prophecies of doom and planetary destruction. This is a very real timeline. But, this is only one possible timeline. You are at a convergence point, a time node, where it is possible to jump from the doomsday probabilities into a new type of Earth and a new order of existence.
This timeline, which we call the New Earth, is a very different dimension of experience than your current reality. In this timeline, Earth is deeply honored and held in gratitude by the bulk of humanity, which understands and appreciates the truth that all life is interconnected.
Here, Earth is not ravaged and exploited for the sake of profit - at the detriment of her very ecosystem. Technologies have been transformed through the elevation of human consciousness. Gone are the life-threatening technologies and life damaging mindsets of your current era. Wars are a thing of the past. The Controllers who exerted negative forces upon your destiny through their manipulation of religion, economics and international affairs have relinquished their power. Life itself is held as sacred, and a new understanding of the sacredness of matter is embraced by humanity. There is no war between Heaven and Earth in this new world.
There are more things that we could say about this timeline, but you have a sense, we hope, of the difference between this timeline and the other that ultimately leads to doom and destruction.
There is one more thing we wish to say about this timeline of the New Earth. It is an attribute that we particularly appreciate. In this new timeline, the veils between the worlds are thin, and there is greater interaction between humans and intergalactic beings - such as ourselves - and with what you might call the devic and spirit worlds.
It is here that we must say it is not our intention to sway you, for we believe in non-intervention. We will not interfere with your free will. However, we are free to point out to you what we see.
In ancient Egypt there was a goddess called Maat, who held a set of scales, and upon death the heart of an Initiate would be placed upon the scales, and a feather would be placed on the other side. If the heart was as light as a feather the Initiate would be given entrance to the heavenly worlds - meaning higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was laden with negativity, regret, and sorrow, the Initiate would have to return to the lower worlds.
In a very real way humanity is at its meeting point with Maat. Every person who believes in the timeline of doom, destruction and horror will add to its reality. Everyone who holds as real the timeline of the New Earth will add to its reality.
You are not powerless in this situation. You hold in your very nature the power of radical change for yourself and the planet—especially for humanity. If you feel a resonance with this timeline of the New Earth, and if you choose to live in this new order of being, you will be adding your weight, so to speak, and helping to tip the scales.
We wish to say something we said earlier, for it is of vital importance. It is possible to live in heaven while those around you live in torment. This has little to do with your location in time and space, but more to do with your vibrational state.
If you feel the truth of what we are saying and choose to align with this New Earth, we welcome you to a new timeline and a new destiny.
Our suggestion is to go over the steps of how to jump timelines we gave earlier, and to begin the grand experiment. Enter the timeline of the New Earth and prepare yourself for the miraculous.
Finally—let the Earth speak to you. Let her caress you and transfer to you her deepest knowledge and wisdom. She shall be a great ally in the coming changes.
We shall give further information about jumping timelines and the New Earth in future communications. But for now, we hope you have a basic understanding of how to proceed.
As always, even in the midst of such great difficulties as you now face, we hold a higher vision for you, the human family. We see your hidden greatness, even though you may not see it yourself. We hold a light in this hour of darkness. It is just a reminder of the great light you hold within yourself. It is time to free this light within you. Future generations will be blessed by your ascent. May it be so.
The Hathors
August 3, 2010
© 2010 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this copyright notice.
To read previous Hathors messages: http://tomkenyon.com/hathors-archives
To listen to and download free recordings: http://tomkenyon.com/sound-gifts
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” ~ Gandhi
"We Are Here To Learn" by Lou Bognon (South African)
She conveys with great clarity some key elements of universal spiritual wisdom that can prove to be very useful on the path to spiritual realization. If you are interested to find out more, please contact Lou Bognon at lou@loubognon.com and visit her website at http://www.loubognon.com/
“If your idea of God is small, Your problems tend to be big
But if it is your idea of God that is great, It is your problems that tend to be very small”
~ Traditional Jewish saying
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
All life lessons are, just like life itself, interconnected and interdependent. We find ourselves better equipped to learn to conquer fear when we have learnt to trust the flow of life and to surrender to the infinite wisdom of our soul. When we have faith, the greatest gift of all, this becomes an easier lesson.
Of all emotions, fear is the one that engenders in humanity the greatest pain and trauma. It is also one of the lowest vibrational frequency emotions and the one responsible for the worst atrocities ever committed. People kill for fear of being killed; judge for fear of being judged; hurt for fear of being hurt, rob for fear of not having enough, lie and cheat for fear of the truth - and it has been so for aeons of time.
It is because of fear of the different and the unknown that we have in the past killed those who have spoken their truth from soul and spirit, those that we perceived to be dangerous - in general anyone who did not wish to conform to intolerant societal rules. We have come a long way since as we no longer systematically kill all those we disagree with, but a lot remains to be learnt. Unfortunately in some parts of the world and in many societies, fear still remains the sole entrenched ruler.
Ours has been a fear-based civilisation from the beginning of time. Fear has been used as a tool of darkness in order to control and manipulate how we feel and how we respond in every single aspect of our lives. In fact fear has been institutionalised to such a degree that every form of establishment has fear of some kind woven through its very foundation: fear of God in our institutionalised religions, fear of failure in our institutionalised society structures and rites of passage, fear of being unworthy of love and respect in our relationships. Everywhere, fear permeates our lives.
Wherever we look, fear has been woven as a very deep, dark and thick thread into the very fabric of life on Earth, and humanity has responded like sheep, without ever questioning their fear.
As a strand of dark and dense energy, it is really an all pervasive one that is truly hard to conquer, for, in whichever direction we look, it stares us in the face and bombards us with heavy, dark, negative and unloving messages: not good enough, not smart enough, not in synch with the prevailing fashion, alien to the current mass culture, too fat or too thin, too dark or too light, too slow or too fast, too clever, too stupid. Fear has been so deeply ingrained in us all that we find it hard to believe that we can escape it and break free. And yet we must if we are to ever achieve our soul potential in human form.
This is really about the ultimate power - the power we have given away because we have not learnt to conquer fear, because we have forgotten that as souls, we have immense courage - just to be here on this planet takes enormous amounts of it. Of all the universes, only the bravest souls are here!
The first thing we need to do is to become deeply aware of how we have allowed fear to rule our lives, how the establishment in all its forms has been perpetuating and holding the threads of this negative energy together, in order to further its own interests. In fact, most of our excesses of consumption, in all its forms, are fed by fear: fear of starving to death, of not being able to survive, fear of having less than the next person, fear of not being able to compete, fear of not looking good enough, being clean enough, young enough, or thin enough, or being smart enough, fear of being unloved, fear of falling sick, and so on. Such are the real 'messages' behind the messages staring at us from most billboards anywhere on the planet.
This lesson therefore is about reminding us that, as soul and spirit, we are all just perfect as we are - for we are unique expressions of divinity and as such, we should be spending all our time and energy in bringing forth that uniqueness and not in trying to conform to somebody else's idea, ideal, suggestion, product, system, technique or agenda.
If this uniqueness becomes the focus of our lives, then we slowly learn to conquer the fear of rejection, because we soon understand that those who reject us are themselves still ignorant of the laws of the universe and the lessons they should be learning. People who reject others are often just beginners who have not yet learnt the first lesson anyway, so they should not be allowed to become our reference points on how to get on with our own lives. Never forget that those who meddle in other people's lives always do so in order to avoid facing their own problems, issues and unresolved conflicts. Typically, such people know it all when it applies to others, but fail miserably when it touches their own lives.
It is a bit like when we were little children in the classroom: some of us just kept busy with our crayons and soon learnt how to produce good drawings, while others spent their energy pointing out and criticising how ugly your little blue flowers looked. Still you learnt to draw, amongst other lessons, and went on to make something of your life.
I cannot help remembering how, as a very young child, I always used to draw blue flowers to the dismay of my class teacher who once asked me angrily: what is wrong with you? Have you ever seen blue flowers anywhere? In truth, where I grew up in the coastal areas of Mozambique, there were indeed no blue flowers anywhere, but I recall telling that teacher, long before I had ever travelled to other latitudes: "I like blue flowers and I am sure that there must be blue flowers somewhere in the world". Needless to say I have since travelled to places in the world where entire mountains are covered in blue flowers. One such place where this memory moved me to tears was in the Southern Franco-Italian Alps on a fine spring day after I had completed my first book. In fact, as I write these lines, I recall my sense of wonder and validation, and the feeling of having to be ever so careful not to squash too many blue flowers as I sat on the mountain top to express my gratitude for the privilege.
Know that as far as learning goes, nothing has changed: we are all still and forever in class and those who look within will learn, while those who look without will eventually fail or drop out altogether. Which is also all right - they will just have to keep coming back - again and again!
Learn to trust yourself and the inner voice whispering in your heart all the time. Learn to move on with expressing your own inner beauty and uniqueness instead of worrying about conforming to whatever someone else has decided you could or you should be. Take care that you never give your power to anyone or anything. Refuse to become a slave to any trend, tendency or fashion. Keep your inner power all to yourself, rejoice in your uniqueness, treasure it as the precious gift that it really is. Be an original. That is who you really are.
Learn to be bold and dare to be different - after all, that is not just who you are, but also what you came here to share with the world. Learn to fear nothing and no one in the knowledge that there is indeed nothing to fear but fear itself.
Never fear your God for He is Love. God is unconditional love, non-judgement, perfect peace, perfect abundance, perfect health and all the joyful expressions of life. Learn to develop a joyful, ongoing dialogue with Him in all things that you do or dream of doing and He will guide and inspire you at all times. Learn to trust the fact that if He walks with you, who could possibly stop you?
Learn to see all fear in your life for what it really is: an emotion, albeit a powerful one, but also a sign of your disconnection from God - the Source of All. The greater your fear - the greater your disconnection. In all things, trust that you are cared for. Control your fearful and limiting thoughts for they keep creating more of the same reality you have already created.
Learn to discard the need for outside approval and look for it within your own soul. Ask for guidance and protection from the divine presence within yourself. Make sure that all you do and all you dream about is for your greater good and the greater good of all. This is how you will conquer fear of failure in all your endeavours.
When you learn this lesson and integrate its power, then you really trust and know that you are sustained and loved infinitely whatever happens. Lovers or friends come and go, but your love for yourself stays and where there is love there can be no fear. Where there is love there can be no judgement, where there is love there can be no doubt, no lack nor failure of any kind.
Learning to conquer fear is learning to see all others as you see yourself - divine in essence and unique in the heart of our Loving Father/Mother/God.
This is what Nelson Mandela said (quoting Marianne Williamson) about fear back in 1994 in his acceptance speech as the first democratically elected President of South Africa:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are not good enough. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond all limitation. It is our Light and not our darkness that scares us the most. We ask ourselves the question: who am I to be brilliant, radiant, talented and wonderful? In fact who are you not to be? You are a child of God. To limit yourself, to live a small life does not render service to the world. Enlightenment is not to act smaller so as not to render others insecure. We are born to manifest the Glory of God within us and that Glory is not only to be found in some chosen few. It is in all of us. And as we let our own Light shine we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.”
You will know how far you have progressed when there is no place in your heart for racism or any form of prejudice, no need and no place for any form of judgement or separation, no place for worry about tomorrow, no fear of survival, when you no longer experience the need for outside approval, when you cease to worry about being alone, because you will know that you are never alone, even if all other humans were to collectively abandon you, still you would never be alone.
As souls, we belong to the Father and in Him we have our being. To Him we return when our time here is up. For most this is the greatest fear to conquer - the fear of death. Death is only a return to our place of origin, it should be a time for celebration not sorrow, after all, that is the time your soul finds itself freed from all the needs, pains and aches of the denser body.
Learn especially not to worry too much about tomorrow, for it may never come to pass. Learn to live a day at a time and to cross every bridge when you have to, or when life brings you to it. Use your gifts wisely and know that all is well in your world.
Most of the time we worry about things and fear crossing bridges that never ever materialise. And we know that worry or fear never solve the problem - worrying simply makes the problem greater and fearing makes the fear grow. Where we focus our energy, it grows, so do not focus on fear or you will scare yourself silly.
Learn to transmute fear by seriously engaging in a spiritual practice like meditation. Learn to abandon yourself to the Creator and learn to ask Him to assist you in reconnecting with that from which you have been severed, either through ignorance or fear itself.
Learn to use the words: 'you have no power' each time a situation, a person or a thought creates fear or anxiety in you.
I suggest you use the following mantra in all situations of anger or conflict, where fear can bring out the worst in you and take control of your mind and words. Learn to say instead:
I am Love
You are Love
We are love
Next time you are confronted with any situation of fear, be it in the form of aggression, rejection, unhealthy competition or outright anger, try this sacred mantra which was given to us by Lord Maitreya.
I am Love
You are Love
We are Love
Keep repeating it silently to yourself and watch all things of fear melt into nothingness. Fear is a thing of ego. Soul is free of it.
Learn to conquer the fear of being, of speaking and of acting your truth. Recover your power and speak with dignity, integrity, compassion and wisdom. Speak here can also be used figuratively, some of us speak through art, others through music, yet others through silence.
Take a couple of deep breaths; when ready, visualise a spiral of white light above your head, covering your throat and penetrating all the way to the heart; then say aloud in your meditation:
Then go out there and be, love and speak. Share your gifts with the world. That is why you are here. That is why I am here. That is why we are all here.
You could use these affirmations, as they are also very appropriate and easy to repeat:
I am divinely protected
I am divinely guided
I am divinely loved
I am divinely sustained and provided for
"You can lose only what you cling on to." ~ Buddha
~ Angelic Message ~
“The angels remind you to see only love… look past the mistakes, the misunderstandings and differences in others and see only the love within each person (including yourself). Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed of ways.” ~ Daily Guidance from Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
“Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.” ~ Sai Baba
~ Cosmic Happenings ~
The New Moon (10th of August) in Leo urges us to try something a little different, to see things from a different angle. It may feel awkward at first - in fact, this might be a time for sudden changes of heart, of direction - relationship dramas that are currently being played out might be particularly prone to this. Solutions are found by looking at things from a different perspective.
Full Moon is on the 26th of August
Mercury goes retrograde on the 20th of August (goes direct on the 12th of September) ~ so be prepared for challenges to all forms of communication (from computer glitches to misunderstandings). This is another opportunity for us to practice being a master (of love) when around us chaos is unfolding.
Throughout August the Cardinal Grand Cross is active (this is what is responsible for the major energy shifts we are experiencing and all the challenges we are now facing) - with Venus and Mars also conjunct in Libra (being squared).
~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~
Common names: Alfalfa (Medicavo sativa)
Origins: Native to the Mediterranean but now found all over the globe.
Alfalfa is a cool season perennial legume (member of the Pea family) which can live more than twenty years, depending on variety and climate. The plant grows to a height of up to 1 metre, and has a deep root system sometimes stretching more than 15 metres (which makes is great for loosening hard packed soil... this depth is also great for bringing up nutrients that are no longer available in the top soil). This makes it very resilient, especially to droughts. Alfalfa is the most cultivated legume in the world. Worldwide production was around 436 million tons in 2006. The US is the largest alfalfa producer in the world, but considerable area is found in Argentina (primarily grazed), Australia, South Africa, and the Middle East.
This plant exhibits autotoxicity, which means that it is difficult for alfalfa seed to grow in existing stands of alfalfa. Therefore, it is recommended that alfalfa fields be rotated with other species (for example, corn or wheat) before reseeding.
The crop is grown primarily for cattle fodder (Alfalfa has the highest feeding value amongst all common hay crops). This crop is also an important nitrogen fixer to boost soil health (although the whole plant needs to be dug into the soil for it to benefit). The problem is that most commercially grown crops are genetically modified (the prime reason being so that it can tolerate the weed killer sold by the same company that modified the crop ~ Monsanto. So the commercial crops are not only genetically modified they are full of pesticides too) ~ another good reason to become vegetarian.
You are probably only familiar with the sprouts of this tall, bushy, leafy plant, but the entire plant is valuable. The sprouts are a tasty addition to many dishes, and the leaves and tiny blossoms are used for herbal remedies.
Herbalists often recommend alfalfa preparations as a potent nutritive in cases of malnutrition, debility, and prolonged illness.
Alfalfa contains substances such as isoflavones and coumestans, which bind to estrogen receptors in the body. Estrogen binds to these receptors like a key in a lock. If the estrogen level is low and many of these "locks" are empty, the constituents of alfalfa ~ which resemble estrogen "keys" ~ bind to them instead and increase estrogenic activity. Alfalfa's estrogen-like "keys," although similar to estrogen, are not nearly as strong. If estrogen levels in the body are too high, the estrogen "keys" fill up some of the locks, denying the space to estrogen, thereby reducing estrogenic activity. Because alfalfa may provide some estrogenic activity when the body's hormone levels are low and may compete for estrogen-binding sites when hormone levels are high, alfalfa is said to be hormone balancing.
Both alfalfa sprouts and leaf preparations help lower blood cholesterol levels. The saponins in alfalfa bind to cholesterol and prevent its absorption. Alfalfa also has been studied for its ability to reduce atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup, on the insides of artery walls. In one study, 15 patients who took an alfalfa seed preparation for eight weeks, without changing diet or exercise levels, had a 17 percent reduction in cholesterol and a significant reduction in LDL ("bad") cholesterol associated with atherosclerosis.
Physicians who practice traditional Ayurvedic medicine (the main system of health care in India) use alfalfa for poor digestion and to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Other traditional medicine practitioners use alfalfa for anemia and to increase breast milk production in women who have difficulty breastfeeding their infants.
Has also been used for water retention and urinary and bowel upsets. It is also said to help people who are recovering from narcotic or alcohol addiction. Alfalfa tea is useful in strengthening the body after serious or prolonged illness or weakness.
Alfalfa is high in vitamins A and C, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. Alfalfa also contains bioflavonoids.
Excessive consumption of alfalfa may cause the breakdown of red blood cells. So as with everything – practice moderation :) If you are pregnant, you may put a few sprouts on a sandwich now and then, but avoid daily consumption of alfalfa or its supplements
Brings prosperity into your life, Increases your fertility and creates harmony. Helps you let go of your fears.
Plant wisdom: Helps you feel safe by giving you the knowledge that you have more than enough of everything.
“You must be a lotus, unfolding its petals when the sun rises in the sky, unaffected by the slush where it is born or even the water which sustains it!” ~ Sai Baba
~ How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’ Spicy Vegetable Stew with Dhal ~
For Dhal: ¾ cup of dried yellow split peas (dhal), about a 5cm piece of grated ginger 2-3 cloves of garlic (crushed and finely chopped) and 1 red chilli (seeded and chopped) ~ place the peas in a bowl, cover with water and soak for 2 hours. Drain. Place in a large saucepan with the spices and add 3 cups of water. Bring to the boil and then turn the heat down low and simmer for 45 minutes or until soft.
For Vegetables: Heat about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or you can use ghee in a large saucepan and add the following spices to the pan and cook at medium heat for about 30 seconds ~ 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard seeds, 1 tsp of cumin seeds and 1 tsp of ground cumin, ½ tsp of garam masala.
Add 1 red chopped onion and cook until soft.
Stir in the 3 chopped peeled tomatoes (peel off the skin by soaking in boiling water for 2 minutes then plunging them into cold water and then peel… and then remove the seeds and roughly chop).
Add 3 aubergines (which have been chopped into little cubes) and cook until soft ~ you may need a little extra oil or ghee, add 2 carrots (sliced), and ¼ head of cauliflower (cut into small florets).
Stir in the dhal puree and about 1 and ¼ cup of vegetable stock and simmer, covered for 45 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Add 2 small sliced courgettes and about half a cup of peas during the last 10 minutes of cooking.
Stir in some fresh chopped coriander and serve hot either with rice (brown basmati is nice) or roti (flat bread).
Remember to thank all the plant and animal sources for supplying the nutritious products you are cooking with… bless them… and send them your love :)
Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,
Tracy xxx
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