“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ~ Lao Tzu
Hello and welcome to another ‘Consciousness of One’ post,
This past equinox reminded me to seek balance in all things… which seems to be a constantly re-occurring theme in my life (as it is I am sure in yours). The equinox is a mid-point… a day and night of equal light… it is the space between in-breath and out-breath… the space of all connectedness… oneness… the space of love.
Everything has it’s polar opposite and for us to experience the complete picture we often have to experience both sides. Unfortunately many people spend their entire lives stuck in the negative aspect. Many feel that this is their only option… their belief is so deeply ingrained that it feels like part of their identity. Many of these negative aspects are beliefs or feelings that have been inherited generation after generation… programmed into us by society… imprinted by our parents… these aspects are deeply ingrained in our psyche. Many create identities around these negative aspects. Some are trapped in the inertia… paralysed by its powerful emotions.
An obvious example (which thankfully is slowly beginning to shift now) is religion… so many people are stuck in the sinner vs. saved paradigm… they are so caught up in their beliefs that nothing will sway them. It is an ’us versus them’ energy power play that can never be totally comfortable because… let’s face it how many of us believe we are saints. When we judge others we judge ourselves (even if we can’t see it). By making ourselves feel better at the expense of another we “steal” their energy and we can never be satisfied with that kind of energy interplay.
There are thousands and thousands of polarities… light vs. dark… fear vs. love… good vs. bad… masculine vs. feminine (although neither are overtly negative a balance between the two is best)… negative vs. positive… happiness vs. sadness… soul vs. ego… head vs. heart… left wing vs. right wing… peace vs. war / agitation / anxiety… righteous vs. corrupt… freedom vs. control… judgement vs. non-judgement… patience vs. impatience… surrender vs. defence… victim vs. tyrant… rich vs. poor… introvert vs. extrovert… us vs. them and on and on it goes.
When we seek out one extreme we often need to (and are sometimes forced to) experience the opposite extreme in order to have a balanced perspective… the further you swing in one direction the further you will need to swing in the other direction in order to maintain a balanced view. The most balanced opinions are those from people who have experienced both aspects and then found their own way… the middle way, if you like, to use the Buddhist phrase… and the “middle way” in Buddhist belief refers to the “ultimate” polarity in my opinion:
Everything exists (worldly) vs. nothing exists (saintly)
The middle way refers to the path that integrates these two extremes… and surely it is the path we all strive to walk as we seek the neutral point… the balanced centre… the silent space within… the energy of being connected to all that is (love being the vibration) vs. every other feeling which struggles to take / steal / find / control external energies that will (however temporarily) still that longing within us… the longing to be loved and accepted… the longing that only we can satisfy.
Love is the middle way… love is the new religion… self love is the momentum needed to swing the pendulum of polarities away from the negative aspect and return it to its centre. Love for self… and acceptance of self… these are the foundation stones of the middle way.
Blessings, love and light,
As you energize and align with fifth-dimensional energies, opportunities will arise to join with others to incubate the dream of the New Earth.
Building a Bridging Identity
Part of building this dream is creating a bridging identity able to “walk in two worlds,” so to speak. This dual self will continue to carry out the tasks associated with living in the reality where you are currently focused while at the same time, planting seeds in the new time with your focus, intention and desire. This bridging identity will be able to walk daily in both worlds, one manifest, the other unseen except in your inner world.
This bridging identity will allow you to merge more fully with energies of the new time. This identity will derive from a future self. To the degree that your resonance allows you to forge a union, this future self will be able to lend its energy and guidance. As you direct your intention and consciousness toward this future “you”, locating this self in the timeframe where it exists, you are able to blend with its thoughts and feelings.
Cultivating Skills of Blending and Harmonizing
In the future, "blending" is a technique that is common. You already do this to an extent. When you spend time with another, you harmonize your energies and blend with them. Often you will find you know things about this person that they haven't told you. You may begin to develop new skills based on their knowledge and understandings. This is an equal sharing as they draw on your knowledge and experience as well.
Intuitive counselling works in much the same way. For a short time, you step inside an intuitives’ consciousness and see yourself through the eyes of spirit. Healing can take place instantly as you view yourself with complete love and compassion. It is in this moment that you see your gifts and your woundedness side by side as well as the threads connecting them. As you receive the message of your sacred wound, you effectively step off the karmic wheel.
The Nature of the Sacred Wound
Early in each lifetime, a sacred wound is "stamped" on the consciousness, usually through a set of circumstances, though it can be a single incident. Sacred wounds can be created through illness, accidents, family turmoil, and seemingly insurmountable challenges. At the root, a sacred wound is a karmic lesson carried over from past lifetimes. Throughout the life, each person begins the quest to gain the understanding that will satisfy their karmic lessons this time around. Once this lesson is satisfied, one is able to effectively achieve emotional freedom and step off the karmic wheel. Once free of enslaving emotions and impulses, the conscious mind is free to join in partnership with the higher self to rewrite the plan for the rest of the life on Earth. This plan usually involves creating a way to use one's talents, earthly knowledge and spiritual wisdom to assist others with their own process of awakening. Once a person’s consciousness awakens, they experience a natural desire to assist others in awakening.
Awakened Consciousness is the New Time
Imagine you "wake up" in a darkened room and see others sleeping around you. Upon closer examination, you see the room is filled with dust and cobwebs and the air is stale. Your first impulse is to throw open the doors and windows to let in fresh air and sunlight, then begin nudging the others awake.
When one person awakens and begins nudging others to awaken them, all the universe cheers. Much guidance and assistance is downloaded to the one who throws open the doors and windows of their consciousness to be the eyes and ears and hands and feet of spirit on Earth. This awakening allows you to become spirit incarnate on Earth. This is possible by embracing your sacred wound, opening to its message and using this wisdom to heal yourself throughout time. Once this is done, you're able to still step off the karmic wheel and unite Heaven and Earth. Many souls chose to incarnate at this time when the elevated energies on the Earth plane would facilitate the awakening process. Many advanced souls were chosen to anchor the light at this time. Others came to represent other points along the energetic spectrum. This is a critical time when all of time is held in a microcosm where dark and light join hands in a way that allows human consciousness to take a great leap forward.
Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness by DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/
“As I walk,
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.”
~ Traditional Navajo Prayer
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.”
~ Traditional Navajo Prayer
~ Change Your Idea About "Change" ~
By Neale Donald Walsch
I was re-reading When Everything Changes, Change Everything the other day and I was deeply impressed again (as I was the first time around) with its statement that there are two sentences that can change your entire life. These are two sentences that you will want to remember verbatim. I mean, really remember. As in, never forget. As in, tattooed on your left wrist, written in soap on your bathroom mirror, or magnetized to your refrigerator door.
These two utterances are paradigm-shifting and life changing. I call them...
1. The Life-Altering Question
2. The Answer to Everything
The Life-Altering Question is:
Is It Possible That The Reality I Am Experiencing Is Not Real?
It is the soul that encourages this question.
And then there is The Answer to Everything. What I am about to tell you can make it possible for you to never have a negative experience of change again. This is the final piece of the puzzle. This is the lost key, the unknown combination, the secret of secrets.
Here it is...
All Change Is For The Better.
There Is No Such Thing As Change For The Worse.
What I have just told you changes everything. No other piece of information is needed, no other data is required. The mind is now empowered to come to a whole new set of conclusions about Life.
All that we need to do to deal with unexpected, unwanted change in our life is...
Change our idea about Change Itself
We have been seeing change as a disruption, as a break in the flow, as a shift in direction, as an alteration in the condition or circumstance of our lives. Especially with regard to what we view as unwelcome change, this has been our truth. From this truth has emerged our thought, which has created our emotion, which has produced our experience, which has eventuated our reality.
I want you to think about what I just said. An event is what brings about our reality. Our reality is, in the literal sense, eventuated.
This is true until we are out of our mind. When we leave the mind and enter the realm of the soul, then it is no longer events that bring about our reality, but pure awareness.
From awareness emerges Actual Truth, while from events emerges, at best, Apparent Truth and, more usually, Imagined Truth. Thus, from events we travel into a Distorted Reality, while from awareness we move at last into the Ultimate Reality.
And what is it of which we become aware, that produces such a quantum shift in our overall experience? We become aware of the Actual Truth about Change Itself. We see that change is not a DISruption, but an Eruption. It is life erupting into fuller bloom. We see that change is not a break in the flow, it IS the flow. We see that change is not a shift in direction, it is the direction itself in which all life moves. We see that change is not an alteration in the condition and circumstance of our lives, it IS the condition and circumstance of our lives.
In our expanded awareness we observe that without change, life itself would not be, for life is movement, and movement is change, by definition.
The question is not, therefore, whether life will contain change, but what kind of change life will contain?
And the answer to that question depends upon how (and whether) you utilize your Mind and your Soul, in collaboration.
The soul is energy. It is the energy of life itself, animating life itself. Life energizes and animates life itself through the process of Life Itself. It is a self-feeding, self-sustaining system.
Those last few words are vitally important to remember. Life is a self-sustaining system. It never ends, but sustains itself eternally. How? By adapting. Why? So that it can remain forever functional. When it can no longer function in a particular way, it adapts. By its adaptation does it render itself sustainable.
Life is making its adaptations in every moment. It is always changing. The question is not whether life is always changing, but why? Life is always changing in order to remain always sustainable. Thus, every change that ever occurs is change for the better.
This new idea about change that I'm inviting you to embrace, when put on a more personal level, reads like this: All change is for your own good.
Most of us experience this-after the fact.
Most of us have experienced events which we have called, when they were happening, the worst moments of our lives, only to find, as time went by, that what occurred was one of the best things that ever happened to us.
The fact is that this is true of everything that has ever happened to us, but we do not know this, we cannot accept this, because some things have turned out for the worst-according to our definition. Yet our definition is warped, constrained as it is by the Mechanics of the Mind, and their inherent limitations.
The mind may very well know all about what has gone before, but it does not know why. The mind may very well hold all of life's Past Data, but it does not hold all of life's information (which is another thing altogether). The mind may very well contain knowledge, but it does not contain wisdom.
Wisdom lies outside the mind. Wisdom resides within the soul.
That is why we need to hold both handles of this magnificent tool of creation that I shall now call by its proper name: YOU.
Let me make something very clear. "Facts" and "awareness" are not the same thing. We can know all the facts about gravity, but if we do not have an awareness of why gravity works, we know nothing. We can know all the facts about electricity, and we can even use electricity, but if we have no awareness of what electricity is and of why it works, we know nothing. We can know all the facts about light, and we can even use light, but if we have no awareness of what light is and of why it works, we know nothing.
Likewise, we can know all the facts about change, but if we have no awareness of what change is and of why it occurs, we know nothing.
For instance, we may not know that...
Nothing changes for the worse. Everything only changes for the better.
That's a pretty big statement, and I understand if it's hard for you to believe. Yet it is true. And next week, we'll explore that here, as I am wanting to make you more aware of the wonderful wisdom in When Everything Changes, Change Everything-a book than can truly change your life.
See you then!
Love and Hugs,
© 2010 ReCreation Foundation - http://www.cwg.org - Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.
These two utterances are paradigm-shifting and life changing. I call them...
1. The Life-Altering Question
2. The Answer to Everything
The Life-Altering Question is:
Is It Possible That The Reality I Am Experiencing Is Not Real?
It is the soul that encourages this question.
And then there is The Answer to Everything. What I am about to tell you can make it possible for you to never have a negative experience of change again. This is the final piece of the puzzle. This is the lost key, the unknown combination, the secret of secrets.
Here it is...
All Change Is For The Better.
There Is No Such Thing As Change For The Worse.
What I have just told you changes everything. No other piece of information is needed, no other data is required. The mind is now empowered to come to a whole new set of conclusions about Life.
All that we need to do to deal with unexpected, unwanted change in our life is...
Change our idea about Change Itself
We have been seeing change as a disruption, as a break in the flow, as a shift in direction, as an alteration in the condition or circumstance of our lives. Especially with regard to what we view as unwelcome change, this has been our truth. From this truth has emerged our thought, which has created our emotion, which has produced our experience, which has eventuated our reality.
I want you to think about what I just said. An event is what brings about our reality. Our reality is, in the literal sense, eventuated.
This is true until we are out of our mind. When we leave the mind and enter the realm of the soul, then it is no longer events that bring about our reality, but pure awareness.
From awareness emerges Actual Truth, while from events emerges, at best, Apparent Truth and, more usually, Imagined Truth. Thus, from events we travel into a Distorted Reality, while from awareness we move at last into the Ultimate Reality.
And what is it of which we become aware, that produces such a quantum shift in our overall experience? We become aware of the Actual Truth about Change Itself. We see that change is not a DISruption, but an Eruption. It is life erupting into fuller bloom. We see that change is not a break in the flow, it IS the flow. We see that change is not a shift in direction, it is the direction itself in which all life moves. We see that change is not an alteration in the condition and circumstance of our lives, it IS the condition and circumstance of our lives.
In our expanded awareness we observe that without change, life itself would not be, for life is movement, and movement is change, by definition.
The question is not, therefore, whether life will contain change, but what kind of change life will contain?
And the answer to that question depends upon how (and whether) you utilize your Mind and your Soul, in collaboration.
The soul is energy. It is the energy of life itself, animating life itself. Life energizes and animates life itself through the process of Life Itself. It is a self-feeding, self-sustaining system.
Those last few words are vitally important to remember. Life is a self-sustaining system. It never ends, but sustains itself eternally. How? By adapting. Why? So that it can remain forever functional. When it can no longer function in a particular way, it adapts. By its adaptation does it render itself sustainable.
Life is making its adaptations in every moment. It is always changing. The question is not whether life is always changing, but why? Life is always changing in order to remain always sustainable. Thus, every change that ever occurs is change for the better.
This new idea about change that I'm inviting you to embrace, when put on a more personal level, reads like this: All change is for your own good.
Most of us experience this-after the fact.
Most of us have experienced events which we have called, when they were happening, the worst moments of our lives, only to find, as time went by, that what occurred was one of the best things that ever happened to us.
The fact is that this is true of everything that has ever happened to us, but we do not know this, we cannot accept this, because some things have turned out for the worst-according to our definition. Yet our definition is warped, constrained as it is by the Mechanics of the Mind, and their inherent limitations.
The mind may very well know all about what has gone before, but it does not know why. The mind may very well hold all of life's Past Data, but it does not hold all of life's information (which is another thing altogether). The mind may very well contain knowledge, but it does not contain wisdom.
Wisdom lies outside the mind. Wisdom resides within the soul.
That is why we need to hold both handles of this magnificent tool of creation that I shall now call by its proper name: YOU.
Let me make something very clear. "Facts" and "awareness" are not the same thing. We can know all the facts about gravity, but if we do not have an awareness of why gravity works, we know nothing. We can know all the facts about electricity, and we can even use electricity, but if we have no awareness of what electricity is and of why it works, we know nothing. We can know all the facts about light, and we can even use light, but if we have no awareness of what light is and of why it works, we know nothing.
Likewise, we can know all the facts about change, but if we have no awareness of what change is and of why it occurs, we know nothing.
For instance, we may not know that...
Nothing changes for the worse. Everything only changes for the better.
That's a pretty big statement, and I understand if it's hard for you to believe. Yet it is true. And next week, we'll explore that here, as I am wanting to make you more aware of the wonderful wisdom in When Everything Changes, Change Everything-a book than can truly change your life.
See you then!
Love and Hugs,
© 2010 ReCreation Foundation - http://www.cwg.org - Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning.” - Lao Tzu
~ The only Guide to Happiness you will ever need ~
Here’s how — a list of actions you can take today to seize that happiness. You don’t have to do these all at once, but you should do most (if not all) of them eventually, and sooner rather than later. Pick one or two and start today!
1. Be present. Don’t think about how great things will be in the future. Don’t dwell on what did or didn’t happen in the past. Learn to be in the here and now, and experience life as it’s happening, and appreciate the world for the beauty that it is, right now. Practice makes perfect with this crucial skill.
2. Connect with others. In my experience, very few things can achieve happiness as well as connecting with other human beings, cultivating relationships, bonding with others.
3. Spend time with those you love. This might seem almost the same as the item above, and in reality it’s an extension of the same concept, a more specific application. Spending time with the people you love is extremely important to happiness … and yet it’s incredible how often we do just the opposite, and spend time alone, or disconnected from those we love, or spend time with people we don’t much like. Make it a priority to schedule time with the people you love. Make that your most important item of the day. For myself, I have a time when I cut off work, and the rest of the day is for my family. Weekends are exclusively for my family. And by setting aside this sacred time, I ensure my happiness by letting nothing come between me and the people I love most.
4. Do the things you love. What do you love doing most? Figure out the 4-5 things you love doing most in life, the things that make you happiest, and make those the foundation of your day, every day. Eliminate as much of the rest as possible. For me, the things I love doing are: spending time with my family, writing, reading, and running. I do those things every day, and very little else. It may take awhile to get your life down to your essentials like I have (it took me a few years of careful elimination and rescheduling and saying “no” to requests that aren’t on my short list), but it’s worth the effort.
5. Focus on the good things. Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects — whether you’re happy or not depends largely on which aspects you focus on. Did you lose today’s soccer game? At least you got to spend time with friends doing something fun. Did you sprain your ankle running? Well, your body probably needed a week’s rest anyway, as you were running too much! Did your baby get sick? Well, at least it’s only a flu virus and nothing life-threatening … and at least you have a wonderful baby to nurse to health! You can see my point — almost everything has a positive side, and focusing on the positives make all the difference. My Auntie Kerry died last week, and I’m still grieving, but 1) I’m happy I spent time with her before her death; 2) her death has brought our family closer together; 3) her suffering has ended; and 4) it reminded me to spend more time with the people I love while they’re still alive.
6. Do work you love. An extension, of course, of doing the things you love, but applied to work. Are you already doing the work you love? Then you’re one of the lucky ones, and you should appreciate how lucky you are. If you aren’t doing the work you love, you should make it a priority to try to find work you’re passionate about, and to steer your career in that direction. Take myself for example: I was doing work that I was good at (just last year), but that I wasn’t passionate about. I was passionate about writing, and so I pursued blogging … and with a year of hard work, was able to quit my day job and blog full time. I’m so much happier these days!
7. Lose yourself in your work. Once you’ve found work you love, the key is to lose yourself in it … clear away all distractions, find an interesting and challenging task, and just pour all your energy and focus into that task. With practice, you’ll forget about the outside world. There are few work-related joys that equal this feeling.
8. Help others. Is there any better feeling than helping a fellow human being? There aren’t many. And it’s not too hard.
9. Find time for peace. With the hectic pace of life these days, it’s hard to find a moment of peace. But if you can make time for solitude and quiet, it can be one of the happiest parts of your day.
10. Notice the small things. Instead of waiting for the big things to happen — marriage, kids, house, nice car, big promotion, winning the lottery — find happiness in the small things that happen every day. Little things like having a quiet cup of coffee in the early morning hours, or the delicious and simple taste of berries, or the pleasure of reading a book with your child, or taking a walk with your partner. Noticing these small pleasures, throughout your day, makes a huge difference.
11. Develop compassion. Compassion is developing a sense of shared suffering with others … and taking steps to alleviate the suffering of others. I think too often we forget about the suffering of others while focusing on our own suffering, and if we learned to share the suffering of others, our suffering would seem insignificant as a result. Compassion is an extremely valuable skill to learn, and you get better with practice.
12. Be grateful. Learning to be grateful for what’s in our lives, for the people who have enriched our lives, goes a long way toward happiness. It helps us to appreciate what we have and what we have received, and the people who have helped us.
13. Become a lifelong learner. I find an inordinate amount of pleasure in reading, in learning about new things, in enriching my knowledge as I get older. I think spending time reading some of the classics, as well as passionately pursuing new interests, is energy well invested. Try to do a little of it every day, and see if it doesn’t make you happier.
14. Simplify your life. This is really about identifying the things you love (see above) and then eliminating everything else as much as possible. By simplifying your life in this way, you create time for your happiness, and you reduce the stress and chaos in your life. In my experience, living a very simple life is also a pleasure in itself.
15. Slow down. Similar to simplifying, slowing down is just a matter of reminding yourself that there’s no need to rush through life. Schedule less things on your calendar, and more space between things. Learn to eat slower, drive slower, walk slower (unless you’re doing it for exercise). Going slowly helps to reduce stress, and improve the pleasure of doing things, and keeps you in the present moment.
16. Exercise. It can be hard to start an exercise program but once you get going, it relieves stress and can really give you a good feeling.
17. Meditate. You don’t need to join a Zendo or get a mat or learn any lotus positions, but the simplest form of meditation can really help you to be present and to get out of the worrying part of your head. You can do it right now: close your eyes and simply try to focus on your breathing as long as possible. Pay attention to the breath as it comes into your body, and then as it goes out. When you feel your mind start to wander, don’t fret, but just simply acknowledge the other thoughts, and then return to your breathing. Do this a little each day and you’ll get better at it.
18. Learn to accept. One of the challenges for people like me — people who want to improve themselves and change the world — is learning to accept things as they are. Sometimes it’s better to learn to accept, and to love, the world as it is, and people as they are, rather than to try to make everything and everyone conform to an impossible ideal. I’m not saying you should accept cruelty and injustice, but learn to love things when they are less than “perfect”.
19. Spend time in nature. Go outside and take a walk each day, or take the time to watch a sunset or sunrise. Or find a body of water — the ocean, a lake, a river, a pond — and spend time taking a look at it, contemplating it. If you’re lucky enough to live near some woods, or a mountain, or a canyon, go hiking. Time in nature is time invested in your happiness.
20. Find the miracles in life. I absolutely believe in miracles, and believe that they are all around us, every day. My children are all miracles. The kindnesses of strangers are miracles. The life growing all around us is a miracle. Find those miracles in your life, and enjoy the majesty of them.
For more happiness reading, check out my favorite happiness blog: www.happiness-project.com/happiness_project/ by Gretchen Rubin
~ 10-10-10 Stargate - Lightworker To The New Human By Meredith Murphy ~
The remaining aspects within the year are for reminding you of your inner glory and awakening your multidimensional eye to light (information). This inner eye is held in such high regard, that its availability is entrusted to those whose frequency has already elevated to love and compassion. For the knowing that accompanies the activation of this inner eye is expansive and precise. Clarity begins to permeate your experience in a way which is transformative and liberating; which might also be alarming, confusing and overwhelming, if one had not already progressed to a state where the Law of One was beginning to re-organize your cells, your alignments and your perceptions.
From within this orientation to new ways of seeing, vistas appear which are not always understood, but over time your clarity will improve. In the beginning you will notice new angles of light – shimmering flashes in your peripheral vision, likewise forms will appear to you even with your eyes closed – such as the energetic templates of thought forms – as your visibility begins to expand beyond 3d layers of reality.
In addition, there is a profound sense of knowing which is circular and looping, ever aware of all potentials and possibilities. This is a vast improvement from the limited 3d sense of factual, linear and/or singular concepts. Your knowing becomes attuned to ever evolving, constantly changing potentials – and you are able to navigate moment to moment from a truly quantum state of clarity and participation!
The inner eye, as it is called, is visual and yet often one experiences this as knowing they see something rather than seeing something. Some will have both this knowing and the actually visual apparatus present. One is not better than the other; these are personal preferences determined by your own sensibilities and natures, nothing more. Not a reflection of consciousness in terms of how high your vibration is.
Expansive, non-linear, quantum informed inner knowing awakened!
Now what?
The 10-10-10 Stargate is a powerful point of alignment. These dates exist for maximum opportunities to shift timelines in concordance with collective belief systems evolving and newer paradigms becoming integrated. Unified focus—meaning unified beliefs, substantially unified beliefs arriving in focus upon a specific now point, creates the opportunity to shift timelines. Such is the opportunity of the 10-10-10 Stargate. Remember, a Stargate is a portal.
Once the timeline is shifted, the collective has immediate, spontaneous access to the new paradigms and to alignment and participation in the new timeline!
This does not mean that all existing forms of conscious life on the Earth will immediately embrace the new paradigms. Oh that would be a denial of free will. However all those born after this moment, will indeed come forth harmoniously aligned and innately understanding the new paradigms. In order for those existing on the planet to integrate the new paradigms there must be willingness and allowing. (You do, after all, live in a free will universe!) When these (willingness and allowing) are present the integration of more liberating thought forms will take place upon the shifting of timelines! All who desire to experience the new, more expansive consciousness available will receive the upgrade, in parcels which they need to re-organize and shift their being to the new frequency and perspective platform.
Following 10-10-10 there will be a re-assessment of the progress toward a higher frequency Earth plane and messages and infusions of Light from those who are participating with you from beyond your human reference point, will reflect the new foundation existing on the Earth, following the shift in timelines and will once more endeavor to inform you, encourage you and participate with you in the ascending process of Earth.
Your role? ~ Your role is to encounter yourself fully.
This is so much more than you perhaps consider.
We speak to the innately multidimensional nature of the emergent New Human. And also the wholeness which continually expands as you integrate an ever-enlarging understanding of your true identity.
To liberate this expansive re-integration of self, there must first be a clearing. Many of you are experiencing the multiple phases of release and clearing that prepare you for the multidimensional living you've intended. The many "letting-go" moments, the heat in your bodies, the moments you are awakened to allow key upgrades to take place during the quiet hours of your night, the continual refinement of your sense of self...all of these are or facilitate essential upgrades to your vessel.
Within this moment of introspection and awareness you must seek out and release all limiting thought forms which in any way discredit your Divine nature. This it the remaining stronghold of the old energetic paradigms; the refusal to fully embrace yourself with loving delight and great joy.
Although you may find this simple and perhaps not lofty enough, we encourage you to realize that your own wholeness requires a full commitment to embracing all facets of you with divine love, and the curiosity and interest of one caring for a treasured and ever inventive living presence. You are morphing and integrating new information, reorganizing and becoming increasingly whole. Do not focus on what is yet to be done except in noticing it and moving toward its completion. Otherwise focus on the momentum and the improved experiences you are having as you increase the love-factor in your own life!
Imagine that you are an endlessly blooming, expanding energetic flower of sorts, and that your visibility to your petals and layers continually enlarges, and with this enlargement your delight is magnificent!
Cultivate a sense of your own expansive awareness and find ways to reconnect with this throughout the day.
A morning practice is a divine way to begin this. IN sleep you are naturally ONE with All-That-Is and your body, mind, emotions and spirit are in perfect harmony and balance. When you awaken, take time to notice this quality within your experience and take note of the characteristics of this feeling.
What is it like to be fully one and ONE?
Quite comfortable and peaceful isn’t it? For the mind and for all of you. Enjoy and savor this experience each morning and throughout the day summon your memories of this fully harmonious, expanded, integrated state when you can. The goal is to cultivate living in this balanced, harmonious expanded state more and more. To do so requires self-love; for any form of self-negation is resistance to wholeness and balance. So notice, clear out and uproot these. And cultivate the new integrated, divinely resourced and expanded YOU. This is the playground of the New Human; beginning with your home base—your own vessel and focal point, and eventually connecting to your expanded self—the Earth, the Universe—noticing and articulating the experience and sensibility of each of these. But I get ahead of myself.
I have something very important to share with you, which may surprise some of you.
Your role IS NOT in transmuting energy for others. It is not in sending healing energy to the Earth. The Earth and others are on their own individual paths to ascension. They are fully informed FROM WITHIN as you are and have no need of your unsolicited advice or energy. Only when asked shall you give focus to these extended aspects of you—those which have their own focal point.
There is a lingering aspect of powerlessness being projected onto other entirely sovereign aspects of the Universe, which is hidden in these actions. Your psychology calls this co-dependence. And it lives on in many Lightworkers. Notice this in your own lives as you may still not be receiving the abundance and clarity around your work and self-expression which you desire, and yet? What are you doing? Giving, giving, giving to others and the earth as though you have everything!
You do, indeed have everything, but until you can create a way of allowing it in for yourself, you are not in possession of your own divine resources. They are in "limbo" so to speak, awaiting a sense of worthiness, an openness and ability to flow into your life. This is what you must focus on if you are not already overflowing with abundance in your life—in love, in finances, in clarity, in relationships, in joy, in health and wellness. Your own wholeness is of utmost importance and must be your primary concern. No one else can do this for you! And you cannot do this for anyone else. The idea that you can is an old paradigm that implied some are powerful and some are not. This is clearly not accurate. Let go of this and you will find an amazing amount of resources at your command for doing what you do best—focusing light and creating!
The invitation dear Lightworkers, is to transition from Lightworkers TO the New Human. To come forth as the New Human in the New Earth and get on with the business of creating, expressing, harmonizing and enjoying the love and unity which are flowing into your experience!
Furthermore, you have a role in the creation of culture and civilization which is far more expansive than anything you are aware of. To approach this mantle, you must first make the passage to claiming what you know and who you are. The days of stepping up and into this role are close at hand (some of you are already playing here!) and the fun of this scenario is extravagant! Outrageous! Prepare yourselves!
Call forth all the support and insight you need by asking. Focus your attention on aligning and balancing your energies. Use the morning awareness of oneness to learn more how to find this expanded and naturally harmonious balance within yourself. Learn to listen and give your allegiance entirely to your inner sense of truth and clarity. Love yourself until nothing anyone else says matters at all to you in any way. Marvel and the diversity around you! Use it for inspiration and ideas if you like! Your life is your life is your life is your life…is this clear?
You have a sacred purpose. You have an entirely divine blueprint which has an important role in creating the civilization of the New Earth. You are needed, vital and profoundly loved.
Move into alignment with this at once. Let go of all else.
I remain, divinely focused on your efforts and report that the heavens are united in our ceaseless enjoyment and happiness as your expansion continues to unfold.
I AM Naeshira | Ashira.
© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.
From within this orientation to new ways of seeing, vistas appear which are not always understood, but over time your clarity will improve. In the beginning you will notice new angles of light – shimmering flashes in your peripheral vision, likewise forms will appear to you even with your eyes closed – such as the energetic templates of thought forms – as your visibility begins to expand beyond 3d layers of reality.
In addition, there is a profound sense of knowing which is circular and looping, ever aware of all potentials and possibilities. This is a vast improvement from the limited 3d sense of factual, linear and/or singular concepts. Your knowing becomes attuned to ever evolving, constantly changing potentials – and you are able to navigate moment to moment from a truly quantum state of clarity and participation!
The inner eye, as it is called, is visual and yet often one experiences this as knowing they see something rather than seeing something. Some will have both this knowing and the actually visual apparatus present. One is not better than the other; these are personal preferences determined by your own sensibilities and natures, nothing more. Not a reflection of consciousness in terms of how high your vibration is.
Expansive, non-linear, quantum informed inner knowing awakened!
Now what?
The 10-10-10 Stargate is a powerful point of alignment. These dates exist for maximum opportunities to shift timelines in concordance with collective belief systems evolving and newer paradigms becoming integrated. Unified focus—meaning unified beliefs, substantially unified beliefs arriving in focus upon a specific now point, creates the opportunity to shift timelines. Such is the opportunity of the 10-10-10 Stargate. Remember, a Stargate is a portal.
Once the timeline is shifted, the collective has immediate, spontaneous access to the new paradigms and to alignment and participation in the new timeline!
This does not mean that all existing forms of conscious life on the Earth will immediately embrace the new paradigms. Oh that would be a denial of free will. However all those born after this moment, will indeed come forth harmoniously aligned and innately understanding the new paradigms. In order for those existing on the planet to integrate the new paradigms there must be willingness and allowing. (You do, after all, live in a free will universe!) When these (willingness and allowing) are present the integration of more liberating thought forms will take place upon the shifting of timelines! All who desire to experience the new, more expansive consciousness available will receive the upgrade, in parcels which they need to re-organize and shift their being to the new frequency and perspective platform.
Following 10-10-10 there will be a re-assessment of the progress toward a higher frequency Earth plane and messages and infusions of Light from those who are participating with you from beyond your human reference point, will reflect the new foundation existing on the Earth, following the shift in timelines and will once more endeavor to inform you, encourage you and participate with you in the ascending process of Earth.
Your role? ~ Your role is to encounter yourself fully.
This is so much more than you perhaps consider.
We speak to the innately multidimensional nature of the emergent New Human. And also the wholeness which continually expands as you integrate an ever-enlarging understanding of your true identity.
To liberate this expansive re-integration of self, there must first be a clearing. Many of you are experiencing the multiple phases of release and clearing that prepare you for the multidimensional living you've intended. The many "letting-go" moments, the heat in your bodies, the moments you are awakened to allow key upgrades to take place during the quiet hours of your night, the continual refinement of your sense of self...all of these are or facilitate essential upgrades to your vessel.
Within this moment of introspection and awareness you must seek out and release all limiting thought forms which in any way discredit your Divine nature. This it the remaining stronghold of the old energetic paradigms; the refusal to fully embrace yourself with loving delight and great joy.
Although you may find this simple and perhaps not lofty enough, we encourage you to realize that your own wholeness requires a full commitment to embracing all facets of you with divine love, and the curiosity and interest of one caring for a treasured and ever inventive living presence. You are morphing and integrating new information, reorganizing and becoming increasingly whole. Do not focus on what is yet to be done except in noticing it and moving toward its completion. Otherwise focus on the momentum and the improved experiences you are having as you increase the love-factor in your own life!
Imagine that you are an endlessly blooming, expanding energetic flower of sorts, and that your visibility to your petals and layers continually enlarges, and with this enlargement your delight is magnificent!
Cultivate a sense of your own expansive awareness and find ways to reconnect with this throughout the day.
A morning practice is a divine way to begin this. IN sleep you are naturally ONE with All-That-Is and your body, mind, emotions and spirit are in perfect harmony and balance. When you awaken, take time to notice this quality within your experience and take note of the characteristics of this feeling.
What is it like to be fully one and ONE?
Quite comfortable and peaceful isn’t it? For the mind and for all of you. Enjoy and savor this experience each morning and throughout the day summon your memories of this fully harmonious, expanded, integrated state when you can. The goal is to cultivate living in this balanced, harmonious expanded state more and more. To do so requires self-love; for any form of self-negation is resistance to wholeness and balance. So notice, clear out and uproot these. And cultivate the new integrated, divinely resourced and expanded YOU. This is the playground of the New Human; beginning with your home base—your own vessel and focal point, and eventually connecting to your expanded self—the Earth, the Universe—noticing and articulating the experience and sensibility of each of these. But I get ahead of myself.
I have something very important to share with you, which may surprise some of you.
Your role IS NOT in transmuting energy for others. It is not in sending healing energy to the Earth. The Earth and others are on their own individual paths to ascension. They are fully informed FROM WITHIN as you are and have no need of your unsolicited advice or energy. Only when asked shall you give focus to these extended aspects of you—those which have their own focal point.
There is a lingering aspect of powerlessness being projected onto other entirely sovereign aspects of the Universe, which is hidden in these actions. Your psychology calls this co-dependence. And it lives on in many Lightworkers. Notice this in your own lives as you may still not be receiving the abundance and clarity around your work and self-expression which you desire, and yet? What are you doing? Giving, giving, giving to others and the earth as though you have everything!
You do, indeed have everything, but until you can create a way of allowing it in for yourself, you are not in possession of your own divine resources. They are in "limbo" so to speak, awaiting a sense of worthiness, an openness and ability to flow into your life. This is what you must focus on if you are not already overflowing with abundance in your life—in love, in finances, in clarity, in relationships, in joy, in health and wellness. Your own wholeness is of utmost importance and must be your primary concern. No one else can do this for you! And you cannot do this for anyone else. The idea that you can is an old paradigm that implied some are powerful and some are not. This is clearly not accurate. Let go of this and you will find an amazing amount of resources at your command for doing what you do best—focusing light and creating!
The invitation dear Lightworkers, is to transition from Lightworkers TO the New Human. To come forth as the New Human in the New Earth and get on with the business of creating, expressing, harmonizing and enjoying the love and unity which are flowing into your experience!
Furthermore, you have a role in the creation of culture and civilization which is far more expansive than anything you are aware of. To approach this mantle, you must first make the passage to claiming what you know and who you are. The days of stepping up and into this role are close at hand (some of you are already playing here!) and the fun of this scenario is extravagant! Outrageous! Prepare yourselves!
Call forth all the support and insight you need by asking. Focus your attention on aligning and balancing your energies. Use the morning awareness of oneness to learn more how to find this expanded and naturally harmonious balance within yourself. Learn to listen and give your allegiance entirely to your inner sense of truth and clarity. Love yourself until nothing anyone else says matters at all to you in any way. Marvel and the diversity around you! Use it for inspiration and ideas if you like! Your life is your life is your life is your life…is this clear?
You have a sacred purpose. You have an entirely divine blueprint which has an important role in creating the civilization of the New Earth. You are needed, vital and profoundly loved.
Move into alignment with this at once. Let go of all else.
I remain, divinely focused on your efforts and report that the heavens are united in our ceaseless enjoyment and happiness as your expansion continues to unfold.
I AM Naeshira | Ashira.
© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.
“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even wait; just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”
~ Franz Kafka
~ Franz Kafka
~ Angelic Message ~
By Doreen Virtue (from her book Healing with Angels)
“Archangel Michael, I ask you and your helpers to come to me now. Please cut away and release anything that is draining me. Help to lift my energy to its natural state of vitality now. Thank you.”
This is a great way to cut any emotional cords that are draining you. What are cords? Well every time we meet a person and connect with them energetically we attach a cord to them (and them to us) that exchanges energy. Most of the time this energy is given freely but sometimes these exchanges are unhealthy and negative (e.g. road rage; misdirected anger; work situations and relationships that leave you feeling drained). You may not often be aware of the subtle interchanges but look out for connections that leave you with negative emotions or leave you feeling depleted or tired ~ these are the ones to look out for.
We also need to remember not to give your power away… we are powerful beings in control of our own energies… we can give them freely, that is our choice, but how does that leave us feeling… we cannot give our energies away without depleting our own resources until we learn to stay plugged into the energy source. To keep that energy purified and charged… and to protect it from outward influences.
Everything is energy… and everything has the power to influence that which surrounds it… we have the same power to influence… and be influenced ~ if we allow it! ~ Tracy xx
“Every crag and gnarled tree and lonely valley has its own strange and graceful legend attached to it.” ~ Douglas Hyde
~ Crystal Powers ~
Aventurine – Prosperity, protection, balancing (emotional and intellectual bodies)
This is a stone that has strong ties to the elemental and devic kingdom so it is great for working with nature. It also protects against geopathic stress and it absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. The crystal defuses negative situations and turns them around.
On a personal level is reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It takes you back into the past to find sources of disease. This stone relieves stammers and severe neuroses, bringing understanding of what lies behind the conditions. Aventurine stabilizes one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity.
It calms irritations and anger… stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one’s own heart. It promotes a feeling of well-being. It balances male and female energy as well as the emotional and intellectual bodies. It encourages regeneration of the heart and protects the heart chakra (against negative energies).
Healing: Aventurine benefits the thymus gland, connective tissue and nervous system and all areas ruled by the heart chakra (green is strongest here). It is anti-inflammatory and helps ease skin eruptions and allergies, relieves migraine headaches and soothes the eyes.
It is great to use in a protection grid around your home or property… or for protection around your edible plants.
“Those who wish to embody the Tao should embrace all things. To embrace all things means first that one holds no anger or resistance toward any idea or thing, living or dead, formed or formless.
Acceptance is the very essence of the Tao.
To embrace all things means also that one rids oneself of any concept of separation; male and female, self and other, life and death. Division is contrary to the nature of the Tao. Foregoing antagonism and separation, one enters in the harmonious oneness of all things.” ~ Lao Tsu
~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~
Common names: Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
Origins: Europe . Poppies reseed themselves year after year and thrive in sunny places needing little attention.
The wild poppy was revered, 1000 years BC, as a medicine and a food. Fields of wheat in Europe have great swathes of poppies edging them (they make great companion plants for barley, wheat, cornflower and chamomile). Ancient Romans looked on the poppy as a sacred flower, dedicating it to their corn goddess Ceres who taught mankind how to sow and reap. In the languages of flowers the poppy in all its varieties means ‘consolation’. It was placed around the mummified bodies of ancient Egyptian queens and princesses over 1000 years BC to grant them immortality. Older generations may also remember the poppy being the flower of remembrance in Britain at the end of the First World War to honour all the soldiers killed in battle on the fields of Flanders .
The seeds are edible and used to flavour cakes and breads. Petals are delicious sprinkled on fruit salads and deserts. Monks used to make a liqueur out of the petals in medieval times. Try a few petals serves on ice cream.
Warmed petals can be applied to rashes, grazes, stings, bites and burns… applied as a dressing or in place of a bandage. It is effective for teenage acne and pimples ~ crush petals into a pulp and apply or use as a wash. Ancient Greeks and Romans used the petals mixed with hot water as a face mask to bring colour to winter pale skin. There are records of petals being pounded into lard that has been clarified and then used for dry flaky skin.
If your soil needs a boost of silica then there is nothing better to add to your compost heap.
This plant represents death and rebirth. Placed on graves it is said to grant immortality. It provides protection and attracts love to your home. Eating seeds is said to increase fertility. Bathing in a tea made from the petals is said to deepen your connection to the spirit. Petals may be used to make ink (you need lots). Opium is also made from some varieties.
“The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is yourself.” ~ Alan Alda
How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’…
~ Spinach and Ricotta gnocchi ~
This is such a delicious recipe and it’s easy to make.
4 slices white bread, crusts removed
125ml (1/2 cup) milk
500g frozen spinach (I use fresh organic spinach that I have steamed for a few minutes and then squeezed to get all the water out)
250g ricotta
2 eggs
50g grated Parmesan
30g (1/4 cup plain) flour (I use that nice stone ground flour)
Salt and pepper
Soak the bread in the mild for 10 minutes. Squeeze out any excess liquid from the spinach. Combine the bread, spinach, ricotta, eggs and parmesan well. Chill, covered for about an hour. Fold in the flour. With floured hands, roll heaped teaspoons of mixture into little dumplings (gnocchi size). Then lower batches of the gnocchi into a large saucepan of boiling salted water. Cook for 2 minutes or until the gnocchi rises to the surface (give it a stir if necessary as some may get stuck on the bottom). Transfer to a plate to drain and keep warm.
To make a simple sauce chop 1 or two ripe tomatoes, 3 tbsp chopped fresh basil, 2-4 chopped cloves of garlic, and about 100g of butter ~ sauté all the ingredients in the butter for a few minutes and then drizzle over the gnocchi and sprinkle with parmesan shavings and black pepper.
Don’t forget to thank and send love to all the plants and animals that contributed to your meal. Eat mindfully… conscious of each delicious mouthful and the energies that are restoring your body and mind.
Mystery Healer
The summer yields to the autumn winds blowing
While the cool burns the leaves golden red
We harvest fields we planted once knowing
Grains of truth would soon come to a head.
Mystery Healer, I feel your hand above my brow
Into your love I bow.
Aging dreams seeming hard to remember
Alluring sleep ever taking its toll
Love redeems like the snows of December
Pure and deep as the infinite soul.
Mystery Healer, I feel your hand above my brow
Into your love I bow.
To meadowlands of our soul's flowering
We return from the roots we have sprung
To understand love we know is empowering
Though we learn from the truth where love hung.
Mystery Healer, I feel your hand above my brow
Into your love I bow.
~ Chris Van Cleave
~ In the Garden ~
Keep sowing those seeds and planting out your seedlings… spring is a massive growth time for all plants so ensure that you water and feed them well.
Weed out the plants you don’t need and thin too-closely-planted crops (always leaving the biggest and strongest plants behind to continue the heritage of your crops)… but try to keep as much of the soil covered (as long as the weeds don’t take over) as this helps to keep the soil moist… as soon as soil is uncovered all the water evaporates out of it so you generally want to avoid that if possible.
Keep plants well fed. A great compost mixture is one third part green mulch (plant bits and pruning cuts or plants that you have grown for the specific purpose of becoming a nutrient rich green mulch ~ a good mix is: alfalfa, red clover, borage and comfrey ~ for the later two plants bruise the leaves and leave to soak in water for 2 weeks before adding) or organic kitchen waste, one third well composted (decomposed) and one third manure (try to get it from an organic supplier or a nearby organic farm if you can (particularly if you are using it on your edibles). Mix well but not too vigorously as you don’t want to squish all the little microbes… then lay as a top dressing and water well. Be sure to cover the whole root system but not to be too close to the stem of the plant as this may encourage mildew.
There are arguments both for and against crop rotation so you generally need to make up your own mind but I tend to sway more towards encouraging bio-diversity amongst crops rather than practicing crop rotation. The main reason is that it is less work in the long run ~ with crop rotation you literally need to keep digging up the soil and planting new crops based on what was planted before so that you don’t depleted the soil too badly but really the main issue for me is the continual digging which disturbs all the micro-organisms, earth worms and all the other beneficial tiny helpers that plants need in order to survive and thrive. Why do they need these little guys? Well simply put they break down the organic materials (plant bits, leaves, etc or compost) and return the nutrients to the soil in a soluble form that the root structure of the plants can absorb. They are key if you want a nutrient rich edible crop what will build your families health and well-being. These little guys are very fragile and can be crushed when the soil is disturbed. They also are killed by pesticides and even organic poisons… (a poison is a poison weather it is plant based or not). The best way to protect your plants and the environment they are in is to create an environment that is health giving and one that flows with abundance and diversity.
So if it is not crop rotation then how do you plan your garden… take a lesson from Mother Nature and just take a moment to think of a forest eco system… there is an abundance of plants right… and that is the key ~ diversity!
Start by planting tall fruit and nut trees that will provide the top canopy (just like the tallest trees of the forest)… large trees like Avocado, Guava, Pecan, Walnut, Mulberry, Pawpaw (if you are in a warm enough climate) – plant them far apart to allow sunny spots as well as to allow for the other plant layers… then the middle canopy – medium-sized trees like Plums, Pear, Pomegranate, Hazel, lemon, etc… then plant shrubs and bushes such as Blueberry, Cranberry, Bush Cherry, Gooseberry’s, etc. Then you plant the lower level which consists of low shrubs and herbaceous plants like Comfrey or Sorrel, etc. In sunny spots ensure you continually plant spinach, watercress and rocket or any similar green leafy plants or salads leaves – this is to ensure that you have a continuous supply rather than an excess of leaves at one time. In sunny glades you can also plant your sun loving root crops… potatoes, carrots, etc
Then plant vines that will naturally climb up the trees - like Groundnut, Yam or Granadilla. Then in larger well fed spaces you can grow stuff like squash, butternut.
Then plant vines that will naturally climb up the trees - like Groundnut, Yam or Granadilla. Then in larger well fed spaces you can grow stuff like squash, butternut.
Happy designing, planting and harvesting with love and respect ;)
Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,