Monday, August 30, 2010

30/08/2010 ~ Consciousness of One

"Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Hello and welcome to another installment of my ‘Consciousness of One’ newsletter,

Well it certainly has been quite a winter (energetically that is)… with the solstices, eclipses and of course the Grand Cross. According to Diana Cooper these major shifts opened up two cosmic portals… the one in Marseilles which holds Mary Magdalene’s energy and a very powerful one at Agate in Russia. In addition, she says, Archangel Raphael’s portal in Portugal opened to spread healing across Europe and the world. Raphael is the Archangel who oversees Europe and you may have been aware of his emerald green energy from time to time. All this is in preparation for 2012.

Loads of work is being done to shift us into the higher dimensions… some do so gracefully and others go kicking and screaming… but we go… sooner or later… that is just the way it is.

Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for getting this far!! Well done!

The first day of spring is just around the corner ~ 1st September… so it is time to get out there… in the fresh air… into nature… the energies will soon start to pick up… you will feel like clearing out your spaces and spring cleaning your home… you will feel the urge to get healthier… to detoxify your system… to get some exercise. These are the energies of spring!

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, a time of transition when the soul yearns to let go of the old ways… and the soul may seek freedom from relationships, jobs, and responsibilities… anything that makes them feel confined. The soul has awakened from their sleepy inwardly focussed winter and longs to run wild in the hills… they seek open spaces… and escapism in its many forms. The warmth of the sun awakens us to higher energies. This is a time to experience new things… to start new creative projects… to plant symbolic new seeds.

“We may, as we grow older, imagine ourselves to be immune to folly and to being taken over by enthusiasm, but we lock ourselves into certainty at our peril. Fully lived enthusiasm could be defined as the willingness to commit to what enchants us, to be drawn towards that which has energy for us. Sometimes this may lead us down false paths, but sometimes it leads us to our own grail. The willingness to be transformed in the moment by the joy of living keeps us young and vital.” So your challenge this month is to embrace (with both hands) your inner child… take time to play… laugh… and have fun!

This is the perfect time to take charge of your health with renewed vigour and determination and what better way to start than by planting your very own edible organic garden… particularly so you have access to fresh greens (which naturally boost your magnesium levels making you happier and healthier among many other benefits).

So go on and give yourself permission to have a little fun… dance… sing… celebrate life in all its glories.

Blessings, love and light,

Tracy xxx

''Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” ~ Saint Augustine

~ Special Channelled Messages from Archangel Michael for the Fall/Spring Equinox ~

This is a very special month. Firstly, Archangel Michael tells us that we are ready to begin with our assignments for creating the New Earth. NO MORE WAITING. IT’S TIME TO GO!

This work will begin in earnest in October. September is a month in which we will prepare our energies by focussing on Peace, Love and Harmony for our beloved Crystal Planet.

The Equinox, on the 21/22nd September, marks a time when the energies and flows on Earth are changing, and the days and nights become shorter or longer, depending on where you live. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days become shorter as you move towards winter, while in the South the days become longer as summer approaches.

For all of us a planetary people...we are moving into the New Earth. IT BEGINS.

Message One: “September is the Month of Focus on Peace and Love that will usher in the New Earth". Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn.

Dearest human angels, you are ready to begin creating the New Earth! So many of you are aligned with your new energies and ready to "go". So it is with great joy that we say to you" "Now is the Time!" You are ready to begin creating!

You have recently entered a "transition" period of six to eight months in which your lives will change in significant but positive ways as you move to take up your new positions in the new creative work. Some of you may move from one area to another, even one country to another, as you are called to those places where your work may be most effective. Some will find old relationships ending and new partnerships forming where both partners can direct their energies towards the creation of the New Earth through their combined gifts and talents. And some may change occupations or find significant changes in their present occupations as the New Earth energies begin to ground and take shape.

You will clearly feel these new energies in October, after the equinox. But September is a month of prelude in which people around the planet will join their energies to create peace on the planet. In this month you as humans will truly come to experience the reality of the Oneness of your planetary connection. The common goal of Peace, Love and Harmony will be the golden thread that links you all together.

You will truly see for the first time how powerful you are, and how your combined energies can create miracles. And you will gain confidence in using your combined energies as a powerful and creative force for love and peace. And that creative force will channel intense and wonderful light to the earth.

Those of you who are first wave Lightworkers are now strong enough to hold the global grid of light that constitutes the Crystal planet. In September you are being called to fully activate that grid with prayer, meditations, sound, music and dance. Celebrate with us the coming to pass of the New Earth. Join your energies more closely with those of the Crystal Children. Together you are creating the New Earth by transmitting the powerful vibrations of the Gold Ray from the Galactic centre via the Sun and through your new Crystalline Bodies, and then into the new Crystal Earth Grids. The Golden Crystal light accelerates evolution into Peace and Harmony through Love.

The darkness is diminishing as the light increases, and as the light you receive and transmit enters the new Crystal Grids of the Earth, the planet will radiate light out into the Cosmos like the brilliant and powerful gem that she is! YOU are the LIGHT and you HOLD THE LIGHT! That is your work as Human Angels.

Welcome the New Earth. It is Here.

Message Two: "Feeling the Changes". Archangel Michael through Kate Spreckley.

The Fall/Spring equinox will bring about a change in the intensity of the energy coming in. The energy of change will be felt by all of you and you will be guided to make the necessary changes in your lives.

Some of these changes may be drastic and others subtle, it will all depend on where you are on your path. Many of you will be guided to move to different cities or countries as you will need to be in a place where you can best do your work. You will find that you will begin to discover your soul mates and your soul families as they will give you the support that you need to fulfill your purpose.

Many of you will begin to let go of old relationships that no longer serve you as you begin to relate from a place of soul resonance rather than karmic debt. As you are aware karma does not exist in the higher dimensions nor will it exist in the New Earth.

We ask that you do not fear these changes as they will be positive and made from a divine place. Should you begin to fear call on us to give you the strength and the courage to follow through with your truth.

We ask that you join together in celebration on the 21/22nd September to bring through this energy in love, light and happiness. The times ahead are going to be filled with promise, joy, abundance and so much love as you begin creating without fear of destruction.

You have rewritten the future, yours and your children’s, and with the help of many leaders working with you, you will begin to see the fruits of your hard work. Already you have begun again to see the beauty of the world that you live in and to feel a sense of childlike wonder at all that you see and feel.

As many of you go through this next phase please seek the support and love that you need as this will help you to understand and to work through this transition with ease.

Connect with your creativity and you will bring joy and playfulness into your lives.

We are so very pleased with the work that you have all done and know that we are working with you on all levels to create a new way of being!

With love and many blessings

AA Michael

“The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.” ~ Albert Einstein

~ What's Up – September ~
By the South African Astronomical Observatory

Sun and Moon
September begins with a thin crescent moon in the western sky at sunset, with first quarter (half moon in the evening sky) on the 7th, and full moon on the 15th. Last quarter (half moon in the morning sky) is on the 22nd, with new moon at 10:12 a.m. SAST on the 29th. The young crescent will not be visible from southern Africa until the following evening, and from the northernmost parts of Africa and much of the Middle East, sighting the crescent moon with the naked eye is unlikely until the evening of October 1st.

The moon makes its closest approach to Earth in September (perigee – 368888 km) on the 20th. It’s greatest distance from Earth this month will be on the 7th (apogee – 404209 km). Apparent size and brightness of the full moon will therefore be about average.

Southern hemisphere spring begins officially in September. That's what everyone seems to agree on. But when it begins is another matter. According to some, the official beginning is on September 1. Others like to use the date of the spring equinox, when the moon crosses the celestial equator into the southern hemisphere. This year the equinox will be on the 22nd.

The name 'equinox' suggests that this must also be the day when day and night are equally long. But it's not so. Instead the 22nd is the day when (if the Earth had no atmosphere) the centre of the sun would come closest to rising 12 hours before the centre of the sun went below the horizon. But the Earth does have an atmosphere, which bends sunlight so that when the sun appears perched on the horizon, its true position is entirely below the horizon! To put it another way, when it's near the horizon the sun appears higher in the sky than it is, and we don't count sunrise or sunset by the moment when the centre of the sun is on the horizon. Hence the last day when sunrise and sunset are less than 12 hours apart (from the time when the 1st sliver of the sun disappears until the last sliver disappears) is September 18. Starting with the 19th (time from sunrise to sunset: 12 hours 1 minute 38 seconds) the days will be longer than the nights. If you want to count the beginning of spring from that date, or not – feel free. None of these dates says much about when the weather feels like spring.

Evening and Morning Sky: Planets
This is a great month for planets in the evening sky, with Jupiter nearly overhead in early evening, and Mercury, Venus and Mars low in the west after sunset. On the 1st, the crescent moon and Venus form the base of a triangle, with Mars at the upper point and Mercury between Mars and the moon. As September progresses, the three planets will get closer to Spica (the brightest star in Virgo), but at different rates. By the 16th, Spica will be the upper point of an equilateral triangle with Venus and Mercury. (Mercury will be to the left of Venus and much dimmer.) By the 20th, the three planets and Spica will form a fairly tight right triangle with Venus at the top, Mercury and Mars at the base, and Spica between Venus and Mercury. On the 24th, Mercury, Spica and Mars (from left to right) lie almost in a straight line with Venus above all three. As a kind of grand finale to this month's planetary dance, Mercury, Spica and Mars (lower left to upper right) form an even straighter line low in the evening sky, with the young crescent moon just to the left of Spica. Don't miss the show!

The only bright planet missing from the above is Saturn, which is visible rising before the sun by month's end.

The Evening Sky: Stars
The winter Milky Way still sweeps majestically across the sky from NNE to SSW in early September evenings, and the centre of our Milky Way galaxy is almost overhead. Just to the west of the zenith is the Scorpion, with the reddish star Antares at its heart. Antares (or 'rival of Mars') is a huge star 600 light years away, shining in visible light with 12000 times the power output of our own sun. But Antares is also so much cooler than the sun (hence the red colour) that most of its energy output is in the infrared, and its total power output is 40000 times that of the sun. If Antares were suddenly placed at the centre of our solar system, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars and the asteroid belt would be inside this monster star, whose vaguely defined surface would lie 4/5 of the way from the star's centre to the orbit of Jupiter. Gravity at the surface of Antares is so weak that it is losing mass fast enough to create a visible nebula or gas cloud around it, lit by Antares hot companion star. One of these first million years or so, Antares may explode as a supernova -- so keep your eyes on the Scorpion if you're the patient sort. Just NE of Scorpio in the Milky Way are the stars of Sagittarius the Archer, making a pattern a bit like a teapot. It's in this constellation that the centre of our galaxy is located, but you can't actually see the centre directly because of the thick dust clouds in between. Only one in a billion photons of visible light from the Galactic Centre can get through, and infrared cameras are needed to show what's there. Infrared observations of stars orbiting the centre suggest that right at the centre is a black hole about 3 million times as massive as our sun.

High in the NE, toward the edge of the Milky Way, is the bright star Altair in Aquila the Eagle. Altair is easy to recognise because of the dimmer stars more or less equally spaced on each side. Another bird constellation, low in the NE and thoroughly tangled in the Milky Way, is Cygnus the Swan, also known as the Northern Cross. At the NE end (top) of the Cross is Deneb, the tail of the Swan. Deneb is much more distant than most of the stars we see with the unaided eye, and its true brightness has been estimated at 160 000 suns. To the right (W) of Deneb is another bright northern star, Vega, only about 1/100 as far away at only 25 light years. Vega is really much dimmer than Deneb, but appears brighter because it is so much closer. If Deneb were as close as Vega, it would be by far the brightest star in the sky, as bright as a thickish crescent moon!

Low in the NW in early evening is the bright star Arcturus, with Spica glowing low in the west amidst the 'dance of the three planets' described above. Higher in the west (and just north of the Scorpion) is the curious constellation of Ophiucus the Serpent Holder. One half of the Serpent stretches from the hands of Ophiucus toward Arcturus and the Northern Crown in the NW, while the other extends along the Milky Way toward the Eagle. South of the Scorpion are the Altar, the Level and the Wolf, while further south we find the Centaur (including the Pointers) and the Southern Cross. Fomalhaut is now high in the east, with bright Achernar low in the southeast, ninth brightest star in the sky.

The Morning Sky
By the time the Earth's rotation allows us to see the predawn September sky, Achernar (the 'mouth' of the celestial river Eridanus) is much higher in the south, with Fomalhaut (in the Southern Fish) low in the SW. Achernar is spinning so fast that its equatorial diametre is about 11.8 times that of the sun, while its polar diametre is only 7.6 times solar. Partly due to its very fast spin, Achernar is losing mass thousands of times as fast as our own sun, and is thousands of times as bright. According to ancient South African folklore, if the Senakane (the little horn) (Achernar) rises in the East very bright and giving off little lightnings, and the bullrushes are still in flower, men fear an early frost. The shield of the little horn is the Small Magellanic Cloud, known as mo'hora le tlala, 'plenty and famine'. If dry dusty air made it appear dim, famine was to be expected.

High in the southeastern sky is Canopus, second brightest star in our skies and the brightest star in the ancient constellation of Argo, the great ship. High in the east is Sirius, brightest star in the sky as seen from Earth. If Canopus were at the same distance as Sirius, however, it would shine about 400 times brighter. Sirius is the brightest star in Orion's Large Dog, and the stars of Orion, including bright Rigel and Betelgeuse, are high in the NE before dawn this month. Charging Orion is Taurus the Bull, with Aldeberan serving as an inflamed orange eye. No wonder Orion has his hide shield raised in front of him. Behind Orion, his Small Dog (with the bright star Procyon) is prudently staying on the safer side of the contest, while totally indifferent to all this drama, Auriga the Charioteer (with the bright star Capella) drives by low in the north.

“Everything is energy and beyond that is Supreme Intelligence"
~ Albert Einstein
~ Because You Can ~
by Stephanie Dowrick

Do you assume that other people should prove they ''deserve'' your kindness, thoughtfulness or consideration before they get it?

''Why should I be nice to her when she was so rude to me?''

''Mean old bag, never smiles, who would want to treat her decently?''

''He hurt me. I'm not going to waste my time talking to him.''

Living like this - and many people do - you are letting other people decide how you will behave. You are giving away your power to decide. You are letting them determine how you will think and feel.

When you treat people decently because you can you are relying on something far more solid than other's people reactions (or your assumptions about those reactions).

You are relying on your values… and living them!

Self-respect begins in your own mind: with the way you think and talk about yourself.

~ The Dance of the Honey Bee ~

The mysterious 4 year crisis of disappearing honey bees continues to devastate colony’s world wide. Already China is hand pollinating a large number of their commercial crops. America experienced large bee losses this past winter and many blame pesticides that have been found in some poisoned hives.

Two federal agencies along with regulators in California and Canada are scrambling to figure out what is behind this relatively recent threat, ordering new research on pesticides used in fields and orchards. Federal courts are even weighing in this month, ruling that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency overlooked a requirement when allowing a pesticide on the market.

Scientists are concerned because of the vital role bees play in our food supply. About one-third of the human diet is from plants that require pollination from honeybees, which means everything from apples to zucchini.

Bees have been declining over decades from various causes. But in 2006 a new concern, "colony collapse disorder” which found its way to South African colonies last year, was blamed for large, inexplicable die-offs. The disorder, which causes adult bees to abandon their hives and fly off to die, is likely a combination of many causes, including parasites, viruses, bacteria, poor nutrition and pesticides, experts say.

This is a problem that is very close to my heart and I have been following it closely over the years. I believe that the pesticides are lowering the bee’s immunity so that they are more easily susceptible to viruses and bacteria… another known phenomenon is that bacteria is now becoming resistant to certain pesticides and antibiotics thereby creating these new “super-bugs”. Organic farms that have hives are not experiencing as many bee loses as those that use commercial pesticides.

Another factor I believe is diversity! All nature thrives when plant diversity is maintained. Bees are not limited to one source of pollen… they can then pick and choose the plants they wish to forage for themselves. We all know that most plants contain medicinal qualities (even if they are purely nutritional) and the bees naturally select plants that make their honey (which is the food for their entire colony) the very best ensuring their health and well being. However if within their foraging range (of about 1.5 miles = approx 3.3 km) there are only a few crops (as with most commercial agricultural plantations) how are they to maintain a quality (medicinal and nutritional) honey?

Over and above this I think cell phone towers cause huge problems for bees. It is well known that Foragers communicate their floral findings in order to recruit other forager bees from the hive to forage in the same area. This communication takes the form of an elaborate dance… there are ‘moves’ for each intricate piece of information such as the distance to the resource… location of the sun… type of nectar of pollen to be found… and general environmental conditions. The more vigorous the dance, the better the food!

Bee’s are highly intelligent ~ one report in a 1983 issue of Science News, stated that scientists moved a supply of sugar water 25% further away from a hive each day. The bees communicated to each other as usual on its location and each day they found the “treasure”. Then they placed the sugar water on a boat anchored in the middle of a small lake. When bee scouts returned to the hive to communicate their find, other bees refused to go with them, not expecting to find food in the middle of a lake, even though they frequently flew over the lake to reach pollen sources on the opposite shore.

Once their dance has been communicated to the hive, the recruited bee’s fuel up with the required amount of food (honey is their fuel) needed to get them to the location of the new food source… they only take enough for the trip there because they use the nectar to refuel for the trip back. If their directional signals get jammed or if any of the dance directions are ‘off’ even slightly they run the risk of running out of fuel before they get to their location ~ this poses a problem if there are no other sources of fuel around. How often have you noticed bees in or near your home that appear to be out of fuel or energy? I think cell phone towers and various other electronic devices cause huge problems for our bees.

So how can we help? Grow flowers that bees love and also make sure you grow plants that flower all year round ~ they love Aloe flowers… many Protea’s flower in winter… daisy’s, Indigenous sage (Salvia africana-lutea)… some pelargoniums like the nutmeg scented… Nasturtiums… most succulents like Crassula and Lampranthus. Remember diversity is what gives all life strength and well being ~ each contributing the the overall health of the whole.

I learnt from my mom to always put the last bit of honey from the jar out for the bees… they will soon find it (particularly if you have a lot of bees in your garden)… you may also notice that they don’t like all types of honey… and will avoid completely any honey that has been boiled (producers boil it to make it runnier but the boiling also unfortunately makes it toxic).

You can also put out sugar water for them… they won’t turn it into honey but it will still fuel their journey home and they use it to build their hives (helps them to make bees wax) ~ birds also love sugar water so you may have to put out extra bowls after a while (or use a proper bird nectar feeder). Always look out for those little lost souls who need a little extra help to get home… and give them some honey loving :)

Start to honour and respect all Bees :) ~

People are starting to honour Bee’s ~

“Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.” ~ Buddha

~ Tree of Life & Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Initiation ~

The Tree of Life is a symbol used both, at the beginning and at the end of the Bible, in Genesis and Revelation. In Genesis, man loses the Tree of Life because of his fall (in consciousness), and in Revelation he regains his consciousness and thus renewed access to the Tree and the Garden of Eden. The story between Genesis and Revelation is a metaphor used to describe the development and unfoldment of man's consciousness, the Universal Mind explained!

It reflects each of our own personal story and journey of regaining that consciousness of oneness with Spirit which was ours in the Beginning before we "fell" in consciousness. In Genesis, Adam and Eve are told not to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve is tempted by the snake that tricked her by saying she would discover the difference between good and evil, and so be equal with God. So she grabbed a fruit and gave one to Adam as well. It was the eating, "the partaking of knowledge - knowledge without wisdom," Cayce explained, that caused pleasure, satisfaction, and gratification of the body, the very thing which initiated or caused the fall in consciousness. The pleasures, indulgences and gratifications of the physical world and reality thus appear very attractive to the physical eye and body, and the forbidden fruit symbolizes just that: attractiveness found in Earthly pleasures. The attractiveness and sweetness of the apple are metaphoric of the attractions of this world! The separating of the fruit from the tree marked the beginning of separation! The fruit was cut off from its source! As the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary gave, "The branch that separates itself from the tree withers away and dies. So a belief by the ego that its life, substance, and intelligence are self-derived cuts off the source of supply, and the ego begins to revolve in a mental vortex whose dominant tones are good and evil, birth and death - duality."

Both Adam and Eve became self-conscious and aware that they were out of harmony with Spirit and their true nature. Their newly gained consciousness brought fear. This signified "man's fall!" The forbidden fruit is symbolic of negative ego thinking! It was when mankind ate from the Tree of Good and Evil, or in other words, used their free choice to think with their duality-based negative ego mind instead of remaining in their Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Mind that fear, separation, and all negative feelings and emotions began to be created! This was the "banishment from Eden," as the Biblical narrative depicts. Eden being both a metaphor for the first Golden Age and early Lemuria, as well as Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness.

However, as A Course in Miracles states, "The Fall never really happened. We just think it did!" It is our thoughts that create our reality. Think fear and separation, and you will experience just that. Think God and oneness, and this will be your reality. Now, on the other hand, eating from the Tree of Life, one is promised the gift of Eternal Life. These two psychological principles or concepts still exist to this day. You can choose consistently to eat from the Tree of Life, and thus maintain your connection with God and live in harmony with your divine nature; or you can choose to experience and explore the things of the material world in a manner which gives you "knowledge," - however, knowledge without wisdom results in separation. Cayce said, "It is not knowledge that is so important, but the wisdom in application of that knowledge. It is not what or how much one knows that counts, but what one does about what one knows or experiences." You pass this initiation by deciding to consistently eat of the Tree of Life rather than the Tree of God and Evil.

In other words, you earn this initiation by learning to transcend negative ego/fear based/separatist thinking and feeling - transcending duality as represented by the forbidden fruit - and instead make the existential choice of thinking with your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Mind from this moment forward! Of course this is a lifelong exercise that requires utmost vigilance! You don’t need to be perfect in order to pass this initiation, however, you are encouraged to continually eat the fruits of the Spirit of the Tree of Life - think with your God Mind - for this is which will grant you access to the New Jerusalem or Eden of Old, a consciousness of oneness with your Creator, as promised in the Revelation of John. For Remember, it's the MIND that leads to the CHRIST! It's the mind that leads to the New Jerusalem!

© 2010 from Dr. Joshua David Stone

"We need anything that will make the world less like a prison and more like a circus." ~ George Bernard Shaw

~ Embracing Grief ~

“Giving ourselves permission to be with sadness actually creates space for us to begin the healing process.” ~ Daily Om

As much as we can understand the concept of change and its inevitable flow… it is never easy to accept the loss of someone we love. Grief is something we will all experience at some point in our lives… and knowing it’s a natural part of life helps only partially to prepare you… but honestly it is like nothing you will have experienced before.

When I lost my father a few years ago it took me ages to laugh again… I literally stopped feeling like my old self… it sometimes felt like I would never again feel the excitement and exuberance of who I was before… the laughter and carefree spirit of the person I was seemed to be buried in a dark and serious place. It took a very long time for this feeling to pass (just over a year) and after that year I felt like I needed to reinvent myself… I even changed my hair colour to match my new serious side… I sunk my self into work with a renewed responsibility. I slowly learned to laugh again. I wasn’t quite sure that I liked this new me but I felt that she was here to protect me in some way… I was vulnerable and needed “her” seriousness and no-nonsense attitude to handle this “hard” life. 

As time moved on I slowly felt myself moving into a new space that was again filled with joy and laughter but this time being in this space seemed more precious… I no longer took the excitement and exuberance for granted but felt I was sharing this feeling with the world around me… sending out this vibration. Of course I was awakening consciously more and more but I believe that the experience of grief helped me to be whatever I needed to be in order to heal… and we need to give ourselves permission to be whatever we feel like being for however long it takes to heal that feeling… being comfortable with that “being-ness” is what allows us to move on… because only when we experience it can we let it go. If we keep pushing it away in our minds (not dealing with it) it will keep coming back.

The process of grieving is different for everyone… the range of emotions we go through is also different for everyone. So that is why it is so important to tune into what you are feeling… to feel whatever it is deeply… even the unexpected feelings that are not a part of who you normally are… allow it all to play out… to be.

A natural tendency is to try and be as busy as possible in the hopes that it will take our minds off the feelings that are so overwhelming. That is ok but you should know that you will eventually need to face those feelings. We also often tend to blow these feelings out of proportion… telling ourselves that we cannot handle them right now… that you don’t have time to fall apart right now… and a million other excuses that keep us from facing and comforting the child within us… the person within us that needs to feel… and rage… and cry… like a child who has not been conditioned to block their feelings… the just need to let it all go for a moment.

We need to re-condition ourselves… to allow our inner child to be expressed… to allow ourselves to feel… it is ok truly… we are so much stronger that we think we are… we can handle this. This shift in thinking allows us to feel and to express whatever it is we need to.

I have come to think of these immense challenges in our lives as tests… spiritual landmarks if you like… that push us to face all of who we are… these experiences offer us a profound opportunity for transformation and it is also important for us to see this side of the grieving experience as it empowers us and moves us from victim to warrior.

~ Come to the Edge ~

Come to the edge, he said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them and they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire (French Poet)

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr
~ Angelic Message ~

Work with Archangel Uriel today to bring golden power and confidence into your aura.

Archangel Uriel and his feminine complement, Aurora, acting on the purple and gold rays, bring us the selfless flame of love used in devotional worship and service to all life. Seek help from them when you need renewed dedication to achieve goals, or when you want to give selfless service to others.

Archangel Uriel is one of the most powerful Archangels and is associated with the unimaginable light of God which gives you illumination. He brings divine light into your life as he transforms painful memories and restores peace to your past.

This Archangel's purpose is to assist you in anchoring yourself in love that is strong enough to withstand any negativity. This powerful light being helps you turn your worst disappointments into your greatest blessings and assists you in releasing blocks to forgiveness.

Whenever you feel you have lost your way, call on him and the Ruby Ray; invite his essence into your life to assist you in becoming a master of your energies.

Uriel is one of the wisest archangels and will assist you with brilliant new ideas entering your mind.

The Archangel Uriel is traditionally also considered the Angel of the Earth. He is the keeper of the mysteries which are deep within the planet, underground and in the hidden depths of the living world. Therefore Uriel is the patron or Ecology, the science of the whole Earth and the inter-relationship of all life upon it.

“In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.” ~ Buddha
~ Crystal Powers ~
AGATE Blue Lace - Communication, clarity, confidence, calm
George Swanson discovered blue lace agate on his farm, Ysterputs Farm, in Namibia, which was called South West Africa at the time. He coined the term "Gem of Ecology" for it because of the swirling blues and whites which resemble clouds above the Earth (the fragile blue marble) as seen from space. The best blue lace agate in the world still comes from the narrow seam on George's farm.

Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquillity. Blue lace agate brings with this calm and tranquillity a lessening of anger, even deep anger issues, and a calming of nervousness.

Spiritually, blue lace agate assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with angels and activates the throat chakra. It can help bring stronger intuition and inner knowing. Inspiration is another hallmark of blue lace agate and that can assist in inner attunement, and has been said to be useful for performing miracles.

Blue lace agate is considered a stone of communication. It can ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times; enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It also brings tactfulness to speech and written communications. Blue lace agate is used in crystal healing to reduce or cure stuttering and other nervous speech habits and patterns.

As with all agates, Blue lace agate is a protective stone. Its protective energies are more gentle and subtle than some stones, but it is effective nonetheless. It can be particularly effective when calling upon angels for protection.

In the crystal healing realm, blue lace agate has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, colic, digestive issues, growth, throat, skin especially eczema, and bones.

Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air, the throat chakra, and the zodiac sign Pisces.

It truly is a wonderfully gentle stone and can be used to calm animals too… I place a little bit of tumbled blue lace agate stone in my cat’s drinking water and it has really helped him to keep calm in times of stress.

“If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” ~ Mother Teresa

~ Off-Grid Therapies for Common Bugs ~

Part of learning to live life off-the-grid means finding alternative therapies to common ailments and not running to the doctor (as my mother put it) “every time you have a hangnail.” My mother was indeed old-school, having been born in the middle of the Great Depression. She had a home remedy for everything.

Between the ever-rising cost of healthcare and the necessity of stretching a dollar in the same way our parents were forced to do, alternative methods to treat non-life threatening illness will continue to grow in popularity and one day may even be the norm. (As always, however, if you have a major illness or a problem that is beyond the scope of what resources you have available, by all means go to the doctor!)

THE COMMON COLD: While the common cold is the result of a viral infection, the severity of the cold is in direct relation to the health of the individual. Stress, lack of sleep, depression, and even sudden changes in temperature can make an incident with a cold even worse. The top natural treatment for this ailment is lemon. The vitamin C-rich juice of one lemon, twice a day, diluted in warm water with a teaspoon of honey reduces the duration of the illness and increases your body’s resistance to the bug. I also firmly believe in Vitamin C (get a really good natural one – with rose hips) and at the first sign of a cold I take 1,000 IU’s every 4 hours for about 2 days or until the flu feelings have gone ~ it works every time!

EARACHE: The main cause of earache is an infection of either the external ear or the middle ear. The most common is an infection of the outer ear known as “swimmer’s ear.” One way to help clear this type of infection up is to blow dry your ear for at least 5 minutes, twice a day, on a warm or cool setting. Do this for at least 5 days. A few drops of warm oil in the ear will help relieve pain as well. Take the juice from a clove of garlic and add it to the mineral or olive oil to help with antibacterial action. Sesame oil is also brilliant.

COUGHING: There’s nothing worse than a hacking cough that won’t let go. Make two separate pots of boiling water and cut up ginger root to go in one pot and cayenne pepper in the other. Boil to make a soup. Drink them one following the other, as hot as you stand it and as strong a soup as you can tolerate. This is great for coughs resulting from allergies or asthma. You can also add a teaspoon of honey to a cup of grape juice for cough relief.

ITCHING: Itching due to non-medical reasons can be adequately treated with home remedies. Bathing in oatmeal or baking soda can soothe the skin immensely. You can also use cornstarch or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in your bath water for itch relief. In addition, avoid overly hot baths. Cool showers could make all the difference in itchy skin.

HICCUPS: Home remedies for hiccups are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Hiccups result from an irritation in the diaphragm. Generally hiccups last for only a few minutes, but in some instances they can go on for hours or days (for one poor chap it lasted 60 years). Take a tablespoon of dill pickle juice and sip it from the spoon ever so slowly. Other remedies include sipping ice water or simply trying to hold your breath.

ARTHRITIS: The raw potato juice treatment for arthritis is considered the most successful for arthritic conditions and has been used in folk medicine for centuries. Thinly slice one medium potato (leave the skin on if it’s organic - preferable) and place in a large glass of cold water. Let this sit overnight. In the morning, drink the juice on an empty stomach. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties that help with arthritic conditions. It can be eaten raw or cooked. If you want to avoid unpleasant “garlic breath,” you can always take a garlic supplement or chew parsley.

ALLERGIES: A teaspoonful of locally produced raw honey taken twice daily has been shown to help reduce allergic reactions and asthma in people. The trick is the honey needs to be locally grown and not pasteurised. As the bee population succumbs to colony collapse disorder, more and more people are taking up beekeeping not only as a hobby, but to protect the bee population. You can find your state’s bee association on the Internet and locate local beekeepers to supply you with honey… or better still get your own hive.

Be Inspired :)

“A serious mind can never be in the present. Only a playful mind, only children, are in the present. So be more childlike... play more.” ~ Osho

Go on and live a little :)

~ Herb or Medicinal Plant of the Week ~
Common names: Ginkgo / Maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba)

Origins: Native to the China and possibly Japan. 

This tree dates back 200 million years at least as fossils show! Unfortunately it no longer exists in the wild however it has been conserved in temple gardens and as its popularity has grown it has spread to Europe.

This is the best selling herbal remedy in France, Germany and Italy and millions now take it all over the world.

It is best known for its mind restoring abilities… it helps with Alzheimer’s disease and poor circulation to the brain… memory loss and mental deterioration. It is now being taken for asthma, wheezing, a tight chest and to break down phlegm. It also strengthens a weak bladder (incontinence) and is good for cystitis and infections ~ it is an anti allergenic and an antispasmodic. New research shows the importance of ginkgo for high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis in the elderly. Ginkgo has an extraordinary anti-inflammatory action which is of great benefit for auto-immune ailments and organ transplants, as it inactivates the free radicals and increases blood circulation and thus removes toxic build up. Now it is being used to successfully treat debilitating illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, severe Tinnitus, extreme vertigo, and irregular heartbeat.

Ginkgo has an extraordinary inhibiting effect on blood platelet formation which has led to a new area of research, namely PAF or platelet activating factor, which causes the blood to become stickier and more likely to thicken and produce blood clots. With ginkgo the PAF is lessened along with various allergenic and inflammatory conditions that arise. In China the fruit from the female tree is also used as a medicine and the leaves are a folk remedy for varicose veins, leg ulcers, hemorrhoids. A tea can be made but it can also be taken in capsule form. Best not to be taken with blood thinning medicine.

This wonderful tree empowers, strengthens and is a strong energetic stabaliser.

Plant wisdom: Helps you open your mind… and soar to new heights.

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” ~ Buddha

~ It is time to get healthy ~

We are given this wonderful gift but it is up to us to maintain our health and well being and the best way to do that is through our diet.

Start cutting out… or at least cutting down at first… on stimulants such as caffeine, tea (except herbal) tobacco, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, etc.

Start drinking more water ~ get a good home filtration system if you can but if not bless your water… you may also put a crystal in the water (programmed first to help tune it to a vibration that will heal you).

Herbal teas are also great at cleansing the system… or you can make your own. I use a lot of nettle as it is a great booster during your detox (it grows wild in the garden if you let it and now would be a great time to harvest it to make your daily tea ~ note that the sting is neutralised when placed in boiling water or dried)… it’s loaded with lots of vitamins and minerals it helps to flush out your system and flood it with life giving nutrients at the same time. Dandelion is another great one… you can add the leaves and flowers to salads or make a tea from the whole plant including the roots… it will help to flush out all the toxins in your kidneys plus it is also full of nutrients. Indigenous herbs such as: Wilde Als, Buchu, Bloublomsalie, Wilde dagga and Wynruit are also great for detoxing ~ this combination will clean your blood, kidneys, liver and intestines. If you don’t like hot teas… make up a litre of the tea mixture in the morning and once cooled drink it through the day… its lovely with a slice of lemon or a bit of honey.

Buy as much organic fruit and vegetables when you are detoxing as possible as this will be the staple of your diet. You may add organic grains such as oats, lentils and barley. Have plenty of nuts, seeds, sprouts, and lots of fresh green leaves.

Cut out all overly processed foods… this means bread, cereals, pasta… unless you can find wholegrain and organic... also try to stay away from the wheat products while you detox to give your system a rest. Cut down on dairy (although yoghurt and white cheeses are allowed).

The body also recognises raw food more easily than it does cooked. “One cubic millimetre of blood normally contains 6,000 white blood corpuscles – but when we eat dead (cooked) food, especially sweets and cakes the number of white blood cells may increase to twice that number, indeed even to three times as much (to 18,000 per cubic millimetre. Since white blood cells are our defenders and only appear when danger arises, we can understand that the blood becomes poisoned by the dead food we have eaten.” – Kristine Nolfi, M.D. (from her book “My experiences with Living Food”).
Microwave food is even worse for you... if you still have one chuck it out!

Raw (uncooked) juices are more easily assimilated by the body because it is in an easily digested form… this means that the body doesn’t have to expand energy to digest the food.

Nutrients are usually easily absorbed into the bloodstream within about 15 minutes when taken on an empty stomach. Everything is used up by the body to maintain it health and well-being.

Fruit juices are known for their cleansing abilities. They purify the blood and eliminate toxins from the cells. Vegetable juices help to regenerate and rebuild the body. They help in the production of new cells.

Juices made from fresh fruit and vegetables have specific healing properties and can prevent and help heal many conditions that have been associated with vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Try making lots of smoothies to get added vitamins and minerals… raw juices are loaded with revitalising nutrients and packed with the plants potent energetic life force ~ these are a few of my favourites drinks:

A few Cashew nuts, a little milk, a teaspoon of fresh wheatgerm, a teaspoon of honey, and a banana.

Celery (a few leaves), carrots, pineapple and sprouts.

Handfuls of green leaves (freshly picked from your organic garden), 3 tablespoons of almonds, a couple of slices of pineapple, and a few sprouts.

Boost your Vitamin B intake with foods like Molasses (a great nerve tonic is to blend a cup of fresh milk, 1 table spoon of seedless raisins and 2 teaspoons of dark molasses)… if that sounds terrible you make use that healthy raw cocoa powder, add milk, a banana, a spoon of molasses and a couple of almonds for the yummiest chocolate shake.

The healthiest veggies juices are from carrot and beetroot… try that with a sweet pineapple.

Start the day with live foods…

Try some of this delicious mix: 1 cup of sunflower seeds, ½ cup cashews, ¼ cup of raisins, plain yoghurt, 2 cups sprouted wheat or barley, 2 bananas, 3 apples and you may use honey if desired.


Get your protein from lots of nuts added to salads!

I love my cooked grains but if you want to keep it raw try sprouting your grains and adding them to salads.

Make your own humus and use it as a dip for your veggies.

If you absolutely must have something then try to keep it down to small quantities (and healthiest option) rather than depriving yourself completely... this will help you stick to the healthy eating for longer.

Make everything taste great... healthy doesn't mean plain!

Make fabulous treats for yourself... with honey, seeds, nuts, dates, coconut, etc.

Here are a few of my favourite salads...

How to make my ‘Dinners with Love’…
~ Pad Thai inspired salad ~

Take about 2 or 3 courgettes and slice into strips (lengthways) with a vegetable peeler, add to this 2 large handfuls of bean sprouts (those big white stir fry ones are great ~ mung bean), a handful of chopped nuts (use almonds, peanuts or cashews ~ I like it best with cashews), to this add about half a cup of fresh coriander, then add the juice from one lime, a tablespoon of raw olive oil and a bit of salt (Himalayan crystal salt).

Toss all ingredients together in a bowl until well coated. Add a dash more salt if desired and enjoy!

~ Tabouli Salad ~

Sprout the following: barley, whole wheat, alfalfa, lentils, aduki beans and mung beans.

Add a cup of chopped fresh parsley and a half a cup of fresh mint, add 2 medium tomatoes – chopped, add a chopped red pepper and some spring onions.

Mix is all well and you can dress it with ~ Dressing: equal measures of olive oil and lemon juice… add salt, crushed garlic a little grated ginger.

Sprinkle with seeds or nuts for an extra boost.

~ In the Garden ~

All those autumn leaves should be nicely composted by now… if they need a little help you can add comfrey leaves and borage leaves to get the decay started.

Worm bins are also a great way to recycle your kitchen waste… the worms make really great, rich compost (that is if you don’t have a space for a compost heap).

Now is the time the garden / soil needs feeding… to prepare the plants adequately for their spring growth spurt. Organic chicken manure is great for a boost but it’s strong so don’t get it on the leaves or roots and water your beds well so that it soaks down into the soil nicely. If you are preparing your compost to feed your garden then you can add 1/3 decaying compost, 1/3 green mulch and 1/3 manure (organic if possible) ~ this will make a wonderful dressing for the soil and will release nutrients over a longer time period as the green plant matter will take time to decompose properly ~ this dressing should be worked into the soil at least 2 weeks prior to planting out your seedlings.

It is a great time to sow some seeds (you can plant most early spring germinating seeds)… tomatoes, cucumber, aubergines, peppers, chillies, peas, broad beans (or any bean), leeks, beets, cabbages, lettuce, kohlrabi, all herbs, cauliflower, spinach, watercress, rocket, chard, sweet peas, spring bulbs, potatoes, turnips, radish, carrots (sow directly as they don’t like being transplanted), parsnips, marrows, Patti pans, melons (they need a huge space to spread out), pumpkins (same space as melons), and all onions. You can either plant them directly if the conditions are right or alternatively use seed trays and then transplant them into their proper places in a few weeks when they are strong enough.

Cut back and prune hardy and hollow stems, remove old canes from autumn fruit berries. Dig in green manures; compost and lay mulch to protect the soil from moisture evaporation as the suns rays get stronger (not too close to the plants as you don’t want to encourage mildew.

Try to get heirloom seeds as these have been less tempered with and sometimes can offer a healthier and more nutrient rich variety than the commercial ones that are available.

It is a good time to transplant garlic, onion, shallots, all herbs, artichokes, asparagus, early potatoes and sweet potatoes, grape vines, rhubarb, and soft fruits.

If it’s your first time… plan your garden properly before you plant it out… look at what plants grown well together (companion planting), look at the natural conditions of the garden… in the next issue I will talk more about planning, design and setting out your garden so stay tuned :)

Until next time… be blessed!
Love and light,
Tracy xxx

This is another favourite raw food booster loaded with nutrients and flavour!
This raw food salad is really great, super healthy and so easy to make :)
Change is the only constant… the only thing that is guaranteed in our lives… things change each and every moment… people come and go… wealth… success… possessions… but it’s really the people we love that leave lasting impressions… these special relationships that help to shape who we are… these are the hardest to let go of.

“The heart is like a flower - unless it is open it cannot release its fragrance into the world. The fragrance of the heart is made up of the qualities and virtues of our spirit. Most of us have learned how to keep our heart closed in a world that would trample all over us if we let it. Being open heart today seems to require tremendous courage. It is a courage which comes only when we realize that no one can hurt us, no matter what they say or do. They may hurt our body, but if we have realized we are spirit, nothing outside can touch us, if we so decide. Little by little, practice opening your heart to those you think have hurt you. Realize it wasn't them that hurt you, it was yourself. And it taught you not to trust and you closed your heart. A closed heart is in need of opening. And when you do, you will have begun to heal yourself.” ~ Osho