Monday, April 26, 2010

~ The Burning Issue ~

I went to Afrika Burns this past weekend and the most profound experience for me was being in a society (however temporary) without money.

Most of the people there opened up to the beautiful flow of life ~ that ‘give and receive pendulum’ did not swing about so crazily as it does in our current society… it seemed more balanced and with that balance came this emotional space of harmony and unconditional love.

There was no judgement ~ everyone was happy to express who they were at that moment in time… there were also no hierarchical levels that people like to define themselves by (particularly when it comes to money)… no-one was overly attached to anything… people felt free to express themselves any way they wanted to and it was truly magnificent!

And that really is the crux of the matter… in our society we judge everything… what car you drive… what work you do… how much money you make… how you are dressed… how thin you are… even how spiritual you are… it is all about hierarchical levels… better or worse… and it has got to stop because as Wayne Dyer says,

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”

When you criticise another you are simple projecting something of yourself (that you don’t particularly like) onto someone else… when you are irritated with someone else… that which irritates you is actually something in yourself that you haven’t yet had the courage to face or can’t for some reason see… and the universe is simply showing it to you so that you can see it and deal with it… and you don’t face it with judgement… you face it with love… unconditional love and forgiveness… for it is the experience that matters not what is right or wrong!

Judgement of others makes you feel less than ~ it makes you attract things into your life that you feel you deserve (which is an experience that is “less than” that which you deserve)… what I realised out there in the desert is that without money this mental block or boundary falls away to some extent… and when it does fall away (when it is released) it allows integrity and truth to flow in… and with integrity comes freedom of expression and a deep self love and acceptance… and with this comes the flow of inner bliss… that abundance that we all are so desperately searching for.

In our current society people have lost their sense of belonging because they can’t perceive that they belong in a space that is so impersonal and unwelcoming… but how can one feel welcomed and a part of something if they are standing in judgement of it?

Harmony and peace begins within you… when you find it… the world will become like that little temporary town in the desert called Afrika Burns… a space of love… of self expression… and of harmony.

Transformation begins when you see that "all that is within you" is like the jewel within the lotus ~ perfect in everyway... this state of being may not fit well to begin with... but with a little faith and loads of grace you will soon be wearing it like a warm and comfy coat on a beautiful winters day.

So stop making choices that re-affirm the belief that you are "less than" and start make ones that affirm that you are more than you can possibly believe... because you are not one thing or one expression... you are an infinite being in posession of unlimited potential ~ the only limiting factor in this is you.

To find the perfect reflection, look within :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We are One

The Earth School Experience

Earth is a place where souls like us can experience duality... the dark and the light... where we experience both points of view so that we grow as individual souls... this duality is our freedom to choose one direction over another... it is our free will (to use in this dimension ~ beyond this there is only light).

And that is just it... this duality... this sometimes “dark” place called Earth is just a programme... an illusion... a place for us to experience it ALL... the illusion is a learning space where we can "play" with or sorts of archetypes and roles... where we can be anything we want to be… and pretty much do anything we want to do. There are however consequences to everything we do.

Each experience comes with a lesson... an opportunity for growth... lessons offer us attributes such as strength or humility... and each experience offers us a unique perspective... a greater understanding that we had before.

So if for example our soul chooses to experience being a "victim"... certain emotions come into play... these emotions leave us feeling vulnerable... and deep underneath there may be anger, fear, resentment and frustration which are generally blocked... the victim feels powerless... their power (control) has been "snatched away" by the perpetrator... there are also feelings of blame, shame and guilt which create broken spirits.

All these emotions push us in a number of directions...

The spiritual soul sees that everything happens for a reason... that this experience... this lesson has been chosen in order for their soul to grow... to transform into something "better"... and in order to transform the soul decides to experience the full spectrum of emotions that come up "playing" the victim role. Nothing is blocked and nothing is wallowed in either... all feelings and emotions are allowed to flow freely and after they are experienced they are released... the emotions are not judged but actually thanked for coming up to show us the consequences and lessons of the situation. Knowing that the experience has been a chosen (by the soul) is empowering and this knowledge gives the victim their sense of power back. There are many lessons in the victim experience... such as taking responsibility for self... learning about forgiveness (forgiveness of self being the hardest)... learning about yourself more and accepting and loving who you are no matter what.

The “less awake” soul may get caught up in the guilt and view themselves as "less than" ~ this believe perpetuate the cycle of abuse that the victim has chosen... and if they still do not learn the lesson hidden in the experience they may continue to experience the same thing over and over again... or things may get progressively worse ~ this is why most victims need to hit rock bottom before the decide to change. They believe that they don't deserve better... and constantly choose experiences that keep them in the victim mentality… they allow themselves to wallow in the pain and guilt. They do not try to look deeper than that... to find the lessons.

The “less awake” soul may get caught up in the blame game and many feel that revenge is the only answer... to inflict pain in order to avenge themselves and get their power back.

Remember there is no "right choice" here the road will eventually lead back to the lesson but souls may choose different paths to experience different things… and some take longer than others.

Seeking Balance

The universe strives for balance so it is important to know that if we swing out on a pendulum to experience one extreme the universe will re-balance and give us the opposite extreme to experience so that we can get the full understanding of the experience... so for example if we choose to experience poverty to rebalance we have to experience being rich.

If we choose to become a bully in one experience we may have to experience being a victim in the next.

This is happening in South Africa right now… those who were oppressed are now becoming the oppressors… and it is not a cycle that I would like to see perpetuated… but how does one heal a country full of people? Well I think first you must realise that the world around you is a mirror to what you are thinking, feeling and believing… so to change the world you need to change yourself (watch the secret, You can heal your Life, etc)… so yes, you heal yourself and once you are healed your light will shine out so that others may be healed also. Remember to heal we need to look inside… to face our fears… to discover what our beliefs are to see if they are still relevant.

Many of us are experiencing this polarisation in one lifetime on our own lives. One of the biggest lessons for us all right now is to learn to balance the extremes in our lives… to find the centre so that we can learn the lesson. We are all constantly seeking balance… everyone is trying to find the centre… the still point. In the centre there is only peace… there is no extremes… all is in a state of harmony… this is the eye of the storm.

We are One

It is where we see that we are one with all life… the God in us is in everything… we are all one.

This takes us out of the dualism… out of judgment for you realise that judging another is failing to see their inner God particle… their inner greatness... and in a way you are judging the part of them that is a mirror to your own inner darkness. Everyone is on their own distinct path... who are we to judge another’s path in this life? Who are we to say what is right and wrong in this school of experience.

Third dimension humans fear the differences ~ between races, sex, religions, etc. Knowing we are all one allows us to ascend into the fifth dimension… Here we make choices based on “how that would make me feel”… on treating others as you would like to be treated. Here we strive to see the God in all things… we accept everyone as they are… without judgment!

We love and accept ourselves exactly as we are unconditionally… and that right there is the secret! When we feel loved and accepted we are not afraid to show the world every part of who we are… there are no secrets… we do not feel ashamed of who we are… we can walk and talk our truth without fear of judgement… there is no need to defend who we are because we are accepted unconditionally… we shine our light… and we love ~ and the world mirrors back to us this wonderful new reality!

Remember this “new reality” starts with you… the sooner you love and accept exactly as you are… the sooner we can live in harmony, grace, and love.

Namaste to you... you beautiful and adventurous traveller :)

Blessings, love and light,